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av edited this page Sep 22, 2024 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the harbor wiki!

Diagram outlining Harbor services

  • Harbor User Guide
    High-level overview of working with Harbor
  • Harbor Services
    Catalog of services available in Harbor
  • Harbor CLI Reference
    Read more about Harbor CLI commands and options. Read about supported services and the ways to configure them.
  • Compatibility
    Known compatibility issues between the services and models as well as possible workarounds.
  • Harbor Bench
    Documentation for the built-in LLM benchmarking service.
  • Harbor Boost
    Documentation for the built-in LLM optimiser proxy.
  • Harbor Compose Setup
    Read about the way Harbor uses Docker Compose to manage services.
  • Adding A New Service
    Documentation on bringing more services into the Harbor toolkit.

Also see the main for some additional information.

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