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2.3.18 Satellite: JupyterLab

av edited this page Sep 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Handle: jupyter URL: http://localhost:34101

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An extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing, based on the Jupyter Notebook and Architecture.


# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build jupyter

# Start the service
harbor up jupyter

# Open JupyterLab in the browser
harbor open jupyter


Your notebooks are stored in the Harbor workspace, under the jupyter directory.

# Opens workspace folder in the File Mangager
harbor jupyter workspace

# See workspace location,
# relative to $(harbor home)
harbor config get juptyer.workspace

Additionally, you can configure service to install additional packages.

# See deps help
# It's a manager for underlying array
harbor jupyter deps -h

# Add packages to install, supports the same
# specifier syntax as pip
harbor jupyter deps add numpy
harobr jupyter deps add SomeProject@git+https://git.repo/some_pkg.git@1.3.1
harbor jupyter deps add SomePackage[PDF,EPUB]==3.1.4

# Rebuilt the service image for dependencies
# to become available
harbor down
harbor build jupyter
harbor up jupyter
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