✨ Highlights
- Update : latest WC packages - ethereum-provider: 2.9.0 (walletconnect, Ledger, UAuth), Add BitKeep external URL, Fix Frame Icon #1810
- Update issue-to-notion.yml #1808
- Fix: Bump packages with WC deps to latest (Ledger, Uauth, WC) #1807
- Update: Phantom icon #1801
📦 Changes per package
@web3-onboard/injected-wallets: 2.10.2
@web3-onboard/ledger: 2.5.1
@web3-onboard/phantom: 2.0.3
@web3-onboard/uauth: 2.1.1
@web3-onboard/walletconnect: 2.4.1
What's Changed
- Release 2.23.2 (docs) by @Adamj1232 in #1768
- Release 2.23.2 by @Adamj1232 in #1766
- Release 2.24.1 (docs) by @leightkt in #1778
- Release 2.24.1 by @leightkt in #1777
- Release 2.24.2 by @leightkt in #1793
- Release 2.24.2 (docs) by @leightkt in #1792
- Changed width and height of taho and tallyho svg to 100% to remedy ho… by @jenkruk in #1784
- feat: Ledger connector with support for WalletConnect v2 by @hlopes-ledger in #1549
- Update: WalletConnect - v1 deprecation + additional init options by @Adamj1232 in #1795
- Fix: Ledger Walletconnect v2 handling and build by @Adamj1232 in #1797
- Update: Uauth - walletconnect v1 deprecation handling by @Adamj1232 in #1796
- Bump semver from 7.3.7 to 7.5.3 in /examples/with-sveltekit by @dependabot in #1790
- Bump vite from 3.1.8 to 3.2.7 in /examples/with-vite-react by @dependabot in #1760
- Bump vite from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 in /examples/with-vuejs-v2 by @dependabot in #1759
- Bump vite from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 in /examples/with-vuejs by @dependabot in #1758
- Bump semver from 7.3.7 to 7.5.3 in /examples/with-vuejs by @dependabot in #1789
- Bump vite from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 in /examples/with-sveltekit by @dependabot in #1756
- fix: Add option to hide the where is my wallet notice by @usame-algan in #1786
- Release 2.24.2 by @Adamj1232 in #1798
- Release 2.24.2 (develop) by @Adamj1232 in #1799
- Release 2.24.2 (docs) by @Adamj1232 in #1800
- Update: Phantom icon by @nheingit in #1801
- Fix: Bump packages with WC deps to latest (Ledger, Uauth, WC) by @Adamj1232 in #1807
- Update issue-to-notion.yml by @lewejahlil in #1808
- Update : latest WC packages - ethereum-provider: 2.9.0 (walletconnect, Ledger, UAuth), Add BitKeep external URL, Fix Frame Icon by @Adamj1232 in #1810
- Fix - Bump missing wc version from previous merge by @Adamj1232 in #1811
- Release 2.24.3 by @Adamj1232 in #1813
New Contributors
- @jenkruk made their first contribution in #1784
- @nheingit made their first contribution in #1801
- @lewejahlil made their first contribution in #1808
Full Changelog: 2.24.2...2.24.3