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Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos edited this page May 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

Only for production environment

Messaging (e-mails, mostly) in Chamilo 2 is a bit different from Chamilo 1, because of using Symfony.

The general logic is that we use the Messenger transport component, which is highly configurable.

By default, we use a simple synchronous messaging mechanism, which works similarly to Chamilo 1: we send e-mails through the MailHelper class (Send() method) directly. So if you send 10k e-mails through a slow SMTP connection, it will take a considerable amount of time.

However, and this is where we enjoy Symfony's large palette of options, you can use new messenger transports by defining MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN in .env, loading the required dependency, and updating messenger.yaml by enabling (uncommenting) the when@prod section towards the end.

Once enabled (and the cache has been cleared), any message sent through Chamilo will pass through the configured messenger.

Setting up Doctrine Transport

Doctrine transport is a DB table-based message queue.

To enable:

  • Edit config/messenger.yaml file
  • Uncomment the 2-parts when@prod block at the end
  • Edit .env file and set MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=doctrine://default
  • Setup the transport php bin/console messenger:setup-transport mail_async
  • Clear cache php bin/console cache:clear

Then you can check the count of queued messages php bin/console messenger:stats mail_async.

Or execute the queue to send the mails php bin/console messenger:consume mail_async

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