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Read In JSON From File And DONT Eval

fabiantheblind edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

Eval is Evil. Improper use of eval opens up your code for injection attacks.

As the title says. There is a better way to import json from file. got to and download the file to your hard drive next to your executing script. Also create a file called "JSONString.json" at the same location. The content can be something like this.

    #include "json2.js" // jshint ignore:line
    var script_file = File($.fileName); // get the location of the script file
    var script_file_path = script_file.path; // get the path

    var file_to_read = File(script_file_path + "/JSONString.json");// but we want JSON
    var my_JSON_object = null; // create an empty variable
    //  alert(file_to_read); // This could be interesting
    var content; // this will hold the String content from the file
    if(file_to_read !== false){// if it is really there
'r'); // open it
          content =; // read it
          my_JSON_object =  JSON.parse(content);// now evaluate the string from the file
          alert(my_JSON_object.toSource()); // if it all went fine we have now a JSON Object instead of a string call length
          file_to_read.close(); // always close files after reading
          alert("Bah!"); // if something went wrong
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