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fabiantheblind edited this page May 12, 2014 · 1 revision

Sometimes it is useful to set some preferences at the beginning of the script. Make sure to save the previous settings and restore them after your script is done. Like this:

    var doc = app.activeDocument; // get active doc
    var curr_origin = doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin; // get active viewPrefrences for the ruler
    alert(curr_origin); // inspect them
    doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.PAGE_ORIGIN; // now set them to something different
    alert(doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin); // Inspect them again
    doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = curr_origin; // reset to default

The same thing can be done with the lots of other preferences. For example MeasurementUnits.

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