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Release Notes: Sprint 19

njx edited this page Jan 18, 2013 · 25 revisions

This is a draft!

This document will not be finalized until the end of Sprint 19 -- approximately January 18, 2013.

What's New in Sprint 19

Full change logs: brackets and brackets-shell

UI Changes

  • Toggle Block Comment on Mac now uses Cmd+Opt+/ (instead of Cmd+Shift+/)
  • Cmd+Left arrow on mac now behaves the same as Fn+Left arrow – the cursor moves to the first non-whitespace character on the line unless it's already on that char, in which case the cursor moves to the start of the line. (Previously, Cmd+Left always moved to the start of the line regardless of whitespace).

API Changes

Startup order of events - Extensions are now loaded prior to project and working set initialization. Modules should continue to use AppInit.htmlReady for DOM initialization and AppInit.appReady() for additional initialization such as menus, key bindings, etc.

Editor offsetTopChanged event deprecated - Editor currently dispatches an offsetTopChanged event on inline (Quick Edit) widgets when something happens that changes their vertical position relative to the page. This used to be necessary for CSS and JS inline editors, which were doing hacky things to position the right-hand-side list. As part of the CodeMirror v3 merge, we will be eliminating those hacks, and plan to remove this event eventually, so as of now the event is deprecated. Please let us know if you rely on this event.

ContextMenu contextMenuClose event removed - This event was not very useful/reliable; in many cases, it was never actually dispatched after a menu closed. We will likely reinstate it once we've improved our handling of popups (#1381).

New/Improved Extensibility APIs

Known Issues

  • #1551: Changes within an extension (or a unit test) are not reflected by a simple "Debug > Reload Brackets." Workarounds:
    • Quit and re-launch Brackets to pick up the changes.
    • Open Developer Tools, click the gear icon in the lower-right, and select "Disable cache." This setting is remembered, but is only in effect so long as the Developer Tools browser tab remains open.
  • Debug > Run Tests is disabled in the installer/DMG distributions of Brackets, because the unit test code is not included. To run unit tests, pull Brackets from GitHub instead.
  • Debug > Show Developer Tools opens in a new tab in Chrome, rather than a new window in Brackets.
  • Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) by default will not allow Brackets to run since it's not digitally signed yet. To work around this, right click the Brackets app and choose Open. You only need to do that once -- afterward, launching Brackets the normal way will work also.
  • #2272: Windows Vista may not allow the Brackets installer to run (you may not see any error message). To work around this, right-click the installer file, choose Properties, and click the Unblock button.

Community contributions to Brackets

Contributions from Brackets

Contributions to CodeMirror:

Contributions to grunt-contrib-watch:

Bugs fixed in Sprint 19

For details on the bugs addressed, please refer to closed sprint 19 bugs. A few of the fixed bugs might not be caught by this search query, however.

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