Minimap2-2.15 (r905)
Changes to minimap2:
Fixed a rare segmentation fault when option -H is in use (#307). This may
happen when there are very long homopolymers towards the 5'-end of a read. -
Fixed wrong CIGARs when option --eqx is used (#266).
Fixed a typo in the base encoding table (#264). This should have no
practical effect. -
Fixed a typo in the example code (#265).
Improved the C++ compatibility by removing "register" (#261). However,
minimap2 still can't be compiled in the pedantic C++ mode (#306). -
Output a new "de" tag for gap-compressed sequence divergence.
Changes to paftools.js:
Added "asmgene" to evaluate the completeness of an assembly by measuring the
uniquely mapped single-copy genes. This command learns the idea of BUSCO. -
Added "vcfpair" to call a phased VCF from phased whole-genome assemblies. An
earlier version of this script is used to produce the ground truth for the
syndip benchmark [PMID:30013044].
This release produces identical alignment coordinates and CIGARs in comparison
to v2.14. Users are advised to upgrade due to the several bug fixes.
(2.15: 10 Janurary 2019, r905)