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LevelX2 edited this page Oct 9, 2016 · 6 revisions

Release 1.4.16v3 (2016-10-09)


  • Fixed a image cache problem that prevented to show cards with different art correctly (server has to be updated too).
  • Fixed a problem with images of transformed cards.


  • Added collectors number to the deck card pool area table.

Release 1.4.16v2 (2016-10-08)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented that players could join limited tournaments.

Release 1.4.16v1 (2016-10-08)


  • Creating a table fails because LAYOUT information is contained in the submitted deck.
  • Fixed a problem with showing basic land images.

Release 1.4.16v0 (2016-10-08)


  • Deck editor redesign (more drag & drop).
  • Added custom Star Wars set.
  • Added display of number energy counters to the game player panel.


  • Fixed a problem with transform, that could cause permanents to transform multiple times but it should only once.
  • Fixed a bug that modal spells did not work correctly.
  • Changed Duel Commander starting life total to 20.
  • Fixed that Eternal format matches and Constructed - Freeform did not show in the matchmaking lobby.
  • Fixed a lot of possible null pointer exceptions.
  • Fixed that preventing identical chat messages is not active for game log.
  • Fixed that no abilitues were shown for selecting the order of triggered abilities from a dies triggered ability of tokens.
  • Fixed some incorrect collector numbers.


  • Elspeth, Sun Champion - Fixed a problem with the emblem.
  • Kaho, Minamo Historian - Fixed a bug that the card could not be cast from exile (fixes #2401).
  • Karn Liberated - Fixed that already dead players were again alive if Karn restarted the games.
  • Nature's Way - Fixed wrong damage source.
  • Noxious Gearhulk - Fixed that it could target itself.
  • Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro - Fixed that the mana abaility was only given to creatures instead to all Shaman permanents (e.g. Thornbite Staff).
  • Restoration Gearsmith - Fixed tooltip on it.
  • Selvala, Explorer Returned - Fixed a bug that mana and life for the controller was not provided.
  • Verdant Crescendo - Fixed revealing the library instead of Nissa.

Added cards (306)

  • Star Wars: 255 Cards.
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