Releases: manuelVo/foundryvtt-drag-ruler
Releases · manuelVo/foundryvtt-drag-ruler
Breaking changes
- Drag Ruler's pathfinder has been extracted into a dedicated library module. If you'd like to continue to use Drag Ruler's pathfinding feature, please install routinglib alongside Drag Ruler.
- Drag Ruler's API no longer supports the function
. Instead, module authors are asked to use Enhanced Terrain Layer's game system integration API to introduce game system specific terrain rules.
New features
- Drag Ruler's pathfinding will now be running as a background task. This means that Foundry will no longer freeze while Drag Ruler is calculating a path.
- Drag Ruler's pathfinding will now take difficult terrain into account on griddes scenes
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause gridless snapping to snap slightly below the allowed range
- Drag Ruler is now compatible with Foundry VTT v10
- Drag Ruler's compatibility with the Wall Height module is restored
- Fixed a bug that could cause foundry to freeze indefinitely when trying to pathfind to an unreachalbe location (thanks to JDCalvert)
- Fixed a bug that caused the pathfinder to route through one-directional walls from the wrong direction (thanks to JDCalvert)
- Fixed a bug that could cause Drag Ruler to write errors into the JS console during regular usage
- Drag Ruler's generic speed provider is now aware of good defaults for DnD 4th Edition
- Drag Ruler's pathfinder should now be compatible with the Wall Height and Levels modules (thanks to JDCalvert)
- Fixed a bug where the pathfinder on gridless scenes sometimes wasn't able to find a way around corners with specific angles
- Pathfinding will now be disabled when the hotkey to move tokens without animation is being pressed, to allow GMs to move their tokens through walls