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Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

良镛笔下三部曲, 射雕起文是郭靖
英雄一身篆人生, 半生逢师各有因, 步步迈入保宋令

少时遇得哲别师, 紧尊母训代人信
习得一神射箭手, 蒙古四兄教打滚
莫看儿戏固本功, 箭射修习眼手力
打滚融汇骨骼行, 此如学前家庭教

草原逢得江南怪, 虽非高手但时重
七怪七计视开拓, 磨练扎根不盲宠
巧遇全真七子首, 传得吐纳行气法
若是不得江南计, 吐纳真传也无利
出入学堂多师长, 个个不必当首席
江南七计展外开, 全真气诀收敛内
郭靖根本已平稳, 高考成绩也圆润

丐帮七公收郭靖, 低分纳取入本科, 又有黄蓉当陪读
本科降龙十八掌, 负有内外与哲思
战龙在野出乾卦, 亢龙有悔刚转柔
虽说降龙学士班, 依教奉行也不专

硕士盟得周伯通, 左右互搏空明拳
博士论文选九阴, 伯通身配导师责
旁有一灯佛武师, 世称南帝大师也
不愧降龙出易经, 老頑本出沙门岭
得助西毒欧阳锋, 月内三擒又三放
日后蛤蟆擒飞雕, 苦逼九阴内容述
不时蛤蟆且戳雕, 两周成就速成班

华山论剑也论文, 郭靖剑会乘文书
三堂会审射雕靖, 东邪西毒洪七公
各战郭靖三百回, 九百考题得博士

读思射雕郭靖录, 令人发思有觉悟
郭靖本初不如康, 但有母教而逢别
有逢层层不间断, 熬出华山大会证
-- 19/03/16

Commentary: Guo Jing is one of the main characters in Louis Cha’s Condor Heroes, to the extend that I think the trilogy is the story of Guo Jing – how he ended up being an admiral-like figure to protect Song Dynasty against Liao. This is also a story of educa-tion – Guo Jing had many teachers along the way and through them, Louis Cha gave a good depiction of the role of teachers at every stage of life.

Guo Jing’s mother taught Guo Jing to be trustworthy and first teacher, Zhe Bie, noticed that. His trustworthiness is a major factor that Zhe Bie took Guo Jing under his wings to teach him archery. At the same time, Guo Jing’s childhood playmates were 4 Mongo-lian brothers whom taught him Mongolian wrestling. These are the foundation of Guo Jing’s martial arts. Although they seem like games, Guo Jing learned how to focus from archery and built phys-ical strength from both archery and wrestling. Zhe Bie and the Mongolian brothers are equivalent to Guo Jing’s primary school teachers.

Guo Jing then met a group of 7 martial artists, collectively known as 7 freaks of Jiang Nan. Each one has a different skill, from staff to fist fighting and so on. However, collectively or individually, they are considered 3rd grade martial artists. They were firm but patient with Guo Jing, Essentially, they expanded the vision of Guo Jing into different forms of martial arts. Then, Guo Jing met a priest, Qiu Chu Ji, whom taught him breathing skills, which will not be effective should Guo Jing had not learnt the basic forms of martial arts. This stage represents secondary school – the expan-sion of vision and building a very strong foundation. Teachers at this stage need not be top grade but must be able to expand the worldview of the student while continuing to strengthen the foun-dation.

Hong Qi Gong, the chief of Beggars’ Sect and one of the top mar-tial artist, became Guo Jing’s undergraduate instructor. Hong Qi Gong’s main skill is 降龙十八掌 and uses a lot of concepts from 易经. Huang Rong, eventually became Guo Jing’s wife, was Guo Jing’s classmate then. Huang Rong is Huang Yao Shi’s daughter. She is exceedingly intelligent and can revise many of the concepts with Guo Jing. Huang Yao Shi is on par with Hong Qi Gong in terms of martial arts and is also well-versed in military philoso-phies. In a way, 降龙十八掌 became Guo Jing’s undergraduate major. At this stage (undergraduate), Hong Qi Gong is able to con-solidate Guo Jing’s learnings by fixing a major for him. More im-portantly, it is a training of life skill and the required philosophy to accompany it. In this way, 降龙十八掌is both Guo Jing’s under-graduate major and dissertation.

After graduation, Guo Jing met Zhou Bo Tong, also a top grade martial artist and Qiu Chu Ji’s elder, and taught him some pretty weird skills – left hand fighting with right hand. Although this is like exploratory, I see this as Guo Jing’s graduate classes or his Masters. Eventually, Guo Jing zoomed down to 九阴真经 as his doctoral thesis topic with the help of Zhou Bo Tong. This explora-tion phase may also be seen as the initial stage of gradu-ate/doctoral studies as the thesis topic is still in flux. The mentor then has the role to enable exploration while helping the mentee zoom down on something he/she picks.

It is important to note that Zhou Bo Tong is also Guo Jing’s doc-toral adviser even though Zhou Bo Tong is not an expert in 九阴真经. Hence, lie within this is an advice for graduate advisers – you should allow for exploration and respect the mentees’ choice of eventual thesis topic; at the end of the day, it is the mentee’s thesis.

Once the thesis topic is fixed, Guo Jing continued his study and seek out expert advise on different areas. Two experts are im-portant in Guo Jing’s life at this stage, Yi Deng and Ouyang Feng. Yi Deng is a high-ranking monk and a top martial artist himself. Although Zhou Bo Tong was trained in both Taoist and Buddhist philosophies, Yi Deng’s accomplishment in Buddhist philosophy goes beyond Zhou Bo Tong. Hence, Guo Jing learned extensively from Yi Deng, which is like an intensive graduate philosophy in-ternship. Ouyang Feng kidnapped Guo Jing and forced him into dual often. Although not intended, the 2 weeks of captivity under Ouyang Feng is equivalent of intensive practical skills upgrading for Guo Jing as Ouyang Feng is an accomplished martial artist himself.

I find it interesting that Guo Jing was tutored at different stages under all the 4 of the 5 top martial artists at that point in time – Hong Qi Jong, Zhou Bo Tong, Yi Deng, and Ouyang Feng. This reminded me of Simeon Poisson, whom is known for Poisson re-gression and Poisson distribution. Poisson’s thesis advisers were Joseph-Louis Lagrange and Pierre-Simon Laplace, where we got Lagrange multipler and Laplace transformation from.

The Meet of Hua Shan, 华山论剑, can be seen as Guo Jing’s viva or doctoral thesis examination. He was examined by 3 examiners – Huang Yao Shi, Hong Qi Gong, and Ouyang Feng. After 300 rounds of examination, Guo Jing got his bonnet.

Guo Jing’s story amazed me as he is not the cleverest – more like-ly, a pretty dumb student. It is his good starting point (trustworthi-ness), the fortune to meet suitable teachers at each stage without much breaks in between, and good learning attitude that made him succeed. Contrasting this with Guo Jing’s childhood friend, Yang Kang, whom was much more intelligent than Guo Jing. Yang Kang’s intelligence, without continual guidance from various suit-able teachers and a wrong attitude, got him killed in the end.

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