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Using The Eclipse IDE

Paul Houle edited this page Aug 27, 2013 · 2 revisions

Getting Started

The Eclipse IDE is officially supported for Infovore. We use the m2e plugin and have most of the eclipse-generated files checked into the version control.

If you have the plugin installed, you can bring projects into eclipse using

File >> Import >> Maven >> Import Existing Project

then open the toplevel infovore source directory and import any modules you are interested in. Whenever you make a change to the POM file, or if Eclipse is acting confused, you should left-click on the project in the Project Explorer and select

Maven >> Update Project ...


The biggest disconnect between Maven in Eclipse is that Maven supports the idea of having different test and deployment dependencies and Eclipse doesn't. A common symptom of this is that the build works in Eclipse (all dependencies are always available) but does not work in Maven.

The Eclipse environment can differ from your command line environment in various ways, causing various baffling symptoms. For instance, on Ubuntu 13.04, I added the hadoop bin directory to my path in my .bashrc and found that the environment variables in the .bashrc were not set when Eclipse was clicked on, on the desktop.

I'm very sympathetic to developers having build problems, so please submit your own gotchas here and put in issues if you have a build problem or difficulties with the Eclipse IDE.

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