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Matthias Köppe edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 91 revisions

This page aims to keep information public about Sage's infrastructure. Question mark means that the information is not confirmed, please edit if you know more... and note the date of your update so that current and stale information can be distinguished.

Please mark which services still need to find a new home, with the system requirements and the deadline.

Current services

  • Main service: maintain
  • Managers as of 2024-06: @fchapoton, @haraldschilly, @jhpalmieri, @jplab, @mkoeppe, @nthiery, @roed314, @saraedum, @vbraun, @williamstein

GitHub donations

  • Main service: maintain
  • Managers as of 2024-06: @roed.math, @dimpase, @embray, @fchapoton2, @harald.schilly, @saraedum, @defeo, @master.sage, @nthiery, @slel, @videlec; review requested by @mkoeppe 2024-06-25.

OpenCollective donations

  • Main service: maintain projects deployed to the Python Package Index (PyPI).
  • admin as of 2024-06: roed, ...

Discourse: (test only)

  • created 2024-07
  • admin: mkoeppe, dimpase


  • Owner as of 2024-06: @tobiasdiez

Social networks


  • registrant: was
  • admin: was, schilly
  • tech contact: was, schilly

email for

macOS Apple Silicon box

  • in operation since 2022
  • admin: wstein


  • purpose: keep the data of various services in a separate place
  • hosted at: Mathematics lab, Université Paris Sud (Orsay)
  • technology used: debian, rsync, cron
  • resources needed: 1TB disk
  • admin: tmonteil, slelievre
  • local sage dev: slelievre
  • local tech contact: Mathilde Rousseau
  • currently keeping a daily backup of :
  • purpose: distribute and gathers automatic binary building on volunteer's machines
  • hosted at: University of Washington
  • technology used: ubuntu, nginx; using using the continuous integration framework of
  • resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  • admin/contact: vbraun
  • provides buildbot workers: Jan Groenewald (as of 2024-06)

  • purpose: the seed for mirrors, see MirrorNetwork for more details
  • hosted at: University of Washington
  • technology used: rsync
  • resources needed:
    • CPU 1 core
    • RAM 2-3 GB (mostly for caching when calculating hashes)
    • DISK enough for all sage files (50+ GB)
  • admin: schilly
  • contact: schilly
  • purpose: allow embedding sage computations within a webpage
  • hosted at:
    • Google Compute Engine (Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA)
  • technology used: production installation requires a dedicated server (either physical or virtual)
  • resources needed:
    • RAM: 32GB recommended for smooth operation
    • CPU: the more the better for handling spikes in load and allowing parallel interacts, but any will do if necessary
    • DISK: must have BTRFS at least for /var/lib/lxc, SSD is preferable, 150GB or more
  • admin: novoselt
  • contact: novoselt
  • #33725: Migrate to more suitable places
  • hosted at: LIPN (CS lab), University Paris North (Villetaneuse)
  • contact:
  • admin: tmonteil
  • local sage dev: tmonteil
  • technology used: unprivileged LXC, debian, nginx, certbot, uwsgi, moinmoin, jsmath, docutils
  • formerly hosted at:
  • database of user accounts used to be synced from trac (incron); as of 2024-06, managed manually, see

Defunct services

  • purpose: public notebook,
  • state: end of life; redirects to CoCalc
  • volunteers to provide worksheets back to the users: dimpase, tmonteil, vdelecroix


  • purpose: turn pull requests on GitHub into trac tickets
  • contact: robertwb,

  • purpose: development tools
  • state: has been replaced by using GitHub for development,

  • purpose: main files, spkgs, and backup of "other" files
  • what's at is exactly
  • hosted at: UW. Other places are the mirrors of it.
  • contact: schilly, vbraun
  • admin: ohanar?
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