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Kwankyu Lee edited this page Feb 12, 2023 · 1 revision

This page gives an overview of open symbolics issues. If you notice a symbolics or calculus issue that is not listed on this page, feel free to add it to the relevant section below.

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Links for these tickets

Solve tickets

  • Unsolved or wrongly solved expressions by type:
  • Spurious/missed solutions
    • #2617 - solve() can return undefined points as "solutions"
    • #11941 - Solve and assumptions too aggressive with cube root of negative numbers
    • #18902 - spurious results as inequality solution
    • #20755 - Bug in solve due to a bug in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
    • #21939 - Solving with respect to a dummy variable behaves wrong
    • #24939 - solve should not convert floating point to rationals when solving
  • Enhancements
    • #1291 - recurrence solving
    • #5201 - matrices as input
    • #15859 - allow to_poly_solve force on multiple equations
    • #19000 - add an SMT-solver layer
  • Change defaults/interface
    • #5679 - solve should convert additional args to SR
    • #6231 - what to do with systems and multiplicities
    • #10213 - default solution_dict
    • #10750 - additional args are not handled uniformly
    • #14736 - trig case where to_poly_solve True works, but not force
    • #22018 - Some debug(?) message when solving an inequality
    • #23136 - Allow giac algorithm in solve
    • #23992 - solve() doesn't solve some system solvable by (standalone) Maxima's solve()
    • #24102 - solve(....solution_dict=True) produces nonsense
    • #24142 - Improve interface to SymPy solvers
    • #24477 - solve(x, [x], solution_dict=True) error

Integration tickets

  • Bug, solved upstream
  • Bug, not fixed yet upstream (indefinite/symbolic int)
    • #15504 - log(1+x)/x
    • #15747 - bus or segmentation fault in integral computation
    • #17469 - an integral that keeps haunting
    • #18822 - sqrt * sqrt
    • #21057 - Assumption ignored in indefinite integral computation
    • #22138 - Wrong Maxima integral result for even exponents
    • #24008 - exp(acos)
    • #24117 - integrate(sqrt(1-4*sin(x)^2),x) is wrong
    • #24316 - sqrt(sin,cos...)
    • #25636 - ECL crash: x^m/sqrt(a + b*x^(2 - m))
    • abs_integrate-related errors (see #12731 for possibly disabling or raising warning always with it)
      • #13097 - integral of ln(1+4/5*sin(x))
      • #11590 - sgn() function (not reported upstream?)
      • #14591 - cosh integral incorrect because of abs_integrate
      • #17183 - another abs_integrate error
      • #17468 - log(abs(sin())) problem
      • #17511 - abs(sin(x)) and abs(cos(x)) are flat-out wrong
      • #17910 - unsolved piecewise integrals metaticket
      • #23271 - abs(sin(x)*cos(x))
  • definite integrals
    • #11164 - sin(x)/x
    • #11493 - two different results with same numeric integral
    • #11655 - Maxima missing rectform simplification after integral()
    • #12145
    • #13718
    • #14213
    • #14274 - GSL fail on simpler divergent integrals
    • #14764 - Let Mathematica free integration work with definite integrals
    • #14976 - integration with non symbolic bounds broken
    • #15219 - numerical integral of f(x) = x fails
    • #15496 - Incorrect result for divergent integral
    • #16788 - segfault in numerical_integral()
    • #16905 - really long intervals for integration
    • #17606 - Calculation involving nintegral works with Sage 6.3 but not with Sage 6.4
    • #18059 - runaway 'unable to simplify to float approximation'
    • #18599 - sqrt(cot2)
    • #18821 - sqrt(cos)*sin
    • #20467 - stackoverflow in sin(kx)/xerf(x2)
    • #21440 - cos(2pix)
    • #22567 - GSL: Unevaluated integrals to infinity have nonsense numeric value
    • #22671 - ((1+x)(1/5)/(1-x)).integrate(x,2.,3.)
    • #22676 - Different results from definite integral methods
    • #24008 - exponential integral of arccos
    • #24587 - integral(sqrt(1-cos(x)), x, 0, 2*pi)
  • Changing interface
    • #2787 - change to integrate(f,(x,a,b))
    • #7763 - unify interface for numerical integration
    • #8321 - numerical integration with arbitrary precision
    • #21667 - Redundant integrate() & integral() in and
    • #21905 - Better error message from integrate
  • floats in integrals: #12152, #14821
  • Other
    • #3732 - Unnecessary interaction
    • #13511, #17608 - principal values
    • #17109 - Wrong indefinite integral of some odd functions between opposite endpoints
    • #17249 - redundant assumption question
    • #22410 - Implement Rubi integrator
    • #22650 - implement integrals resulting in 2F1 and AppellF1 expressions

simplify/expand tickets

  • #10038 - wrap Maxima's demoivre and exponentialize into some simplify*
  • #10073 - held variables aren't restored
  • #10137 - rewrite function for symbolic expressions
  • #10268 - add Ginac method to simplify_rational
  • #10552 - more elementwise simplifications for symbolic matrices
  • #13099 - Add a loop argument to simplify_full
  • #14608 - Symbolic functions break the __hash__ contract
  • #17065 - use Maxima's trigrat() in symbolic simplify
  • #17066 - simplify hypergeometric() when it's a polynomial
  • #17737 - wrap Maxima's factorial/gamma conversions/expansions
  • #18697 - evalf as soon as a FP number and no symbols are present
  • #19995 - full_simplify involving square root without success
  • #20520 - apply Maxima's simpsum in sum() and simplify*()
  • #21307 - Maxima crash: TypeError when simplifying factorial ratio
  • #21335 - Extend normalize() and use it instead of Maxima in simplify_rational()
  • #21574 - simplify_log() does not
  • #22027 - Simplifying 0x gives 0, with no assumptions on x
  • #22467, #22495 - simplify_hypergeometric bug
  • #22607 - Add reduce_trig() to applied "full simplify" methods
  • #22621 - Improve sqrt products simplification
  • #22699 - simplify arccos+arcsin when appropriate
  • #23738 - simplify_full() fails to simplify a log expression
  • #24231 - Maxima's demoivre() doesn't work with hyperbolic functions

desolve tickets

  • #8616 - get desolve to automatically deduce variables
  • #9825 - Maxima temporary variables from diffeq confuse Sage
  • #11482 - power series solutions
  • #11653 - ODE whose solution implies integration limits
  • #14092 - Error with supposedly normal DE problem
  • #14877 - number of initial conditions in desolve_system
  • #16653 - immediately get all integral/ODE solutions instead of asking for assumption
  • #16793 - assumption is not used
  • #17739 - enhance desolve output from separable ODEs
  • #20068 - Another diffeq question
  • #21789 - possible bug in boundary condition handling in Sage (not Maxima)
  • #22849 - Heaviside in numerical resolutions

limit and summation tickets

  • #13269 - indeterminate limit result
  • #14677 - Limit computation causes Sage to crash
  • #15395 - Wrong limit for sequence
  • #16422 - cancellation of two indefinite limits
  • #17428 - wrong limit in derivative
  • #17553 - substitute_function() can leave limits unevaluated
  • #17709 - Maxima limit() regression
  • #17878 - Wrong answer for a simple limit
  • #17892 - Sage cannot work with Maxima's symbolic limit
  • #19203 - hold for limit
  • #20452 - spurious limit computation
  • #22700 - add sympy limit examples
  • #26060 - another wrong Maxima limit that is correct in Sympy

series() and taylor()

  • #6119 - deprecate taylor() in favor of series()
  • #9555 - Series expansions at singularities don't work
  • #12589 - series yields wrong result
  • #15830 - extracting coefficient x-1 out of symbolic series wrong
  • #15854 - series of xs, when s is symbolic
  • #17400 - simplify_full returns odd result from symbolic series input
  • #18500 - coercion of Laurent series to SR
  • #19149 - Sister Celine's method for hypergeometric series
  • #19997 - advanced symbolic series of Order any expression
  • #19998 - missing operator in symbolic series
  • #20090 - implement asec/acsc series at infinity
  • #20846 - Maxima does not handle symbolic series
  • #21899 - Incorrect Series Expansions of zeta(s) around 1
  • #22201 - Further series speed improvements

limitations of Piecewise functions

conversion to/from other rings

  • numpy objects: #8824
  • vector: #16761, vector-valued functions: #11180, #11807, #12302, #11507
  • #12745 - Coercion problem with Algebraic Real Field
  • #14277 - Equality of symbolic expressions inside matrix
  • #14504 - finite field coercion fails for extended fields
  • #14602 - Symbolic expression to number fields
  • #17782 - implement expression.polynomial(...,sparse=True)
  • #17825 - wrong/weird conversion from SR to InfinityRing
  • #18500 - coercion of Laurent series to SR
  • #19231 - SR should not coerce into QQbar
  • #20454 - conversion from SR[] to SR
  • #20812 - derivative of integer wrt to variable in polynomial ring should belong to that ring, not symbolic ring

fast_float deprecation

  • #5572 - fast_callable improvements (including deprecating fast_float)
  • #13559 - fast_float yields infinity when Python does, but should handle bigger numbers
  • #16899 - Allow complex functions in implicit_plot
  • #24536 - find_local_maximum/minimum() fails with expressions containing complex numbers


  • #12786 - solve_mod is horribly slow for linear systems

expression tree and substitutions

  • #6480 - .subs_expr() method doesn't work for argument of D derivative operator
  • #9329 - improve documentation of how to access parts of the expression tree
  • #10169 - Operands and Operator of symbolic expressions
  • #12577 - make _convert() public
  • #14270 - Remove function call syntax for symbolic expressions
  • #15733 - substitution in symbolic function fails with latex_name
  • #17504 - solve() breaks substitute_function()
  • #17757 - substitute_function with var argument
  • #18396 - Handle substitutions of partial sums and products
  • #21071 - substitution in denominator is skipped
  • #21754 - Held symbolic powers cannot be approximated numerically
  • #21758 - Hold symbolic powers unevaluated if evaluation fails
  • #22102 - Substitutions inside piecewise functions don't work
  • #22401 - Let substitute_function handle anon functions explicitly
  • #22926 - Symbolic has_operator()
  • #23304 - hold=True does not always prevent evaluation
  • #23964 - f.subs(I==...) does not work
  • #24255 - Warn with substitution of derived classes using equality
  • #24283 - Implement Expression.has_function(...)
  • #24428 - Substitution should be the same as numerical evaluation
  • #30378 - (x^2).subs({x: sqrt(x)}) returns sqrt(x) instead of x

relation/equality, unknown results, tristate logic

  • #7660 - arithmetic with equations and inequalities confusing
  • #12554 - Adding a "swap" method to equation objects
  • #17700 - wrong symbolic results in case the answer is not known
  • #11613 - RealInterval expression comparisons broken
  • #18259 - comparison of symbolic functions
  • #19040 - defuse bool(x!=0) performance bomb
  • #19162 - symbolic relations metaticket
  • #20127 - test_relation: uncaught NoConvergence
  • #20784 - not all symbolic equations stay unevaluated
  • #21070 - comparison with wildcard raises error
  • #21862 - Symbolic methods work inconsistently on relational expressions
  • #24658 - Don't call Maxima with no-variable symbolic relation tests

variable domains and assumptions

  • #3277 - context for calculus assumptions
  • #6862 - Mixing of different domains for symbolic variables
  • #11941 - Solve and assumptions too aggressive with cube root of negative numbers
  • #18745 - implement forgetting of assumptions on specific expressions
  • #18999 - basic assumptions on symbolic functions
  • #19670 - Consistency and redundancy of verbal assumptions
  • #20132 - add symbolic domains posint, crational
  • #21981 - Assuming a variable is prime
  • #22022 - floor of real x should be known to be at most x
  • #22025 - minus of real x should be known to be at most abs(x)
  • #22162 - Return Unknown from ex.is_xyz() if Pynac returns false
  • #24351 - Even assumption / variable domain / query
  • #24352 - Implement Expression.is_nonzero(); apply to ex.nonzero()
  • #24368 - Rational assumption / variable domain / query
  • #24392 - strange handling of variables in assume
  • #28538 - Segfault for boolean evaluation of expression with assumptions
  • #29938 - comparison with infinity does not take assumptions into account

specific Pynac/GiNaC issues

  • #6756 - Implement diff format symbolic derivative in new symbolics
  • #10069 - Typesetting with hold=True can be weird
  • #10268 - add Ginac method to simplify_rational
  • #11428 - customizable latex for GiNaC functions
  • #11576 - generate sequences of variables
  • #12589 - series yields wrong result
  • #18630 - Expression.is_positive/negative incomplete
  • #18697 - any FP number in an Expression without symbol should trigger evaluation
  • #20824 - Expression.coefficient() problems
  • #21009 - Fix symbolic GCD to accept any expression
  • #21071 - substitution in denominator is skipped
  • #21758 - Hold symbolic powers unevaluated if evaluation fails
  • #22435 - Random build failure in pynac
  • #23304 - hold=True does not always prevent evaluation
  • #23368 - More immediate symbolic powers simplification
  • #23964 - f.subs(I==...) does not work
  • #24211 - Some trivial identities and simplifications missed by Sage (pynac ?)

Maxima interface

  • #6862 - Maxima default domain is real, not complex
  • #9825 - interpret Maxima's temporary variables
  • #11651 - Decide what to do with e(y=x)
  • #12032 - Symbolics code passes ungrammatical expressions to maxima
  • #12809 - Solve does not give consistent results when a dummy variable is involved
  • #13071 - maxima interface integration problem
  • #13773 - Translate maxima's if() function to Sage's cases()
  • #16335 - dictionary of symbolic expressions (functions) raises Maxima-error
  • #17892 - Sage cannot work with Maxima's symbolic limit
  • #19151 - expression manipulations that do not preserve function latex_name and print_latex_func
  • #19909 - segmentation fault: symbolic sum containing real
  • #20221 - Wrap ratsubst
  • #20755 - Bug in solve due to a bug in symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string
  • #20846 - Maxima does not handle symbolic series
  • #21444 - SR.wild and maxima don't mix
  • #21907 - Bug in Maxima interface wrt polylog
  • #21974 - Assuming x==0, xx raises a non-informative error from Maxima
  • #22027 - Simplifying 0x gives 0, with no assumptions on x
  • #22763 - Assumptions on symbols not preserved with some unevaluated integrals
  • #22850 - Change specific heaviside() interface to Maxima
  • #22857 - Using symbolic variables in domain 'positive' makes Sage crash
  • #23138 - Cache assumptions and only send to Maxima when needed
  • #23328 - Undefined limit product $INF * $ZEROB in lim-times

SymPy interface

  • #16816 - support SymPy's sum of roots
  • #21412 - Convert piecewise functions to SymPy
  • #22700 - Add more sympy limit examples
  • #24078 - Set assumptions in SymPy too when doing assume()
  • #24142 - Improve interface to SymPy solvers
  • #24334 - sympy symbol -> SR drops assumptions

Giac interface

  • #23015 - Convert rootof function from giac
  • #23016 - Dirac delta derivative conversion from giac
  • #23136 - Allow giac algorithm in solve

FriCAS interface

  • #28630 - Wrong conversion from fricas


  • #11210 - add residues
  • #17559 - Incorrect caching of variables' latex_name attribute
  • #17958 - implement declare_var
  • #18081 - Expression.factor_list() result inconsistent
  • #18092 - evaluating symbolic expressions within ring of values
  • #19046 - Fix mma free algorithm when no answer
  • #19093 - bug in units conversion
  • #20411 - Injecting shorthands for the most usual units
  • #20859 - Simplify the logic handling the EvaluationMethods mixin class for Expression
  • #21067 - Symbolic factor_list() should do integer factorisation of integers/rationals
  • #22055 - implement Remez algorithm
  • #22393 - sage_input for SR
  • #22813 - Pass number of variables to var
  • #23332 - Calculating eigenvectors of symbolic matrices leads to a crash.
  • #24537 - Make find_local_maximum/minimum() handle symbolic functions
  • #24850 - Provide convenient Expression.convert_numeric()

Tickets fixed

  • #24800 - bug with a system involving square roots, apparently do to an interface issue, Sage not being able to parse conditional answer provided by Maxima
  • #24425 - Fix inherently failing random_expr doctest
  • #24440 - Infinite loop from proving an expression
  • #24773 - Delayed/Conditional Substitution
  • #5574 - taking symbolic powers should coerce objects to symbolic expressions
  • #24418 - bug numerical_approx(2^(450232897/4888643760))
  • #23545 - segmentation fault with coefficients() on symbolic expressions
  • #23845 - Doctest improvements to symbolic GCD
  • #24236 - Structural comparison of expressions
  • #24028 - Held definite integrals don't translate to SymPy
  • #17935 - recognize SymPy's NonElementaryIntegral
  • #22322 - allow sympy algorithm in solve
  • #18787 - Mod numbers are ignored
  • #22071 - Expression.latex() triggers “dangerous” comparisons
  • #23224 - wrong symbolic comparison of log
  • #24147 - Segfault with ex.coefficients
  • #17565 - ugly LaTeX of unevaluated sums
  • #8603 - fix Fourier transforms of piecewise
  • #17935 - recognize Sympy's NonElementaryIntegral
  • #5091 - find_root should call fast_float
  • #11332 - 65x penalty in performance for using float instead of RealNumber
  • #16801 - Not all sympy function results get translated to Sage
  • #22566 - SymPy's ceiling() is not translated to Sage
  • #23923 - Interface cases function with SymPy's piecewise
  • #10035 - Create hold context
  • #18970 - always simplify log(am,a) to m for any a,m coercible to Integer
  • #21391 - Disallow mixing of pos.char.ring elements and symbolic variables
  • #20204 - problems with constructing or converting to SymPy expressions
  • #14305 - Clarify assumptions and domains in Maxima
  • #23793 - Bug in symbolic GCD computations involving complex I
  • #23861 - Make Expression normalization work with symbolic powers
  • #22525 - Improper expressions from SR(string)
  • #15298 - two copies of I
  • #19996 - wrong result extracting symbolic coefficient (rational exponent)
  • #21973 - is_negative() is False when assuming x < 0
  • #22155 - Add more logic flags to more functions
  • #23135 - Conjugate does not distribute over a sum
  • #23496 - sympy patch for abstract function
  • #22709 - to_poly_solve=True actually raises exception
  • #17968 - exp(x3) from 1 to 2
  • #22672 - Definite integral of (1-x)(1/5)/sqrt(x) crashes with both GSL and Maxima
  • #22915 - Distribute symbolic sums over the terms of their first (sum) argument
  • #22733 - Bug with first call to ex.series()
  • #20179 - add a free_variables() method
  • #22026 - Even reals are integers
  • #22894 - Symbolic expression.is_exact()
  • #22005 - sum(1/((2*n+1)2-4)2, n, 0, oo, algorithm='maxima') is wrong
  • #20084 - residue: mathematically wrong output
  • #22833 - fix a calculus doctest (giac, laplace, integration)
  • #22909 - Indexed SR variables
  • #22706 - Add more conversions from giac
  • #22995 - Dummy inverse Laplace for giac
  • #22997 - Parse unevaluated integral from giac
  • #13733 - integration (but note unwanted interactions)
  • #22937 - Implement a "distribute" method
  • #21801 - Maxima summation bug
  • #22959 - series() yields wrong result depending on precision
  • #22090 - Gosper algorithm
  • #22422 - Laplace transform involving time-shifts
  • #22641 - Fix integration with Mathematica online
  • #22891 - Add giac interface to integrate
  • #22057 - Resultant of symbolic polynomials
  • #22174 - Interface expression conversion to gamma() and normalization
  • #22017 Unreadable real solution for a very simple equation
  • #20162 - properties of converted finite field elements are wrong
  • #10284 - Infinite loop in gcd() via pynac-0.2.1
  • #20089 - let pynac.pyx use mpmath for arccos
  • #20455 - rewrite buggy Expression.coefficients() without Maxima
  • #15605 - (-1)(2/3) evaluates to 1
  • #21428 - AssertionError plotting real part of complex function with float coefficients
  • #14878 - very slow taylor expansion for composite functions
  • #21730 - Add dedicated symbolic series tests
  • #21223 - SymmetricFunctions over SymbolicRing broken
  • #16724 - simplify_rational() takes very long or forever
  • #20752 - Wrong simplification in symbolic trigonometry involving fractions
  • #20858 - Option to combine symbolic fractions recursively
  • #19775 - normalization in Pynac buggy
  • #20888 - Support GinacFunction.print_latex() customization
  • #21007 - Unhelpful error when conversion to Symbolic Ring fails
  • #10034 - simplify_trig of f(a/b*pi) without Maxima
  • #19464 - ExpressionTreeWalker fails on some functions
  • #20456 - assume(x>0) sets integer flag
  • #16491 - unify output of trigonometric functions for complex input
  • #14801 - Improved piecewise functions
  • #9424 - numerically evaluate sums (also in functions page)
  • #16397 - symbolic cmp, stopgap #19465
  • #16203 - conversion from SR.series() to PowerSeries(SR) gives unexpected result
  • #15451 - limit wrongly gives ZeroDivisionError
  • #17402 - SR.power_series cannot handle symbolic series
  • #18094 - multiplication of powerseries wrapped in SR wrong
  • #19259 - subrings of the symbolic ring
  • #17659 - factor out SymbolicSeries from Expression
  • #12967 - comparison of pi and infinity wrong
  • #19035 - sync elementary assumptions on symbols/functions with Pynac
  • #19310 - Pynac hashes are restricted to 32 bits
  • #17624 - Coerce factorization of polynomial to symbolic expression
  • #14211 - Crash in GiNaC::Number_T::hash()
  • #10048 - deprecate substitute_expression()
  • #12588 - abs(pi*I) should return pi
  • #18921 - integer variable domain
  • #18568 - wrong expansion of (x+sqrt(2)*x)^2
  • #18695 - propagate the variable domain to the assumptions database
  • #17321 - Pynac RuntimeError: comparing typeid's
  • #12257 - 1.0*pi should not be pi
  • #18482 - Unicode art for symbolics
  • #15304 - is_polynomial() returns wrong results
  • #14326 - Substituting numeric one in symbolic expression gives symbolic one
  • #18257 - fix symbolic/pynac.pyx doctests
  • #17759 - convenience class symbolic ExpressionTreeWalker(Converter)
  • #17849 - substitute_function should not evaluate expression
  • #18255 - Remove silly LimitedPrecisionConstant class
  • #18088 - Inconsistency with 0^0
  • #13326 - Bug in comparisons of infinite values
  • #12807 - Taking the real part of a sum of exponentials ...
  • #17394 - TypeError in Expression.simplify_hypergeometric()
  • #15355 - representation of CIF-element plus SR-element
  • #8949, #9769 - numpy object handling
  • #15047 - LaTeX typeseting of SR.wild should prefix $ with \
  • #18084 - Fix bad library uses of var()
  • #18054 - Add is_finite method for the Symbolic Ring
  • #18040 - Minimal polynomials of matrices over SymbolicRing
  • #10846 - Conversion of PowerSeries -> SR bug
  • #17799 - refactor real_set.RealInterval
  • #9427 - fricas integrator
  • #3021 - add curl and divergence functions to vectors
  • #16643 integrate() infinite loop
  • #15346 - implement simplify_sum and call it from full_simplify
  • #15571 - Incorrect zero test of complex symbolic expressions
  • #10629 - performance of checking if (c/d)(a/b) is rational
  • #12922 - add implicit derivative
  • #9824 - improve desolve system documentation for initial conditions
  • #14630 - add simplify_real
  • #16201 - default precision for symbolic power series from SR.series()
  • #16213 - SR.series should simplify its terms
  • #17399 - fix coefficients for symbolic series
  • #8969 - != in inputting and outputting with Maxima not handled right
  • #10444 - make solve documentation better
  • #13286 - special case of one variable, one equation, variable in list
  • #10914 - Integral bug
  • #11233 - Integral bug
  • #11445 - Integral bug
  • #11238 - Integral bug
  • #11656 - additional assumptions needed for simplification
  • #16941 - Add a hold parameter for symbolic integrals
  • #9908 - a sum returns hypergeometric functions (also in functions page)
  • #11894 - about an infinite sum appearing on NMBRTHRY list.
  • #12708 - waiting for new upstream (Maxima) release.
  • #13712 - wrong result from infinite sum (Maxima bug).
  • #13526 simple incorrect limit
  • #9421 - if c is already a variable it shouldn't come out as a constant
  • #16007 - give solution constants of ODEs unique names
  • #11785 - simplifying complex exponentials needs rectform
  • #12322 - invalid simplification of complex logarithm
  • #14306 regression in solve
  • #3520 - simplify_radical does weird things
  • #11912 - clarify and rename simplify_radical
  • #21940 - Positive raised by a positive power is not known to be real
  • #21946 - solve(x==x, x) returns [x == r1]
  • #1773 - piecewise and symbolic don't play well together
  • #12123 - another convolution bug
  • #24726 - Sage silently accepts symbolic expressions with two comparison operators
  • #23417 - fast construction of symbolic sums
  • #24768 - Powers of symbolic sums inconsistence
  • #23313 - Add more conversions from giac II
  • #23835 - Replace Maxima with Pynac/Singular in Expression.factor()
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