Releases: slmnio/slmngg-sfc
v1.19.0 - I love the dashboard
A lot of dashboard features are included in this release, which primarily affects production staff. There are a few public facing changes that this release includes:
- (Beta) New banner creator: PNG canvas generator from a player's teams, matches and events. Known to have issues on iOS due to various SVG/canvas bugs
- Updated /me (eg and auth returns in general to be more consistent
- Added loser dropping bracket connections (any lower bracket match where a team drops to will have the corresponding match number next to it)
- Added a better permissions system for actions, where event staff now have match editing permissions. This can be expanded in future
- Added the preview/program scenes of the producer to the dashboard
- Added links to match thumbnails on detailed match pages
- Added a filter for the match editor to only be able to use the event's map pool. If it also has a broadcast with a map set, it'll only show them in that order.
- Minor changes across UI components and actions
- Updated the teams and events list pages ( && to reorder their logic and reduce request & response time
- Added a bunch of break controls to the dashboard
- Added a team filter for standings
Updates from PRS:
- Make dashboard clock powered by syncer time by @zusorio in #163
- Make battletags and bnets of team staff copy-able by @zusorio in #164
- Make the tally transmitter more visually appealing by @zusorio in #171
Full Changelog: v1.18.1...v1.19.0
v1.18.1 - Minor patches
A few minor patches during stream to make things work
- Added OBS websockets tally transmitter instead of the OBS browser source based system
- Hide match editor if the user doesn't have permission to use it
- Added a new bracket resolver to automatically advance teams
- Added tally dots and a quad view for multiviews
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.18.1
v1.18.0 - A freshen up
Pull Requests
- add new airtable cdn domain to allowlist by @JJ1898 in #150
- Voicestream by @slmnio in #153
- Add component to copy text by @zusorio in #152
- Add player cams link page by @zusorio in #140
- Add action to start commercial by @zusorio in #146
- Update actions to reduce code duplication by @slmnio in #154
- Add match-wide preds and make them default by @zusorio in #157
- Update Cams Text to explain some more stuff by @zusorio in #159
- Don't queue tracks in music player that don't have a file, minor cleanup by @zusorio in #160
Plenty of updates across the site to be more useful!
Full Changelog: v1.17.2...v1.18.0
v1.17.2 - Minor site updates
What's Changed
- Automatically manage predictions by @ZusorCode in #141
- Add twitch scope selector by @ZusorCode in #147
A few minor changes across the site on the front end and more behind-the-scenes changes as always.
- Added MVP/player of the match broadcast graphic
- Fixed hero recolouring not using the opacity sliders sometimes
- Minor fixes for schedule, map info, PDF embeds, logging and other things
- Updated broadcast standings to be more consistent with the website
- Implement Twitch authentication for saving credentials and the full control flow
- Add new actions to control a Twitch channel: automatic title generation, predictions creation/resolving flow
- Add a multi standings overlay to show multiple groups with customisable columns
- Add event brand designers and move them from a player relationship title
Full Changelog: v1.17.1...v1.17.2
v1.17.1 - Authentication is good to go
As noted in #142, 1.17 is a big release and had some possibility to go wrong. It looks like the bugs are fixed, and this release keeps everything up-to-date.
Release notes:
- Fixes a bug where the Discord authentication server was sending the wrong domain, it now uses the headers of the request and checks against allowed domains before logging you in.
Closes #142
v1.17.0 - Authentication is here!
It's been a very long time since the last major change. The main thing that this release brings is authentication to the main SLMN.GG page.
Changelog highlights:
- Lots of work on the new Discord authentication system, with cookies and tokens flying around
- New action system allows for an easily accessible API through sockets and HTTP requests using the tokens from the new auth system
- Added a profile editor and systems to allow players to log in and change some information about them
- Added some new broadcast settings to control things that were a bit more hidden under query parameters (eg team codes)
- Added some new automation for middle text (the text in between the teams on the ingame overlay) dealing with map numbers etc
- Changed a lot of things with the auction system, still needs work to use the internal SLMN.GG tools instead of direct access to the Airtable API
- Added pronouns to player profiles
- Added map picker and banner to map data and associated overlays and tools
- Updated roster overlay to split between a starting roster, subs and staff
- Added some data debounce protection to avoid things being incorrectly overwritten by old data that loaded late. This isn't fully perfect yet, Airtable requests can sometimes be slow and it'll cause errors still. Would need to probably delay the Airtable time by a few seconds to compensate.
- Added square socials images to the theme pages. These are the downloadable /theme icons that take the logo, theme colours and add some padding so it's good for use on socials accounts
- Changed the title of the package to SLMN.GG so you don't see "slmngg-sfc" whilst it loads
- Moved a lot of templates to be lazy-loaded through code splitting, things feel faster
- Added upcoming matches to the front page
- Added player badges to the roster overlay (can highlight a player's team from another event)
- Added "dots" for team scores - for any matches that are BO3 etc, it can show ◍○ - ○○ instead of 1 - 0
- Added twitter links to the !casters command (data server /casters endpoint)
- Added limited players - a way to include player information for teams and overlays without creating SLMN.GG profiles (good for one-time events whilst retaining functionality of the rosters screens or detailed sheets)
- Added some minor options to the music player
- Added a third team for the hero roster overlay that can be used for the highlighted team
This new release will be tracked by #142 to ensure it all goes smoothly.
v1.16.0 - Sitewide fixes
Some fixes sitewide that should have gone up earlier, and some other minor bits. There are other branches and stages that have some new features in the works.
- Fix standings on all events where they may or may not use opponent calculations
- Added a new event staff table to count and display all staff members listed on matches, not just those listed as event staff
- Sorted player profile page relationships using the sitewide date sort
- Fixed special events header text alignment
- Moved the theme page to a separate component so both teams and events can use it
- Added routing for an event theme page
- New feature: clicking the logo of an event or theme on their page will take you to their theme page
- Fixed some meta redirect logic
- Added Push to the map set images (thanks @cpbeaslin)
- Fix the high error rate message which would get stuck sometimes
- Added new MapWinrate and MatchWinrate as sorting methods
- Added iCal generators for events (automatically pulls name, stream link, match link, durations (which can be set or autogenerated from first_to), start times, etc)
- Move
to a global CSS variable. This was used to adjust the Industry font since it is not aligned perfectly in the font file. It's useful for other fonts too, so setting--overlay-line-height-adjust
to atranslate(0, 0.1em)
will adjust it everywhere. - Moved the break overlay to the new transition system
- Adjustments to the countdown. If you transition to it and it'd be 0, it'll instead just show the time. No more going to break after a show and it saying 00:00
- Set maximum requests to 100 a pop. This fixes a bug with the teams page which requests too many objects at once and the length of the URL is too long, so it fails
- Changed a few bits for the VVL auction, general updates for it
More to come! Currently in the works:
- Authentication and log-in, at least for production if nothing else
- UI for adding the calendar
- Production CV creator
Full Changelog: v1.15.2...v1.15.3
v1.15.2 - Forcing OMW on Standings
Force OMW calculations more often
v1.15.1 - Sub Tourney 5 Prep
Added a bunch of commits that fix things on the overlays and minisites.
Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v1.15.1
v1.15.0 - Let's not brick the server
Quick update to release a bunch of fixes. More details coming soon