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Holger Bruch edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 117 revisions

Willkommen zum Open Transport Meetup Wiki!

Teaser OpenTransportMeetup Virtuell Das Open Transport Meetup vernetzt Interessierte rund ums Thema Open Data und Mobilität, allen voran zur Verbesserung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs.

Regelmäßige Treffen finden 2-wöchentlich am Mittwoch um 20 Uhr in Big Blue Button - hier klicken für Einwahl statt. (Teilnahme ohne Registrierung)

Das Wiki dokumentiert die bisher stattgefundenen Meetups und gibt einen Ausblick, um was es beim nächsten Meetup gehen wird.

Next OTM: Wednesday 2024-12-11: Joan Liu, Emmett McKinney (MBTA): Using Open Source Mapping Libraries in Bus Operations

  • Welcome
  • Joan Liu, Emmett McKinney (MBTA): Using Open Source Mapping Libraries in Bus Operations
  • Announcements

We've all used maps to navigate, whether it's a planned trip or a new trip or a planned trip that ran into some detours. Have you ever wondered what navigation on a bus is like?

Joan Liu and Emmett McKinney from the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) present on how the MBTA is using open source to help buses navigate, and the interesting challenges they've run into. Join us for a discussion on what we've uncovered, how we've addressed them, and about using open source in transit.

Joan Liu is formerly the product manager of Skate, the MBTA bus dispatching tool, and managed the project to digitalize detours for operations. Emmett McKinney is the project manager for Bus Technology, currently focusing on deploying onboard bus navigation.

Im öffentlichen Pad wird das nächste Meetup geplant

Welcome to the German Open Transport Meetup Wiki!

The Open Transport Meetup aims to connect the (German-speaking) Open Transport community.

We meet biweekly on Wednesdays at 8pm CET via Big Blue Button.

This wiki documents past meetups and gives a short preview what's up next.

UP NEXT: See above.