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Wok edited this page May 11, 2019 · 1 revision


Into the Breach

Reviews generated unconditionally




Deus Ex


Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Persona 5

Faster Than Light


This is not like FTL.

No, it's probably not like FTL.

But it's still fun.

I'm always on the lookout for games that are smaller, more manageable, and easier to get into, which is especially true of indie developers.

This is my first game in a long time, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

It is accessible, challenging, and unique.

It is not a clone of FTL.

It is good.

It is not a bad.

It is just a good game.

I'm definitely going to return to it in the future.

It's like a small game of chess, except you can play with real boards and pieces.

(I played with acrylics.)


Awesome game<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>I love this game. It's simple, elegant, and fun. The graphics are beautiful, and really the only thing that makes me think of an issue is the music, which is very satisfying and is not distracting. It's also very challenging and the levels are randomly generated, so it's not like there is a set path to success. I have had no problems unlocking everything, and the game is easily in my top three games for this year. I've also gotten more than my fair share of criticism for the game's difficulty, but I think that's fair. Easy is just too easy. Normal is just too easy. Hard is just too easy. The only thing that makes me think I could get worse levels of difficulty is the lack of reward for not cheating, but I think that's just the point. You can still get turned down by time, so I'll just play it on my lowest difficulty. Also, I think I've got enough weapons to carry over a playthrough, so I'm gonna keep playing. Guess I'll just have to make it easier?

I'm into strategy games and I've got a lot of time for a few skirmishes. Into the Breach is the best of the best, and I feel like I've just scratched the surface. It's so well balanced that you feel like you're getting a head start on the competition by hacking enemies. The only thing that could've brought it down would've been a lack of content, but it's the best of the best right now. I'd definitely recommend, and I'll probably get a lot of satisfaction hacking more enemies into a line of sight of this mech. I'll have more fun if there's some sort of progression system in the future, but right now I'm just gonna keep playing and hope for more.

I also really like the music. It's really great and fits the setting very well. It's not particularly memorable, but fits the tone of the game very well.

I'd recommend this game to everyone.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>I really liked FTL but didn't like Into the Breach. It felt a bit too random with how the ship abilities worked out and there wasn't enough challenge. In FTL you had a lot of different ships that worked well, but in Into the Breach you have one ship, one bonus, and one special. Different ships don't feel as synergistic as they do in Into the Breach, in the sense that many unique mechs are viable, but the bonus is still viable.

In FTL there were a lot of different ships that worked well, and plenty of different ways to win. In Into the Breach there isn't that much variety, but there's a good amount of different ways to win with the starting squad.

It's difficult to rate this game since I haven't been able to get my head around the intricacies of how the game works yet, but I want to rate it since I think it's pretty good. I'd give it a solid "B" for replayability since there isn't much of that there already. I think it's just a well-known triple-A studio's pet project that they stumbled across while playing around with some ideas.

I still maintain that FTL was better, and that Into the Breach is a worthy successor.

I'd give it a "B+" since it's well-polished and well-done, but I think it's just a little too easy. It's been a long time since I've played a game that was that easy to play, but also gave me a big satisfaction when I won. I have a hard time deciding if it's worth the "free" day or the "paid" day, but I'd probably pass it up because it's just too easy.

I've gotten a lot of questions on how do you like FTL. I've told people I like it

There are a lot of things to like about this game, but it is not as good as FTL. Just because a game has been out for a while doesn't mean it's automatically better than another. It's not. Just because a game has been out for a while doesn't mean it's automatically better than another. It's not. Just because a game has been out a while doesn't mean it's automatically better than another. It's not.

It's a different genre. It's not a strategy game. It's not a rogue like. It's not a procedurally generated game. It's not a roguelike. It's not a tile based game. It's a strategy game. And that's fine and should be celebrated for that. It's still a fantastic game. It's just that the uniqueness of that genre has been lost on me.

I can see what the game's creator was trying to do when he made that statement. I can see how it could be similar to Advance Wars in that way that it's both challenging and unique. But as far as replayability goes, there's nothing quite like playing a brand new game each time you unlock a few new mechs.

That's not to say there aren't some differences. This game is played on a grid based system. You can see the progressions you make every time you start a new game. You can see the enemies you'll be fighting. There's some difference in the starting squad but they're the same.

There are some unlockable changes with your choices but for the most part the game is the same. You can unlock gear after playing the game though. You can buy new weapons and there's some achievements to get for trying to beat the game in a different way.

I'm sure some people will disagree but I can't say I see myself playing this game again. It feels very limited and I don't see myself getting frustrated or sad about it. It's just repetitive.

If you're looking for a game that has replayability, it's a great game. If you're looking for something similar to FTL, it's not worth the money. I'd much rather play a game that has a lot of replayability for $5 on a mobile rather than this game. In my opinion, Into the Breach is an excellent game. If you're looking for a great tactical game with some RPG elements thrown in, this isn't it. If you're looking for something that's just a puzzle game with a ton of repetition thrown in, this isn't it.

I'd much rather play this game on my phone rather than my laptop. That being said, I'm not going to be playing Into the Breach every night or week for some time. I'd recommend getting it in a sale at a price point you feel comfortable with.

(I'm also going to be doing a write-up on it going over the different mechs and what they can do. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.)<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>Having spent hours playing this game, I'd have to say it's one of my favorite games this year. It's not a bad game, it's just short enough that it can get boring fast, and it lacks the longevity of many other games that, once you've exhausted them all, you just want to throw out.

It's also very difficult, but so easy that I don't think it's as much of a challenge as some other games that I've played. I like to play these kinds of games for a long time, and this one is no exception.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>I played FTL, and Into the Breach is amazing. It's like a combination of FTL and chess. The difficulty is ramped up in all the right ways, and the combat is great. If you enjoy FTL and like puzzles, Into the Breach is for you.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>I'm really enjoying this game. The graphics are really great, and the game has a really nice and unique feel to it. It's really unique and fun, and it does a great job of keeping the player engaged with the game. I'm really enjoying this game!<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>A very good turn based strategy game that has a lot of polish.

It's not as deep as FTL, but it's very interesting in that regard.

The combat system is interesting and unique, with a lot of variety that makes each run feel fresh.

The achievements are designed around unlocking new content, and the game is challenging enough that it can leave you wanting more.

It's very polished, and a lot of fun.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>Imagine if Pacific Rim

I've read that many people buy this game expecting FTL. That's a great product. That game was fantastic, I loved it. But Into the Breach... this is it. Into the Breach is FTL 2.0. Into the Breach is a fun little puzzle game, but it's got a strong focus on tactics and an endgame. And that's it. The game doesn't even let you win, it just penalizes you for not doing things right. It's like a game of chess, except the pieces are angry.

And if you don't like tactics games? This is for you. It's very punishing. This is a tactics game that will shove you around and punch you in the face if you make a mistake.

This is the best thing that could happen to anyone who hasn't spent many hours with a tactics game in recent memory. Not because the tactics are good, but the game is a masterpiece in theming, and the whole experience feels right at home with the game. The music is wonderful. The cinematics are fantastic.

If you are looking for a game that's challenging and unique, but doesn't break the bank, but is also easy to get into, but has a huge replay value because of how many different ways to approach each level, this is the game for you.

And if you're looking for a game that will drive you insane with frustration, this is the game for you.


I'm glad I picked this up. It's a fun, challenging, well-designed game that plays well with the XCom theme, and is well worth a playthrough.

Full price of $15 AUD (~$9.50)!<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>An hour into the game, I was already getting used to the idea that something very different was going to happen every time the enemies fired their shots. The basic mechanics, combined with the randomness of the island generation, meant I'd never really been able to master it all, but after just one play, I'd already seen every outcome that could potentially happen. I'm not sure what exactly is different, other than the randomness and the difficulty level, but I do know one thing: it's much easier.

Let me explain. Every turn brings in new aliens, and you try to beat back as many of them as you can. You can only do this once per mission, and once every few hours. So you get to see exactly what the enemies will do on their next turn, and you must plan how to get them to let you kill them, rather than letting the buildings be destroyed.

That's my theory. Based on how it feels to play, I would say that it's fair to say that I learned more about strategy this than I did in FTL.

I have to admit, after about 30 hours, I've come to prefer it to FTL, which got me frustrated with the lack of choice and randomness of the first few hours. But once I figured out what the enemies were going to do, it got much more fun.

I have to say, I'm surprised this developer keeps making so many games with such similar themes. I'm sure it would sell more copies without the other games on the market.

I'm excited to see what the next game by this developer looks like. I'm also excited to see if there's a modding community for this type of game.

I really want to like this game.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>Rarely are I so opposed to a game as opposed to others. It's what I bought the day of release and playtested to death. I love this game.

It's a lot of things that make me dislike this game. The first and most obvious reason for this is simply that there isn't much to it. Not enough variety in maps, not enough enemies, not enough weapons, not enough pieces, not enough types of enemies, a lack of motivation for playing, etc. The game is good, it's just not fun.

What I dislike in this game, is that aspect of failure. It happens. It's just not fun.

There's nothing in the game to encourage you to play another game. It's just not fun.

I would say that if you're not in the mood for a game, it's best to just skip this one. I would also mention that I only played a little of FTL (I don't recall anything else being that fun) and that I don't expect this to be as fun or as challenging.

I will, however, say that I really enjoyed this one. I haven't gotten tired of it, so far.<|endoftext|>

<|startoftext|>This is an exceptional game. It is innovative and fun and very challenging. It is challenging on normal difficulty and hard difficulty, which I find acceptable, and

Reviews starting with I love

<|startoftext|>I love this game. The replayability is insane. You can easily beat the game in the first few hours, but this isn't a game I play all that often. But it's so fun that I decided to give it a shot. If you're a fan of FTL or Advance Wars, then this is an excellent game. If you're not, then you won't like it very much. It's just not for me.

<|startoftext|>I love this game soo much. I like strategy games soo much. Its a perfect blend of the two. Its a strategy game in a Magic the Gathering style of game that will give you hours of entertainment. Its a roguelike in a sci-fi world of time travel and mechs. Its a turn based mech game with some RPG elements thrown in. I highly recommend this game.

<|startoftext|>I love this game, but it is hamstrung by a specific design. It is very rare that I ever pick up and play a game, and this is one of the few times I've wasted my money on something I didn't enjoy. It's very simplistic and drab, compared to some of the other games I've played, but that's fine. I'm not here to play another FTL.

In fact, I don't think I will play another game this year. I'm pretty sure I'll play every single one. But this game is not just an FTL clone. It is its own game, in a way. It has its own unique features, it has its own progression mechanics, and it has its own unique rules. It's a unique experience.

But, again, to be fair, this is a good thing.

Reviews starting with I hate

<|startoftext|>I hate this game. It's more of a puzzle game than a battleship simulator. In one run-through, for example, I had already spent 5 minutes on one unit's movement and it was already impossible for that unit to get a hit on an island and win. And then I discovered that I could turn the unit around and lose. It's like the computer game "Diablo" had a baby with "Pacific Rim" and "Faster Than Light."

It's good, but it's not FTL. And it's not even close. I'd recommend skipping this game. It's a good game, but it's not FTL.

<|startoftext|>I hate turn-based strategies. I don't want to play more than 15 minutes at a time. I don't want to spend hours thinking about strategy. I don't want to waste my time. If you're looking for a strategy game to read, like Fire Emblem, you won't have that. If you're looking for a tactical game to pass the time, like Disgaea, you will have that.

This isn't a strategy game. It's just a puzzle game.

If that sounds awful, OK, I'll go back in time and try to play a different game.

<|startoftext|>I hate this game. I hate FTL. I hate most of what is wrong with this game. And I'll tell you why. You pick a squad of 3 mechs and get to play them in a series of levels. Each level takes place on a small, barren island surrounded by seawater. The episode of Island of Misfitment ends after a set number of turns. The next time you play, you can pick a squad and play again. This time, however, you're given an island with a larger number of islands to explore and an end-of-island bonus.

This gives you a larger number of enemies to fight and a larger number of islands to save. And the more enemies you fight, the more islands you can save before the end. Which also means that you're more likely to get them all before the end. Which means that if you lose an island or get unlucky and lose a mech or two, you are the one who decides. If you want to save a pilot or a building, you have to take damage to that mech or the buildings. So you have to decide if it's worth it to take damage to your mech or buildings. And if you decide to take damage to your mechs or buildings, you have to decide how much damage to take.

And this is part of the genius. You have such a high skill ceiling with the starting squad that you have to work even harder to get the best possible outcome. With each additional squad you unlock, the skill ceiling gets higher, and there's no choice but to double-check your math. Once you're past the point of reaching "perfect" with a given squad, you're forced to accept that there's a -100% chance that you could have avoided this outcome with some other of your units, or with some other mechanic you could have found out.

And that's part of the brilliance of it. You have a high skill ceiling, but there are so many different ways to play the game. And if you're skilled enough, you're able to create a unique experience each time you play. Because there are so many different ways to play the game. It's like chess had returned to the surface.

And it really is the part of the game I'm going back to play more of. The replay value is just phenomenal. I like how there's such a wide variety of missions and difficulty levels, and how the game has such a great balance between the skill and luck of the player. In FTL, you had a lot of different ships you could choose from, and that just felt like there was a huge range of ships to choose from, which meant that there was only so much you could do with each ship. In Into the Breach, there's a huge range of ships, and each costs a lot, so there's a lot of choice.

There's only one random element to the abilities of the different pilots, so if you're good, you can get as far as the random element can go. And if you're bad, you have to make choices that are either in character or in character, and you don't always feel like you're getting a good enough counter to the enemy for the mission.

The random element does feel a little bit redundant, but I know that when I'm playing this game, I'm always going to leave with at least one win.

The other thing that I noticed is that the missions themselves are a little bit more compressed than in FTL. In FTL, sometimes you wouldn't have a shot at getting everything perfect, so there were other times you had to give it a shot. Missions can also have a bit of difficulty added to them, but the difficulty is added so you can really plan your moves well. Here, the difficulty is added so you have to take your time. Sometimes you'll get lucky and you'll go wrong, but you have to give the best possible performance.

Overall, I loved this game. I'm looking at you, the game's story, the game's characters, the game's music, and even the game's UI. Even the enemies. They're all unique, and the game's story is only hinted at in the beginning, but made clear enough to-think-about-about-when-you-think-of-the-enemy-and-not-of-them-but-someone-else-out-there. It's a subtle one at first, but it helps you form your expectations early on.

It's also cool to see the game's price drop to $15, absolutely nothing like FTL's price drop to $20, but still a respectable price.


[u]Into the Breach[/u] is a turn-based strategy game that lets you play the enemy [i]completely[/i] over a turn. You'll see me use [i]100%[/i] completion as a benchmark, but it's a

Reviews starting with Please

<|startoftext|>Please do not compare this to FTL; it is not the same. It is not easy, and it can be frustrating. However, it has many of the same features and is clearly designed to be played with a controller. It is a great game to be enjoyed with a controller, and I have yet to find a single thing that I dislike about it. If anything, I would encourage people to play it with a mouse/trackpad, and to not compare it to it. It is a fantastic game with great gameplay, and I can't wait to see what Subset do next.

<|startoftext|>Please don't make the same mistake I made. I really want to like this game, but it's just not that fun. It's too easy, too easy. The game is designed to be beaten within an hour or two. There are no real choices to make, so it's just grindy, grindy, grindy. The enemy spawns are predictable, the enemies don't change, the levels always the same. There is very little movement, and not enough variety. The game is also uninteresting and boring. It's not like the items you get can change things. The maps are the same, the enemies are the same, and the only thing that's changed is the order in which you fight them. So the only thing that changes is your actual attacks, and that's it. It's like that old game "Pilots", where you flew a plane up to attack enemies with missiles, and then the "enemy" would go down because there was no way of knowing what the missiles were going to do. So your real goal is to change your tactics and make the enemies miss their targets, by changing their positions, changing how they move, changing the amount of damage done to structures, and so on.

I'm not sure what exactly went wrong with that game, but it had me pretty beat up pretty hard. This one I haven't gotten beat, but I'm still beating it, so maybe it's time for a new starting pilot.

<|startoftext|>Please don't make the same mistake i made - i like this game a lot, it's a great game, but its not the same as ftl.

i love ftl, it's a great game, but its not like this.

i love this game, and i'd describe it as a combination of FTL and advance wars, except you can win.

i would totally recommend this game if you love either of those games

Reviews starting with This game has near infinite replay value

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value.

The game is extremely fun and teaches you very simple concepts, but can be incredibly fun.

It is just a great game for people who love themselves a little bit of strategy, but it is not nearly as good as FTL.

For me, Into the Breach is worth a full $15, I would say.

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value and yet it's so simple. It's like a mobile game, except this one is a turn based strategy. It's so easy to pick up, yet it doesn't get old.

<|startoftext|>This game has near infinite replay value and is challenging, but it doesn't reward skill. The game also suffers from having to repeat the same levels, which takes away some of the fun.

It's frustrating and I can see why people leave after just 2 hours. It's not a dealbreaker, but it's something to keep an eye on.

I wouldn't recommend this game to others. It's something I'd only return to when I really wanted to go out of my way or just needed to binge-watch something. It's worth remembering that the developers were very careful in selecting their characters, maps, and enemies.

I'll keep this game on hold until I'm able to play more, as it's an excellent game that will probably get me more than 10 hours of enjoyment out of it.