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Mode - Which mode the entry will apply to, 1 is for Battle Map (oBody), 2 is for Combat/Exploration (uBody) and 0 is always used. 3 is exclusively used for Alear's world map model (gBody).

Conditions - Conditions that need to be met for the entry to be used. Conditions are separated by ; for AND and | for OR.

BodyModel - This is used for uRig in mode 2 or oBody for mode 1, uRig determines a separate rig from DressModel if needed and determines the model used on the battle map from oBody.

DressModel - Used for uBody, the model used in mode 2 for Combat and Exploration.

MaskColor###R,G,B - The RGB entries for colors used in models that support recoloring based on a unit, usually set in mode 0 entries for a MPID.

HeadModel - The head used for either mode 1 or 2, oHair for mode 1 and uHead for mode 2.

HairModel - The hair used for mode 2, characters with long hair typically use a uacc_spine2 hair accessory with this being set to uHair_null.

HairR,G,B - The color a hair will use, having 0 means it will use the color defined in the hair model bundle. Typically used for engage hair colors.

GradR,G,B - The color that hair gradients will use, the location of gradients is determined by the vertex colors of the hair model.

SkinR,G,B - The color that skin will use. This will affect both head and body but for characters with Makeup keywords in their head materials, it will not be used.

ToonR,G,B - The color that shadows on the skin will use.

RideModel - The model in mode 1 or rig in mode 2 that a unit's mount will use.

RideDressModel - The model that a unit's mount will use in mode 2.

Left/RightHand - The model that will appear in a unit's hand. Typically used for IID entries.

Trail - ? likely the weapon trails for 1 range weapons.

Magic - Effect that plays when attacking with weapons. Typically only applies for ranged weapons. If not set on a ranged weapon, the battle will softlock until force-skipped.

Acc#.Locator - The locator bone that will be used in order to position an accessory on a model.

Acc#.Model - The model that an accessory will use.

BodyAnim - The animation set that a unit will use when in Combat.

InfoAnim - The animation set that a unit will use when in the Inventory and similar screens.

TalkAnim - The animation set that a unit will use in dialogue?

DemoAnim - The animation set that a unit will use when selected?

HubAnim - The animation set that a unit will use in the Somniel.

ScaleX - The scale of a part of the model.

VolumeX - The volume of a a part of the model.

MapScaleX - The scale of a part of the model on the battle map.

Voice - The voice set a unit will use.

FootStep - The sound of a unit's footsteps.

Material - ? possibly also affects the sound made when the unit moves.

General tips

  • The game will read lines from top to bottom and prioritize the lines at the bottom. For example, if an equippable outfit from a mod is put at the bottom of AssetTable, then equipping this outfit will override the outfit change when engaging.
  • There does not seem to be a strict limit to the number of lines in AssetTable. However, there does seem to be a limit on the number of unique conditions that the game will read before turning everyone's models into the Box Man.

Common Conditions

  • PID - Person ID
  • MPID - Name ID, typically used over PID (e.x. MPID_Lueur instead of PID_リュール for Alear)
  • JID - Job ID (Class)
  • AID - Asset ID (Outfits, accessories, AID_異形兵 (corrupted), AID_レア異形兵(gold or silver corrupted), AID_幻影兵 (fabrication), and AID_一般兵 (generic soldier). Also used by some DLC emblem weapons.
  • EID - Engage ID (Used for engage outfits and hair colors)
  • GID - God ID (Emblem)
  • IID - Item ID (Weapons and staves)
  • エンゲージ技 - Engage Attack
  • エンゲージ中 - During Engage
  • 男装 - Male Clothing
  • 女装 - Female Clothing
  • 私服 - Somniel Clothing

Character IDs and numbers

Name Japanese Name (PID/GID) Romanized (MPID) Associated number
Alear PID_リュール MPID_Lueur 001
Corrupted Male     002
Divine (Blue) Male GID_リュール   003
Rafal PID_ラファール MPID_Rafale 049
Nil PID_イル MPID_Il 049b
Female Alear PID_リュール MPID_Lueur 051
Corrupted Female     052
Divine (Blue) Female GID_リュール   053
Nel PID_エル MPID_El 099
Alfred PID_アルフレッド MPID_Alfred 100
Boucheron PID_ブシュロン MPID_Boucheron 101
Louis PID_ルイ MPID_Louis 102
Jean PID_ジャン MPID_Jean 103
Céline PID_セリーヌ MPID_Celine 150
Éve PID_イヴ MPID_Eve 151
Etie PID_エーティエ MPID_Etie 152
Chloé PID_クロエ MPID_Chloe 153
Diamant PID_ディアマンド MPID_Diamand 200
Alcryst PID_スタルーク MPID_Staluke 201
Morion PID_モリオン MPID_Morion 202
Amber PID_アンバー MPID_Umber 203
Corrupted Morion   MPID_MorphMorion 204
Jade PID_ジェーデ MPID_Jade 250
Lapis PID_ラピス MPID_Lapis 251
Citrinne PID_シトリニカ MPID_Citrinica 252
Yunaka PID_ユナカ MPID_Yunaka 253
Saphir PID_ザフィーア MPID_Saphir 254
Hyacinth PID_ハイアシンス MPID_Hyacinth 300
Corrupted Hyacinth   MPID_MorphHyacinth 300
Zelkov PID_ゼルコバ MPID_Zelkova 301
Kagetsu PID_カゲツ MPID_Kagetsu 302
Rosado PID_ロサード MPID_Rosado 303
Lindon PID_リンデン MPID_Linden 304
Ivy PID_アイビー MPID_Ivy 350
Hortensia PID_オルテンシア MPID_Hortensia 351
Goldmary PID_ゴルドマリー MPID_Goldmary 352
Fogado PID_フォガート MPID_Fogato 400
Pandreo PID_パンドロ MPID_Pandoro 401
Bunet PID_ボネ MPID_Bonet 402
Seadall PID_セアダス MPID_Seadas 403
Timerra PID_ミスティラ MPID_Misutira 450
Seforia PID_スフォリア MPID_Sfoglia 451
Panette PID_パネトネ MPID_Panetone 452
Merrin PID_メリン MPID_Merin 453
Vander PID_ヴァンドレ MPID_Vandre 500
Clanne PID_クラン MPID_Clan 501
Mauvier PID_モーヴ MPID_Mauve 502
Griss PID_グリ MPID_Gris 503
Gregory PID_グレゴリー MPID_Gregory 503b
Sombron PID_ソンブル   504
Hector GID_ヘクトル AID_Person_ヘクトル 510
Soren GID_セネリオ AID_Person_セネリオ 511
Chrom GID_クロム AID_Person_クロム 512
Robin PID_ルフレ AID_Person_ルフレ 513
Dimitri GID_ディミトリ AID_Person_ディミトリ 514
Claude GID_クロード AID_Person_クロード 515
Dark Hector 517
Dark Soren 518
Dark Chrom 519
Dark Robin 520
Dark Dimitri 521
Dark Claude 522
Marth GID_マルス AID_Person_マルス 530
Sigurd GID_シグルド AID_Person_シグルド 531
Leif GID_リーフ AID_Person_リーフ 532
Roy GID_ロイ AID_Person_ロイ 533
Ike GID_アイク AID_Person_アイク 534
Byleth GID_ベレト AID_Person_ベレト 535
Ephraim GID_エフラム 536
Dark Marth 537
Dark Sigurd 538
Dark Leif 539
Dark Roy 540
Dark Ike 541
Dark Byleth 542
Dark Ephraim 543
Framme PID_フラン MPID_Fram 550
Veyle PID_ヴェイル MPID_Veyre 551
Anna PID_アンナ MPID_Anna 552
Zephia PID_セピア MPID_Sepia 553
Zelestia PID_セレスティア MPID_Selestia 553b
Marni PID_マロン MPID_Marron 554
Madeline PID_マデリーン MPID_Madeline 554b
Lumera PID_ルミエル MPID_Lumiere 555
Evil Veyle     556
Hooded Veyle     557
Unhooded Veyle     559
Tiki GID_チキ 560
Camilla GID_カミラ 561
Veronica GID_ヴェロニカ 562
Edelgard GID_エーデルガルト 563
Dark Tiki   567
Dark Camilla   568
Dark Veronica   569
Dark Edelgard 570
Celica GID_セリカ AID_Person_セリカ 580
Lyn GID_リン AID_Person_リン 581
Eirika GID_エイリーク AID_Person_エイリーク 582
Micaiah GID_ミカヤ AID_Person_ミカヤ 583
Lucina GID_ルキナ AID_Person_ルキナ 584
Corrin GID_カムイ AID_Person_カムイ 585
Dark Celica   587
Dark Lyn   588
Dark Eirika   589
Dark Micaiah   590
Dark Lucina   591
Dark Corrin   592

Please note that for each chapter that an emblem shows up in, they may have a different GID. For example, there exists PID_S014_マルス for Marth's paralogue, PID_闘技場_マルス for the Arena, GID_M000_マルス for the prologue, GID_相手マルス(not sure), GID_M011_敵マルス for chapter 11, GID_M017_敵マルス, for chapter 17, GID_M021_敵マルス for chapter 21, and GID_M024_敵マルス for chapter 24. Some things to note:

  • ("enemy") means corrupted or dark, aka red emblems.
  • If you see M0XX that means the emblem shows up in the XXth main story chapter, E00X for the Xth Fell Xenologue chapter, and S0XX for the paralogue that they show up in.
  • to keep the list brief, not all appearances of the emblems are included in this list. However, searching up the number should bring you to the line that refers to the emblem's appearance.
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