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Jordan Dukart edited this page May 22, 2024 · 14 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time: *


  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Akanksha Singh
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Don Richards
  • Joe Corall
  • Josh d'Entremont
  • Nat
  • Seth Shaw πŸͺ‘
  • Stephen Szanati
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Brian Gregg


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. deprecate Matomo from deployment stacks?
  2. PR Roundup for Islandora Org- Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  4. Review of mailing list
  5. PR Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  6. Issue Roundup for Islandora DevOps- Link sorted by recently updated
  7. PR Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  8. Issue Roundup for Islandora Labs - Link sorted by recently updated
  9. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


Matomo deprecation

  • Rosie states there is not a lot of community people using it and suggests stop shipping it by default in the various provisioning. Rosie is willing to do it for playbook.
  • No objections for removal.
  • Joe willing to update buildkit as well as Annie willing to take on the ISLE and starter site work.


  • Proposed to move to optional as its not a hard requirement and complicates things, merged.
  • Rosie updated the release README to be more accurate, merged.
  • MKdocs dependency PR, merged.
  • Code review feedback changes. Rosie is looking at it again to confirm fixes before moving along.
    • Rosie suggests moving to drupal/islandora moving forward and updating all dependencies to support this behavior.
    • Discussion around how this impacts testing branches.
    • Joe asks about syncing branches to Drupal as opposed.
    • Rosie mentions not wanting to push dev things to
    • Akanskha states's Gitlab integration is better than patches.
    • Rosie says she will look into syncing branches.
    • Rosie highlights the need to remove stale branches post merging if all branches sync to
    • Joe suggests changing Github settings to automatically clean up to alleviate some of the potential pain points.
    • islandora/islandora's many old, stale branches are brought up ( and how pruning should happen.
    • Don suggests targeting particular branches to sync to Drupal as opposed to everything.
    • Joe mentions forked PRs wouldn't get synced. Only commits into islandora/islandora and its various branches would getting sycned to
    • Rosie says including those patches on would be beneficial for testing.
    • Discussion goes back to what needs to be done for communication or otherwise to facilitate the move to drupal/islandora.
    • Joe agrees with the idea, but mentions that communication needs to go out to support the move. Also wants documentation to be in place on how to test patches.
    • Rosie suggests a dropdead date for the cut over. Messaging would be sent out and the old Packagist package would be deprecated.
    • Seth mentions dependabot branches and what might happen?
    • Rosie postulates matching patterns could be sufficient.
    • Seth affirms kicking down the road and handle if and when it becomes a greater issue.
    • Don highlights the deprecated property for composer.json usage to go along with replaces.
    • Discussion around how to handle semantic versioning, patch vs major.
    • Rosie suggests deprecating using Packagist as a way to get to code and instead to use Drupal.
    • Joe suggests a workflow of introducing the deprecation and then the actual change after.
    • Rosie counters that would likely flag islandora as deprecated in all places.
    • Joe asks if this could wait to be included into a 3.x?
    • No stable timeline for a 3.x, so may not be the correct place to include this change.
    • Rosie mentions splitting out the optional pieces as a good point for inclusion (ex: Fedora).
    • Jordan mentions abandoning packages via Packagist UI and offering a replacement.
    • Rosie closes with a suggested three month window (August) for deprecation and discussion ends.

Mailing list

    • Don offers clarification as to context around the post. He is going to speak to his colleague about the issue and will escalate if it it's a greater issue.
    • Annie mentions it may be an expectation of the sandbox to not necessarily allow any changes or development.

DevOps PR / Issue Roundup

  • Annie brings up if anyone has any insights to provide assistance to a community member.

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