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Klian edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Parent: ATDRL_ProjectileBase

The projectile will trace each Tick and the distance traced is determined by the time passed between two ticks. You modify the actor's tick directly if you need to save performance, otherwise the only thing you'll need to tweak is the projectile speed!


Mathematically, if your projectile is travelling 1m/s (1mm/ms) and your frame time is 8.33ms (120fps) then you'll need to multiply the speed by the time past:

1 mm/ms * 8.33m̶s = 8.33mm

8.33mm is the distance traced between two frames.


  • Trace Radius: Collision radius for this projectile (always a sphere)
  • Trace Speed: Travelling speed for this projectile (will determinate trace length each tick, faster = longer)
  • Bullet Trail: Bullet Trial Niagara VFX
  • Trace Channels: Channels this projectile should trace against

Niagara trail effects exposed for parameters customizations
