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VADemon edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Player > YawLock locks your player's horizontal rotation to a certain degree (literally).

.yawlock enabled <0/1>

.yawlock auto <0/1> - Automatically snap to the nearest direction your player is facing while YawLock is enabled. (0-360° in 45° steps)

.yawlock angle <-180.0 - 180.0> - default angle for snap command

.yawlock snap [angle] - Snaps to an angle once; parameter is optional.

Note: If you move your mouse fast enough, you can escape current direction lock and it will automatically snap onto the next best angle.

Further, YawLock now quickly interpolates rotation over time to act more human-like.

In-game degree In-game direction
±180 North
-135 NE
-90 E
-45 SE
0 S
45 SW
90 W
135 NW
±180 North
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