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Chuck Walbourn edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 40 revisions

This is a helper for simplified access to gamepad controllers modeled after the XNA Game Studio GamePad class.

Xbox 360 Common Controller

Related tutorial: Game controller input


#include <GamePad.h>


GamePad is a singleton.

std::unique_ptr<GamePad> gamepad;
gamepad = std::make_unique<GamePad>();

For exception safety, it is recommended you make use of the C++ RAII pattern and use a std::unique_ptr.

Basic use

GetState queries the controller status given a player index. If connected, it returns the status of the buttons (A, B, X, Y, left & right stick, left & right shoulder, back, and start), the directional pad (DPAD), the left & right thumb sticks, and the left & right triggers.

auto state = gamePad->GetState( 0 );

if ( state.IsConnected() )
    if ( state.IsAPressed() )
        // Do action for button A being down

    if ( state.buttons.y )
        // Do action for button Y being down

    if ( state.IsDPadLeftPressed() )
        // Do action for DPAD Left being down

    if ( state.dpad.up || state.dpad.down || state.dpad.left || state.dpad.right )
        // Do action based on any DPAD change

    float posx = state.thumbSticks.leftX;
    float posy = state.thumbSticks.leftY;
        // These values are normalized to -1 to 1

    float throttle = state.triggers.right;
        // This value is normalized 0 -> 1

    if ( state.IsLeftTriggerPressed() )
        // Do action based on a left trigger pressed more than halfway

    if ( state.IsViewPressed() )
        // This is an alias for the Xbox 360 'Back' button
        // which is called 'View' on the Xbox One controller. 

The valid range for player is 0 to GamePad::MAX_PLAYER_COUNT - 1. Outside that range, the state is always reported as disconnected.

If player is passed as -1, then GamePad will use the most recently connected gamepad. This is not a good usage behavior for games or apps, but is useful for tests and samples where you don't have "press a key to start" logic for handling multiple gamepads.

Since GamePad is a singleton, you can make use of the static method Get if desired: auto state = GamePad::Get().GetState()

Dead zones

GamePad implements the same dead zone scheme as XNA.

  • DEAD_ZONE_INDEPENDENT_AXES which is the default
  • DEAD_ZONE_CIRCULAR which provides a deadzone for the combined X/Y axes
  • DEAD_ZONE_NONE which provides 'raw' scaled information to allow the application to implement dead zones

For example:

auto state = gamePad->GetState( 0, GamePad::DEAD_ZONE_CIRCULAR );

See Shawn's blog for details.


Many controllers include vibration motors to provide force-feedback to the user, which can be controlled with SetVibration and the player index. The motor values range from 0 to 1.

if ( gamePad->SetVibration( 0, 0.5f, 0.25f ) )
    // If true, the vibration was successfully set.

Device capabilities

The GamePad class provides a simplified model for the device capabilities.

auto caps = gamePad->GetCapabilities( 0 );
if ( caps.IsConnected() )
    if ( caps.gamepadType == GamePad::Capabilities::FLIGHT_STICK )
        // Use specific controller layout based on a flight stick controller
        // Default to treating any unknown type as a standard gamepad

Note that much of the information reported in XINPUT_CAPABILITIES is omitted. This is because much of it is unreliable (see below), but also because the actionable information is entirely captured by the gamepadType subtype.

Application focus

Unlike mouse or keyboard input on Windows, XInput has 'global' focus when reading the game controller. Therefore, applications should ignore the input when in the background. To implement this, you can call the following method when you lose focus, which will shut off any active vibration and then return 'neutral' data for all connected gamepads.


When focus is returned to the application, call the following method to restore any active vibration and read gamepad data again.


Button state tracker

A common pattern for gamepads is to trigger an action when a button is pressed or released, but you don't want to trigger the action every single frame if the button is held down for more than a single frame. This helper class simplifies this.

GamePad::ButtonStateTracker tracker;


auto state = gamePad->GetState( 0 );
if ( state.IsConnected() )
    tracker.Update( state );

    if ( tracker.a == GamePad::ButtonStateTracker::PRESSED )
        // Take an action when Button A is first pressed, but don't do it again until
        // the button is released and then pressed again

Each button is reported by the tracker with a state UP, HELD, PRESSED, or RELEASED.

You may find that using GamePad::ButtonStateTracker::PRESSED is a bit verbose. You can simplify the code by doing:

if ( state.IsConnected() )
    tracker.Update( state );

    using ButtonState = GamePad::ButtonStateTracker::ButtonState;

    if ( tracker.a == ButtonState::PRESSED )
        // Take an action when Button A is first pressed, but don't do it again until
        // the button is released and then pressed again

When resuming from a pause or suspend, be sure to call Reset on the tracker object to clear the state history.

Threading model

The GamePad class provides no special synchronization above the underlying API. XInput on Windows is thread-safe through a internal global lock, so performance is best when only a single thread accesses the controller.


The GamePad object and the underlying XInput APIs are polling based. Typically the controller is read once per render frame, which means that low frame rate can result in missing user input.

Platform notes


For the Windows platform, the GamePad class ensures that attempts to locate unconnected controllers do not happen too frequently to avoid a potential performance issue with XInput.

When built for Windows 8.0 or 8.1, it makes use of XInput 1.4 (linking to xinput.lib). When built for down-level support, it makes use of XInput 9.1.0 which avoids the need for any dependancy on the legacy DirectSetup (linking to xinput9_1_0.lib).

When built for Windows 10, it makes use of Windows.Gaming.Input. This class assumes that the client code has called Windows::Foundation::Initialize as needed.

For a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, the Windows Runtime (and COM generally) is initialized by the C/C++ Run-Time. For a classic Windows desktop application you have to do this explicitly:

Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers::RoInitializeWrapper initialize(RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED);
if (FAILED(initialize))
    // Error

Note that subtype capabilities information is somewhat unreliable down-level depending on your exact mix of device and driver, and in some cases is hard-coded. All capabilities information is reliable on Windows 8.0 or later.

XInput supports controllers compatible with the Xbox 360 Common Controller for Windows, the Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows, and the Xbox One Controller.

Vibration settings for the trigger impulse motors (leftTrigger, rightTrigger) on the Xbox One Controller are not supported by XInput--this is supported by Windows.Gaming.Input APIs. The "View" button is reported as the "Back" button, and the "Menu" button is reported as the "Start" button.

Xbox One

On Xbox One, this class is implemented using the Windows.Xbox.Input interfaces rather than XInput. It is abstracted to return the same structures. Here are a few notes:

  • state.packet is a timestamp in "Universal time" format.
  • MAX_PLAYER_COUNT is 8 rather than 4
  • Currently only the GAMEPAD type is reported for Xbox One controllers

The player index mapping is not correlated directly with a user as it is on Xbox 360 or Windows, and is assigned 'upon arrival'. To determine the actual user for a given gamepad, you should use the controller ID reported as part of the Capabilities.

auto caps = gamePad->GetCapabilities( playerIndex );
if ( caps.IsConnected() )
        auto ctrl = Controller::GetControllerById( );
        if ( ctrl )
            User^ user = ctrl->User;
            // user is the user associated with the controller, if any
    catch ( Platform::Exception ^ e )
        // error handling, likely the controller has been removed
        // since the caps were obtained

Windows Phone

The GamePad object can be created and used on Windows Phone, but it will always report no devices connected. The original XNA 4 API would report the Windows Phone hardware back button as Buttons.Back, but this implementation does not do this as the information about the hardware button is communicated through ICoreWindows messages.

Universal Windows app Platform (UWP)

When built for Windows 10, the GamePad class is implemented using a new WinRT Windows.Gaming.Input API similar to the Xbox One API. Here are a few notes:

  • Full support for leftTrigger and rightTrigger motors for the Xbox One controller on Windows.
  • MAX_PLAYER_COUNT is 8 rather than 4
  • Currently only the GAMEPAD type is reported for Xbox One controllers, and is always 0.

UWP on Xbox One

Whenever the B button on a gamepad controller is pressed on Xbox One, the running UWP app is sent a "back request" (like the hardware 'Back' button on Windows Mobile). If this is unhandled, the application will be suspended and the previous application is brought forward. This can make using the B button in your UI design a challenge, so the recommended solution is to add a message handler to 'handle' the request:


void SetWindow(CoreWindow^ window)
    auto navigation = Windows::UI::Core::SystemNavigationManager::GetForCurrentView();

    navigation->BackRequested +=
        ref new EventHandler<BackRequestedEventArgs^>(this, &ViewProvider::OnBackRequested);

void OnBackRequested(Platform::Object^, Windows::UI::Core::BackRequestedEventArgs^ args)
    // UWP on Xbox One triggers a back request whenever the B button is pressed
    // which can result in the app being suspended if unhandled
    args->Handled = true;


#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h>

// UWP on Xbox One triggers a back request whenever the B button is pressed
// which can result in the app being suspended if unhandled
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;

auto navigation = SystemNavigationManager::GetForCurrentView();

navigation.BackRequested([](const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable&, const BackRequestedEventArgs& args)

Further reading

DirectX Tool Kit: Now with GamePads
XInput and Windows 8
XInput and XAudio2
Xbox 360 Controller Images
Xbox 360 Controller Buttons

For Use

  • Universal Windows Platform apps
  • Windows desktop apps
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Xbox One


  • x86
  • x64
  • ARM64

For Development

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
  • clang/LLVM v12 - v18
  • MinGW 12.2, 13.2
  • CMake 3.20

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DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12






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