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Chuck Walbourn edited this page Jan 23, 2022 · 53 revisions
DirectXTK DirectXTK12

This is a helper for simplified keyboard state tracking modeled after the XNA Game Studio 4 (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input) Keyboard class.

Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 800

Related tutorial: Mouse and keyboard input


#include <Keyboard.h>


Keyboard is a singleton.

std::unique_ptr<Keyboard> keyboard;
keyboard = std::make_unique<Keyboard>();

For exception safety, it is recommended you make use of the C++ RAII pattern and use a std::unique_ptr.


Windows desktop

For Windows desktop applications, the application needs to make the appropriate calls during the main WndProc message processing:

#include <windows.h>
#include "Keyboard.h"

    switch (message)
        Keyboard::ProcessMessage(message, wParam, lParam);

    case WM_KEYDOWN:
    case WM_KEYUP:
    case WM_SYSKEYUP:
        Keyboard::ProcessMessage(message, wParam, lParam);

    return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);

You also want the following in your WndProc to avoid getting a 'beep' sound for key inputs assumed to be unsupported menu accelerator keys:

    case WM_MENUCHAR:
        // A menu is active and the user presses a key that does not correspond
        // to any mnemonic or accelerator key. Ignore so we don't produce an error beep.
        return MAKELRESULT(0, MNC_CLOSE);

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps

For Universal Windows Platform apps, you need to call SetWindow in the appropriate place.

C++/CX (/ZW)

void ViewProvider::SetWindow(CoreWindow^ window)


void ViewProvider::SetWindow(winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow window window)

You only get the C++/WinRT SetWindow helper function if you have included winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h before you include Keyboard.h. Alternatively, you can always just do what the helper does for you:



For Microsoft GDKX when targeting Gaming.Xbox.*.x64, no additional integration is required.

For the Xbox One XDK, you follow the pattern above for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps.

Basic use

GetState queries the current state of the keyboard.

auto kb = keyboard->GetState();

if (kb.Back)
    // Backspace key is down

if (kb.W)
    // W key is down

if (kb.A)
    // A key is down

if (kb.S)
    // S key is down

if (kb.D)
    // D key is down

if (kb.LeftShift)
    // Left shift key is down

if (kb.RightShift)
    // Right shift key is down

if ( kb.IsKeyDown( VK_RETURN ) )
    // Return key is down

Since Keyboard is a singleton, you can make use of the static method Get if desired: auto kb = Keyboard::Get().GetState()

Key state

The Keys enumeration and State structure is a mapping of the virtual keys rather than alphanumeric values, so the number 0 from the keyboard top-row and the 0 on the 10-key keypad are distinct, as are the left shift vs. right shift, etc.

There is no specific virtual key for lower-case (i.e. a) vs. upper-case (i.e. A). You have to determine this from tracking the state of CapsLock, and Shift (left/right) when you get a A. The same is true for + vs. = based on NumLock and Shift (left/right).

Due to limitations of C identifiers, the keyboard's top-row digits 1 through 9 and 0 are D1 through D9 and D0. The number keypad digits are NumPad0 through NumPad9.

Most of the Oem* values vary based on country/region, but you can count on OemPlus, OemComma, OemMinus, and OemPeriod being the same for all layouts.

For more information on virtual keys, see Microsoft Docs.

Keyboard state tracker

A common pattern is to trigger an action when a key is pressed or released, but you don't want to trigger the action every single frame if the key is held down for more than a single frame. This helper class simplifies this.

Keyboard::KeyboardStateTracker tracker;


auto state = keyboard->GetState();
tracker.Update( state );

if ( tracker.pressed.Space )
    // Space was just pressed down

if ( tracker.IsKeyReleased( VK_F1 ) )
    // F1 key was just released

The pressed member of the state tracker indicates each key that was just pushed down since the previous Update. The helper IsKeyPressed can be used to check this state.

The released member of the state tracker indicates each key that was just went up since the previous Update. The helper IsKeyReleased can be used to check this state.

You can determine which keys are 'down' vs. 'up' by looking at the original Keyboard::GetState to get the equivalent of the Mouse/GamePad HELD vs. UP tracker states.

When resuming from a pause or suspend, be sure to call Reset on the tracker object to clear the state history.

Threading model

The Keyboard class should be thread-safe with the exception of the ProcessMessage which should only be called in your windows message loop.


This helper is intended for game controls tied to the keyboard. For chat input and editable text, you should use the platform-specific methods for text input.

Due to some quirks of the platform, If you press both Left & Right Shift keys at the same time, they will both appear down until both are released.

The IsConnected method can be used to test if a keyboard device is present on the system.

Note that on some systems, support for a virtual keyboard is reported as 'true' even without a physical keyboard.

International layouts

Keep in mind when designing the keyboard controls for your game the different layouts of standard keyboards. In particularly, note the red keys which are in different locations for international keyboards than the traditional English QWERTY keyboard.

International Keyboard Layout

The Keyboard class makes use of virtual keys and not scancodes so your code has to be aware of these layout differences.


Further reading

DirectX Tool Kit: Keyboard and Mouse support
Using Keyboard Input

For Use

  • Universal Windows Platform apps
  • Windows desktop apps
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Xbox One


  • x86
  • x64
  • ARM64

For Development

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
  • clang/LLVM v12 - v18
  • MinGW 12.2, 13.2
  • CMake 3.20

Related Projects

DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12






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