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Releases: py-pdf/fpdf2

Support for page labels & Python 3.13 - various fixes & improvements

16 Dec 10:08
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  • new optional parameter border for table cells: users can define specific borders (left, right, top, bottom) for individual cells - thanks to @Kaustbh - issue #1192
  • FPDF.write_html(): now parses <title> tags to set the document title. By default, it is added as PDF metadata, but not rendered in the document body. However, this can be enabled by passing render_title_tag=True to FPDF.write_html().
  • support for LZWDecode compression - thanks to @opposss - issue #1271
  • Python 3.13 is now officially supported
  • support for page labels and created a reference table of contents implementation - thanks to @andersonhc - PR #1188
  • documentation on how to: render spreadsheets as PDF tables
  • support for passing Align values (along with string values like 'C', 'L', 'R') in l_margin of TextStyle to horizontally align text - issue #1282


  • support for align= in FPDF.table(). Due to this correction, tables are now properly horizontally aligned on the page by default. This was always specified in the documentation, but was not in effect until now. You can revert to have left-aligned tables by passing align="LEFT" to FPDF.table().
  • FPDF.set_text_shaping(False) was broken since version 2.7.8 and is now working properly - issue #1287
  • fixed bug where cells with rowspan, colspan > 1 and null text were not displayed properly - issue #1293
  • CreationDate metadata used a wrong timezone offset for UTC - issue #1261
  • insert_toc_placeholder() did not properly the page orientation, which caused a bug when the last page of the document was in a different orientation - issue #1213


  • improved logic for handling text substitution of the total number of pages, ensuring compatibility with text shaping - issue #1090
  • all AnnotationDict properties can now be passed to FPDF.text_annotation(), FPDF.free_text_annotation(), FPDF.add_action(), FPDF.add_text_markup_annotation() & FPDF.ink_annotation(). This includes title, color, border_width...


  • reminder : since release 2.8.1, fpdf2 does not support Python 3.7, that reached end-of-life in 2023

FPDF.bezier() to render quadratic and cubic Bézier curves, and many improvements

04 Oct 12:05
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Note: a temporary 2.8.0 version was released but then erroneously removed on Pypi.
Versions 2.8.0 & 2.8.1 are exactly the same.


  • support for quadratic and cubic Bézier curves with FPDF.bezier() - thanks to @awmc000
  • support for escape character for markers in markdown text issue #1215
  • Wrapping words on spaces now considers all common space symbols in addition to regular spaces (' '), addressing issues with word-wrapping for languages like Thai, as per #1190 and #1191.
  • Templates can now be also defined in JSON files.
  • support to optionally set wrapmode in templates (default "WORD" can optionally be set to "CHAR" to support wrapping on characters for scripts like Chinese or Japanese) - cf. #1159 - thanks to @carlhiggs
  • documentation on how to use fpdf2 with Rough.js: link to docs
  • documentation on how to use fpdf2 with gunicorn: link to docs
  • new translation of the tutorial in Türkçe, thanks to @Natgho: Türkçe
  • feature to identify the Unicode script of the input text and break it into fragments when different scripts are used, improving text shaping results
  • FPDF.image(): now handles keep_aspect_ratio in combination with an enum value provided to x
  • FPDF.write_html(): now supports CSS page breaks properties : documentation
  • FPDF.write_html(): new optional font_family parameter to set the default font family
  • FPDF.write_html(): spacing before lists can now be adjusted via the tag_styles attribute - thanks to @lcgeneralprojects
  • file names are mentioned in errors when fpdf2 fails to parse a SVG image



  • support for Python 3.7, that reached end-of-life in 2023
  • an obscure and undocumented feature of FPDF.write_html(), which used to magically pass instance attributes as arguments.


  • fpdf.TitleStyle has been renamed into fpdf.TextStyle
  • FPDF.write_html(): tag_indents introduced in the last version - Now the indentation can be provided through the tag_styles parameter, using the .l_margin of TextStyle instances


  • FPDF.local_context() used to treat font_size as a value in points. Now this is the role of font_size_pt, whereas font_size allows to set the font size into chosen document units (specified with FPDF(unit=)) - MR: #1207
  • : the previous r parameter, that in fact defined the diameter, has been replaced by a new radius paremeter. The x & y parameters now define the circle center, instead of its top-left corner as it used to be - issue #1245
  • FPDF.table() now raises an error when a single row is too high to be rendered on a single page
  • FPDF.write_html(): indentation of HTML elements can now be non-integer (float), and is now independent of font size and bullet strings.
  • improved performance of font glyph selection by using functools cache
  • Clarified usage of the style attribute in FPDF.add_font()

Improvements on `table()` and `write_html()`, and several bugfixes.

17 May 16:26
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  • new optional parameter repeat_headings for FPDF.table() that indicates whether to print table headings on every page
  • support for overriding paragraph direction on bidirectional text
  • new optional li_prefix_color parameter for FPDF.write_html()
  • support for start & type attributes of <ol> tags, and type attribute of <ul> tags, when using FPDF.write_html()
  • FPDF.write_html() now accepts a tag_styles parameter to control the font, color & size of HTML elements: <a>, <blockquote>, <li>...
  • FPDF.write_html() now accepts a tag_indents parameter to control, for example, the indent of <blockquote> elements
  • FPDF.write_html() now honors line-height attributes on <ol> & <li> elements, or the same CSS property in style attributes on those tags
  • allow to define custom cell_fill_mode logic for tables: Set cells background - documentation section. Also added 2 new values: TableCellFillMode.EVEN_ROWS & TableCellFillMode.EVEN_COLUMNS: documentation


  • a bug when rendering vector images with dashed lines that caused a warning message in Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • ordering RTL fragments on bidirectional texts
  • fixed type hint of member level in class OutlineSection from str to int.
  • SVG clipping paths being incorrectly painted - cf. issue #1147]
  • new translation of the tutorial in Polski - thanks to @DarekRepos


  • improved the performance of FPDF.start_section() - cf. issue #1092


  • The dd_tag_indent & li_tag_indent parameters of FPDF.write_html() are replaced by the new tag_indents generic parameter.
  • The heading_sizes & pre_code_font parameters of FPDF.write_html() are replaced by the new tag_styles generic parameter.

Table improvements, bidirectional text support, support for <path> in SVG and several bug fixes

10 Feb 04:34
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  • support for <path> elements in SVG <clipPath> elements
  • support for bidirectional text shaping - thanks to @andersonhc
  • documentation on how to combine fpdf2 with mistletoe in order to generate PDF documents from Markdown (link)
  • tutorial in Dutch: Handleiding - thanks to @Polderrider
  • support for Table cells that span multiple rows via the rowspan attribute, which can be combined with colspan - thanks to @mjasperse
  • TableSpan.COL and TableSpan.ROW enums that can be used as placeholder table entries to identify span extents - thanks to @mjasperse


  • when adding a link on a table cell, an extra link was added erroneously on the left. Moreover, now FPDF._disable_writing() properly disable link writing.
  • FPDF.write_html() now handles linking directly to other pages - thanks to @mjasperse
  • non-bold TitleStyle is now rendered as non-bold even when the current font is bold
  • calling .table() inside the render_toc_function
  • using .set_text_shaping(True) & .offset_rendering()
  • fixed gutter handing when a pagebreak occurs within a table with header rows - thanks to @mjasperse
  • fixed handling of border=0 in HTML table - thanks to @mjasperse
  • FPDF.write_html() now properly honors align= attributes in <th> tags
  • fixed problem using bold italic standard fonts in markdown - thanks to @Alan-Collins


  • refactored FPDF.multi_cell() to generate fewer PDF component objects - thanks to @mjasperse
  • outer table borders are now drawn continuously for nonzero gutter_width/gutter_height, with spacing applied inside the border similar to HTML tables - thanks to @mjasperse - cf. #1071
  • removed the requirement that all rows in a Table have the same number of columns - thanks to @mjasperse


  • font aliases (ArialHelvetica, CourierNewCourer, TimesNewRomanTimes). They will be removed in a later release.

Support for Images and Clipping Paths in SVG files - Python 3.12 Support - Several Bugfixes

10 Dec 13:40
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  • Basic support for <image> elements in SVG vector graphics inserted
  • SVG importing now supports clipping paths, and <defs> tags anywhere in the SVG file - thanks to @afriedman412 - cf. #968
  • FPDF.fonts.FontFace: Now has a static combine method that allows overriding a default FontFace (e.g. for specific cells in a table). Unspecified properties of the override FontFace retain the values of the default - thanks to @TedBrookings - cf. #979
  • TextColumns() can now have images inserted (both raster and vector) - thanks to @gmischler
  • TextColumns() can now advance to the next column with the new new_column() method or a FORM_FEED character (\u000c) in the text - thanks to @gmischler
  • Added support for Free Text annotations: documentation - thanks to @MarekT0v - cf. #1039
  • Tutorial in Dutch: Handleiding - thanks to @Polderrider
  • Python 3.12 is now officially supported


  • Links over text in tables were broken in release 2.7.6, this is now fixed
  • FPDF.set_font_color() raised a TypeError when used in tables
  • FPDF.image(x=Align.C) used to fail for SVG images - fixed thanks to @gmischler - cf. #1003
  • Previously set dash patterns were not transferred correctly to new pages - fixed thanks to @gmischler - cf. #993
  • Inserted Vector images used to ignore the keep_aspect_ratio argument.
  • FPDF.write_html() now properly honor the current text font color when styling table cells
  • FPDF.write_html() delays unescaping data so as not to confuse entity names as nested tags
  • FPDF.multi_cell() has improved handling of new_x and new_y when padding is non-zero.
  • FPDF.multi_cell(fill=True) now avoids overlapping multiline strings when padding is non-zero.


  • the public .images, .icc_profiles & .image_filter attributes of FPDF instances have been moved inside a nested FPDF.image_cache attribute. Similarly, the FPDF.preload_image() is now a function in the fpdf.image_parsing module: documentation
  • the fpdf.svg module now produces WARNING log messages for unsupported SVG tags & attributes.
    If those logs annoy you, you can suppress them: logging.getLogger("fpdf.svg").propagate = False
  • FPDF.table(): If cell styles are provided for cells in heading rows, combine the cell style as an override with the overall heading style.

Improvements to FPDF.table() - Text regions layout management - several bugfixes

11 Oct 15:08
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This release is the first performed from the @py-pdf GitHub org, where fpdf2 migrated.
This release also marks the arrival of two new maintainers: Georg Mischler (@gmischler) and Anderson Herzogenrath da Costa (@andersonhc).



  • The formatting output by write_html() has changed in some aspects. Vertical spacing around headings and paragraphs may be slightly different, and elements at the top of the page don't have any extra spacing above anymore.
  • FPDF.table(): If the height of a row is governed by an image, then the default vertical alignment of the other cells is "center". This was "top".
  • variable-width non-breaking space (NBSP) support issue #834
    This change was made for consistency between row-height governed by text or images. The old behaviour can be enforced using the new vertical alignment parameter.


  • In multi_cells and table cells with horizontal padding, the text was not given quite enough space.
  • write_html() can now handle formatting tags within paragraphs without adding extra line breaks (except in table cells for now).
  • the font size in HTML <pre> and <code> tags is not fixed to 11 pica anymore, but adapts to the preceding text.
  • FPDF.ln(), when called before any text has been written, will now use the current font height instead of doing nothing - cf. issue #937
  • FPDF.image(), when provided a BytesIO instance, does not close it anymore - cf. issue #881
  • Invalid characters were being generated when a string contains parentheses - cf. issue #884
  • Frozen Glyph dataclass was causing problems for FPDFRecorder with TTF fonts - cf. issue #890
  • Edge case when parsing a Markdown link followed by a newline - cf. issue #916, and when bold/italics/underline markers are repeated
  • Zoom not set correctly when a numeric value was set in set_display_mode() - cf. issue #926
  • FPDF.table(): images no longer overlap with cell borders - cf. issue #892
  • Encryption of strings containing non-latin characters - cf. issue #933
  • Handling of fragments with zero-length - cf. issue #902


  • to improve naming consistency, the txt parameters of FPDF.cell(), FPDF.multi_cell(), FPDF.text() & FPDF.write() have been renamed to text

Text shaping using Harfbuzz - New mirror() method - New AES-256 encryption - Several bugfixes

04 Aug 15:55
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  • the center optional parameter of FPDF.cell() is no more deprecated, as it allows for horizontal positioning, which is different from text alignment control with align="C"

Images can now be embedded as CMYK - Docs for using Pygal & FastAPI - Various bugfixes

28 Apr 16:01
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  • FPDF.table(): images no more overflow cells
  • FPDF.table(): text overflow in the last cell of the header row is now properly handled
  • FPDF.table(): when align="RIGHT" is provided, the page right margin is now properly taken in consideration


  • FPDF.write_html() does not render the top row as a header, in bold with a line below, when no <th> are used, in order to be more backward-compatible with earlier versions of fpdf2 - cf. #740


  • the split_only optional parameter of FPDF.multi_cell(), which is replaced by two new distincts optional parameters: dry_run & output

Removing debug print() statement

03 Apr 12:14
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  • removed a debug print() statement left in 🤦‍♂️ - A rule was also added to .pre-commit-config.yaml to avoid this to happen again.

SVG & table() bugfixes

03 Apr 09:59
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  • custom fonts can be used with FPDF.table() without triggering a TypeError: cannot pickle 'dict_keys' object - thanks @aeris07 for the bug report
  • the SVG parser now accepts <rect> with width / height defined as percents