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Releases: reduxjs/redux-toolkit


16 Jan 04:24
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This releases fixes our dev UMD build, and improves type inference for dispatch based on provided middleware.


Dispatch and Middleware Typings

The Redux core types will modify the type of dispatch based on provided middleware, allowing it to accept parameters other than action objects and return other values. The redux-thunk middleware is an example of this.

RTK's configureStore and getDefaultMiddleware were not correctly picking up the types of the middleware, and were always assuming that redux-thunk was enabled at the type level even if the thunk middleware had been disabled.

This has been fixed, and the store should now correctly pick up the types of both the default and user-provided middleware.

Additional Type Re-Exports

RTK now re-exports the ThunkAction type from redux-thunk, and the Draft type from immer.

Dev UMD fixes

Our dev UMD build was broken due to the recent build configuration changes, and that has now been fixed. This means the sandbox in the Basic Tutorial should be working again.


  • correctly infer dispatch from provided middlewares (@phryneas - #304)
  • export ThunkAction and Draft types (@phryneas - #312)
  • fix: UMD dev build by removing runtime usage of require statement (@alex-ketch - #317)



26 Dec 19:57
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Fixed a build tool misconfiguration that resulted in 1.2.0 leaving out the TS typings.d.ts declarations file. No other code changes from v1.2.0.


  • Fix api-extractor command for cross-platform usage 016529f



26 Dec 19:25
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This release rewrites the createAction and createSlice types to enable better user readability and reusability, and fixes an issue with the bundling and publishing of the immutable state invariant middleware.

(Note: this release was broken due to a missing TS type definition file. Please use v1.2.1 instead.)


Type Inference Readability Improvements

The type definitions for createAction and createSlice were primarily written using the TS type keyword. The TS compiler and inference engine tries to "unwrap" those types, which meant that the inferred type for a variable like const test = createAction<number, 'test'>('test') would be shown in an IDE tooltip like this:

WithTypeProperty<WithMatch<(<PT extends number>(payload: PT) => WithPayload<PT, Action<"test">>), "test", number, never, never>, "test">

That unwrapped type declaration is hard to read, and not very informative for app developers.

We've rewritten most of our types to use the interface keyword instead. Now, that same variable's inferred type would be displayed as:

ActionCreatorWithPayload<number, "test">

This is more informative and easier to read.

Type Export Improvements

Several users had noted that the complexity of the type definitions for createSlice made it impossible to write a higher-order or wrapper function in TypeScript that called createSlice internally ( #276, #286). As part of the typings update, we've refactored the type declarations to expose some public types that can be used to correctly define the arguments that will be passed to createSlice, and documented how to wrap createSlice in the "Usage with TypeScript" docs page. We've also documented all of the types in the codebase.

Thanks to @phryneas for all the hard work on these type improvements!

Module Bundling Fixes

The build tooling setup for RTK tries to deal with several different use cases (dev vs prod, CJS vs ESM vs UMD modules, etc). There were problems with the build config that resulted in a require() statement being included in the ESM build, and the UMD dev build was actually missing the immutable invariant middleware. The build tooling has been updated to fix those issues.




01 Dec 22:29
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This release adds a utility function for better type safety with reducer object parameters, and fixes an issue with error message in the serializability check middleware.


Type-Safe Reducer Object Builder API

createReducer accepts a plain object full of reducer functions as a parameter, where the keys are the action types that should be handled. While this works fine with plain JS, TypeScript is unable to infer the correct type for the action parameters in each reducer.

As an alternative, you may now pass a callback function to createReducer that will be given a "builder" object that allows you to add reducers in a type-safe way based on the provided action types:

const increment = createAction<number, 'increment'>('increment')
const decrement = createAction<number, 'decrement'>('decrement')
createReducer(0, builder =>
    .addCase(increment, (state, action) => {
      // action is inferred correctly here
    .addCase(decrement, (state, action: PayloadAction<string>) => {
      // this would error out

While this API is usable from plain JS, it has no real benefit there, and is primarily intended for use with TS.

The same API is also available for the extraReducers argument of createSlice. It is not necessary for the reducers argument, as the action types are already being defined there.

Serialization Error Fixes

Error messages for the serialization check middleware were not correctly displaying the value. This has been fixed.

Docs Updates

Docusaurus v2

Our documentation site at has been upgraded to use Docusaurus v2! This comes with a shiny new look and feel, and page loads are now even more Blazing Fast (TM).

Thanks to @endiliey, @yangshunz, @wgao19, and @ashakkk for all their hard work on the migration!

New "Usage with TypeScript" Page

We now have a new "Usage with TypeScript" docs page that has examples on how to correctly write and type usage of RTK.





v1.0.4: Redux Starter Kit is now Redux Toolkit!

13 Nov 05:39
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As of v1.0.4, we've officially renamed this package from "Redux Starter Kit" to Redux Toolkit!

Please switch the installed package name from:




Read on for details.

Why A New Name?

The name "Redux Starter Kit" originated from the original discussion issue that started the project, which was titled "RFC: Redux Starter Kit". We originally published it as a personal scoped package during early development (@acemarke/redux-starter-kit) for ease of management.

The plan was always to make it an official Redux-branded package. We had an extensive discussion of possible names. The redux-starter-kit package name was already taken, but the owner donated it to us, and we decided to go with it.

The intent behind "Starter Kit" was that "this package is the fastest way to start a Redux project". Unfortunately, as RSK got closer to 1.0, it became apparent that the phrase "Starter Kit" was causing confusion. People told us that they assumed the package was a CLI project creation tool, a cloneable boilerplate, something that was only meant for beginners, or something you would outgrow.

Our goal is that this package should be the default standard way for users to write Redux logic. If people aren't willing to even look at it because of the word "Starter" in the name, then that needed to change.

We put up another naming discussion thread, and concluded that the best options were to A) publish it as a @reduxjs/ scoped package, and B) use the name "Toolkit".

So, the final result is a package name of "Redux Toolkit", published on NPM as @reduxjs/toolkit, and abbrevated as RTK.

Our documentation is now published at


Update all dependencies and imports from redux-starter-kit to @reduxjs/toolkit, and update the dependency versions to 1.0.4. (There are no code changes from RSK 1.0.1 to RTK 1.0.4 - the new published versions are just README, package naming updates, and fixes for the build setup.)

The redux-starter-kit package continues to work as-is as of v1.0.1. However, to encourage migration, we have deprecated all existing RSK versions, and will likely publish a new version of RSK that is empty and will enforce switching to @reduxjs/toolkit.


13 Nov 04:25
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02 Nov 20:04
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This release includes a TS type bugfix for prepare callbacks, adds a new match method for action creators, and re-exports additional functions from Redux.


The types for the recently added error field in prepare callbacks were too loose, and that caused them to fall back to any. This has been fixed.

There are cases when it is helpful to have a type guard to narrow action objects down to a known type, such as checking in a middleware. Generated action creators now have a actionCreator.match() type guard function attached.

We were re-exporting some methods from the Redux core, but not all of them. All Redux exports are now re-exported, including bindActionCreators.



v1.0 Final!

23 Oct 13:31
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Today I am extremely excited to announce that:

Redux Starter Kit 1.0 is now live!

To celebrate, I've put together a blog post that looks back at the history, inspirations, and development process that led us to this point:

Idiomatic Redux: Redux Starter Kit 1.0


This release contains only one new change: the ability to include an error field from a prepare callback, to match the FSA standard.


  • feat(action): support optional error field (@tvanier - #222)

Credits and Thanks

I'd like to thank everyone who has been involved in Redux Starter Kit in any way. To highlight some of the key participants:

  • @gaearon : the creator of Redux. Wouldn't have any of this without him.
  • @modernserf: wrote the original suggestion that inspired RSK.
  • @timdorr : wrote the RFC: Redux Starter Kit issue that served as the springboard for actually getting RSK started
  • @hswolff : helped talk through the initial list of features
  • @nickmccurdy : implemented almost all of the initial build tooling and several key pieces of initial functionality
  • @shotaK: donated the redux-starter-kit package name on NPM
  • @neurosnap : ported createSlice from Autodux, and donated his implementation after writing it as a separate package
  • @denisw: ported RSK to TypeScript, and valuable suggestions on createSlice
  • @Dudeonyx , @Jessidhia: plenty of TS advice
  • @phryneas : implemented multiple new features, improved our TS types, and coached me through starting to understand how some of this complex types stuff actually works :)
  • @RichiCoder1 : ported our build setup to TSDX

Thank you so much to all of you, and everyone else who has contributed!


18 Oct 18:09
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The switch to TSDX accidentally dropped the re-export of types like Action from Redux.


  • Fix broken re-export of Redux types d70dc31



18 Oct 16:07
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This release contains only build tooling changes and package updates. We've switched our build setup from a homegrown Rollup config to use TSDX instead. We're also running CI tests against multiple versions of TypeScript to try to prevent any future type changes that might affect older versions.

As part of the TSDX changes, the published package now contains the types in a single combined index.d.ts file instead of separate files, which may work better in certain build tooling setups.

In the process, we've also updated Immer from 2.1.5 to 4.0.1. This primarily adds auto-freezing of all state objects in development, but shouldn't have any actual changes for your code. See the Immer release notes for more details.

Barring any new issues, this will likely be the last point release before 1.0 release candidates in the next couple days.

