v2.3.14 (Henri Becquerel release)
What's Changed
- REST_GenerateResponseMatrix removed. by @jgalan in #318
- TRestAnalysisTree: recover GetHistogram() for splitted files by @nkx111 in #321
- Adding new library wimplib by @juanangp in #319
- Adding foreach to pull-submodules.py by @juanangp in #320
- Add direct support for REST classes in PyROOT (Python) by @lobis in #323
- Update GitHub Actions concurrency policy to keep only latest pushed commit workflow running by @lobis in #324
- TRestMetadata documentation revision by @jgalan in #328
- Fixing an issue with masks not rotating by @jgalan in #326
- fix source geant4 from thisREST on zsh shell by @lobis in #332
- CMakeLists.txt requiring minimum ROOT version 6.24 by @jgalan in #335
- fix browser for newer root versions (6.26./10) and add icons to buttons by @lobis in #336
- Adding an internal circular region inside a spider mask by @jgalan in #329
- Fixes MacOs installation by @jgalan in #337
- cleaning and better string handling of TRestAnalysisTree and TRestEventProcess by @lobis in #339
- Remove repeated value for the speed of light by @Oscar-PL in #341
- Adding a fix on system of units by @jgalan in #340
- ApplyCut will be always called by @jgalan in #334
- REST_MakeMetadata. Fixing minor issues by @jgalan in #330
- Pull submodules recursively by @juanangp in #351
- Implementation of TRestDataSet by @jgalan in #345
- Release v2.3.14 by @jgalan in #347
- Updating rawlib to release 1.8 by @jgalan in #352
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.3.13...v2.3.14
Library and package updates:
- Geant4lib updated to release 2.0.
- RestG4 updated to release 1.9
- Axionlib updated to release 1.0
- Rawlib updated to release 1.8