Chipyard 1.7.0
FireSim bump for local (on-premises) FPGA and distributed metasimulation support. Hammer now supports the OpenROAD open-source EDA tools for a fully open-source RTL-to-GDS VLSI flow.
- Add a FireSim config with no mem port (#1172)
- Hammer OpenROAD plugins: Yosys (syn), OpenROAD (par), Magic (drc), Netgen (lvs) (#1183)
- Bump FireSim to 1.14.0
- Give the PRCI widgets valnames to clean up module naming (#1152)
- Add missing Apache commons dependencies (fixes #1144) (#1147)
- Disable Boost for spike (#1168)
- VCS enhancements (#1150)
- Support multi-thread VCS simv option like FGP, Xprof etc.
- Idle tsi in the target thread
- Don't shallow clone submodules (revert #1064) (#1143)
- Remove extra spaces in FPGA makefile (#1135)