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Haru edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 1 revision

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  • getnpctimer(<type></type>{,""})


This script command is one out of a set of commands and functions that create and manage an NPC-based timer. Specifically, 'getnpctimer' provides the timer information. See #Parameters below for the type of information returned. The NPC name may be omitted, in which case the calling NPC is used as target.


Its parameter defines what type to return:

 0 - Will return the current tick count of the timer.
 1 - Will return 1 if there are remaining "OnTimer&lt;ticks&gt;&lt;/ticks&gt;:" labels in the 
     specified NPC waiting for execution.
 2 - Will return the number of times the timer has triggered and will trigger
     an "OnTimer&lt;tick&gt;&lt;/tick&gt;:"  label in the specified NPC.


 [[mes]] "[Man]";
 mes "I have been waiting "+(getnpctimer(0)/1000)+" seconds for you";
 // we divide the timer returned by 1000 cause it will be displayed in 
 // milliseconds otherwise

Category:Script Command

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