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Haru edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Mob Spawn

 int mob_once_spawn (struct map_session_data *sd, char *mapname, short x, short y, const char *mobname, int class_, int amount, const char *event)
 mob_once_spawn(sd,"mapname", x, y, "Name", mob_class, Count, "Event");
  • "mapname" = Map Name ("this" is actual map)
  • X and Y = Map coordenates
  • "Name" = Name that will show
    • "--ja--" Will show the name in collumn "Japanese" in mob_db
    • "--en--" Will show the name in collumn "English" in mob_db
    • status_get_name(src) Will show character name
  • mob_class = Mob ID
  • Count = Amount to be spawned
  • Event = Event that will start On Mob Death
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