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172 lines (151 loc) · 14.2 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (151 loc) · 14.2 KB


2019.11 12.0.0-preview.6

  • [Breaking] The custom browser and retry policies that are specific to the Storage libraries have been renamed to have the Storage prefix. PR 5862. Below are the entities that now have the Storage prefix
    • BrowserPolicy
    • BrowserPolicyFactory
    • RetryPolicy
    • RetryPolicyType
    • RetryOptions
    • RetryPolicyFactory
  • [Breaking] The interface NewPipelineOptions has been renamed to StoragePipelineOptions and its properties have been updated as below:
    • The proxy property of type ProxySettings | string has been renamed to proxyOptions and will be of type ProxyOptions. If you have been passing url directly, split the value into host and port then pass it as a json object.
    • The telemetry property of type TelemetryOptions has been renamed to userAgentOptions of type UserAgentOptions.
    • The logger is no longer a property available to configure. To enable logging, please see the Troubleshooting section of our readme.
  • [Breaking]
    • The UniqueRequestIdPolicy and KeepAlivePolicy are no longer exported from this library. The corresponding policies from the @azure/core-http library are meant to be used instead.

2019.10 12.0.0-preview.5

  • [Breaking] Major API changes for the @azure/storage-queue package.
    • Flattened Client Hierarchy - QueueClient is flattened into QueueServiceClient, MesagesClient is renamed to QueueClient, MessageIdClient is flattened into the new QueueClient. PR #5579
      • enqueueMessage is renamed as sendMessage, dequeueMessages is renamed to receiveMessages
      • The new QueueServiceClient has createQueue and deleteQueue helper methods.
      • Names of Options and Responses as per the new hierarchy of clients. PR #5617
        • Example - MessagesClearOptions is renamed to QueueClearMessagesOptions, MessagesEnqueueResponse is renamed to QueueSendMessageResponse.
      • DequeuedMessageItem is renamed to ReceivedMessageItem PR #5661
  • Created new interface CommonOptions. This interface is for standard options that apply to all methods that invoke remote operations. This interface currently contains options that enable client-side tracing of the SDK. PR #5550
  • [Breaking] IPRange is renamed to SasIPRange. PR #5551
  • [Breaking] Models is no longer exported in public API surface. Instead generated model types required by the public API are explicitly re-exported and aliased with Model suffix. For example, after this change, Models.QueueItem becomes QueueItemModel. PR #5534
  • [Breaking] Cancelling an operation now throws a standardized error with the name AbortError. PR #5633
  • [Breaking] queueName on QueueClient is renamed to name. PR #5613
  • [Breaking] body field from RestError Object in core-http Library is removed, the response property on the error will now have the parsedBody & headers along with raw body & headers that are already present. PRs #5670, #5437
    • Errors from the storage service can be seen in an extra field details with the expected error code. #5688
  • [Breaking] Type of the permissions attribute in the options bag FileSASSignatureValues to be passed into generateQueueSASQueryParameters is changed to QueueSASPermissions from type string. PR #5626
    • Similarly, AccountSASPermissions for generateAccountSASQueryParameters instead of type string.
    • Example - permissions attribute in generateQueueSASQueryParameters
      • permissions: QueueSASPermissions.parse("racwd").toString() changes to QueueSASPermissions.parse("racwd")
  • [Breaking] Appropriate attribute renames in all the interfaces PR #5629
    • Example - nextMarker -> continuationToken, HTTPClient -> HttpClient, permission -> permissions
  • Bug fix - Name properties on clients now support the Emulator. PR #5557
    • emulator url when the queueEndpoint is supported
    • emulator connection string shorthands are supported
      • UseDevelopmentStorage=true
      • (with proxyURI) UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=proxyURI
  • [Breaking] IE11 needs Object.assign polyfill loaded. PR #5727

2019.10 12.0.0-preview.4

  • Library tries to load the proxy settings from the environment variables like HTTP_PROXY if the proxy settings are not provided when clients like QueueServiceClient or QueueClient are instantiated.
  • Added development connection string support to connect to the storage emulator Azurite - Extension for VS Code
    • Development Connection String
      • DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==; QueueEndpoint=;
    • Shorthand notation is also supported
      • UseDevelopmentStorage=true (or UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=http://myProxyUri)
  • Added name properties on all the clients for convenience.
    • accountName is added to MessageIdClient, MessagesClient, QueueClient and QueueServiceClient.
    • queueName is added to MessageIdClient, MessagesClient and QueueClient.
    • messageId is added to MessageIdClient.
  • [Breaking] Models.StorageServiceProperties is renamed to Models.QueueServiceProperties.
  • [Breaking] Models.StorageServiceStats is renamed to Models.QueueServiceStatistics.
  • [Breaking] Replace string with boolean flag to specify dataset to include when listing queues. Before this change the option is specified as
      include: "metadata"
    After this change:
      includeMetadata: true

2019.08 12.0.0-preview.3

  • [Breaking] RawTokenCredential is dropped. TokenCredential implementations can be found in the @azure/identity library for authentication.
  • Updated Azure Storage Service API version to 2019-02-02.
  • Responses for all APIs now return x-ms-client-request-id through clientRequestId that was passed in on the request from client-side.
  • Fixed a bug that Aborter cannot work during retry interval.
  • Fixed a bug that "err.code.toUpperCase is not a function" when retries in browser.
  • Export RetryPolicyType.
  • Aborter doesn't require dom as tsconfig lib requirement anymore for Event type.
  • Updated HTTP client from axios to node-fetch in Node.js runtime.
  • A new option keepAliveOptions added to parameter of newPipeline() which controls keep-alive configurations. Keep-alive is enabled by default.
  • Pass through options.abortSignal to the optional abortSignal attribute in option bags instead of using AbortSignal.none as the default value when options.abortSignal is not specified.
  • Basic HTTP proxy authentication support is added. Proxy settings can be passed in the options while creating a new client. Example - typescript/proxyAuth.ts
  • Connection strings for explicit storage endpoints are supported. - Configure Azure Storage connection strings

2019.08 12.0.0-preview.2

  • [Breaking] Aborter class is no longer exposed from the package. Use the package @azure/abort-controller to pass an abort signal to any of the async operations. AbortController.timeout(<milliseconds>) can be utitlized as an abort signal.
  • Generalized the credential parameter in client constructors to support {SharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential} credentials as a union type.
  • Storage service allows SAS connection string with SAS string and endpoints along with the Account connection string(account name, key and endpoint). In this preview, SAS connection string support is added to the existing connection string client constructors and static methods.
    • Account connection string example - DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;
    • SAS connection string example - BlobEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;FileEndpoint=;TableEndpoint=;SharedAccessSignature=sasString
    • SAS connection string is supported in both NodeJS and browser runtimes unlike the Account Connection String which is supported only in the NodeJS runtime.
  • Fixed a bug where MessageIdClient constructor throws an error URL is undefined when the client is created with a valid connection string.

2019.07 12.0.0-preview.1

  • [Breaking] Client types are renamed from *URL to *Client.
    • QueueURL, MessagesURL, MessageIdURL, ServiceURL, StorageURL to QueueClient, MessagesClient, MessageIdClient, QueueServiceClient, StorageClient respectively.
  • [Breaking] Aborter parameters are now moved into option bags.
    • abortSignal attrubute(optional) in the option-bag of respective module has to be utitlized for the Aborter.timeout(<milliseconds>) functionality.
    • Aborter.none is the default value.
  • [Breaking] I- prefixes are removed from interface names
    • Example- IQueueCreateOptions is updated to QueueCreateOptions, the new names must to be used.
  • [Breaking] The static methods to create client types are removed. The functionality is moved into new instance methods added to the parent clients.
  • [Breaking] The telemetry strings have been updated.
    • Azure-Storage/${SDK_VERSION} is updated to azsdk-js-storagequeue/${SDK_VERSION}.
  • [Breaking] withPipeline method is removed.
  • Async iterators with pagination support are added for listing queues listQueues()
    • Please refer to the samples for async iterators in the samples folder.
  • [Breaking] Methods that list segments(listQueuesSegment()) is no longer exposed in public api.
  • [Breaking] StorageClient is no longer exposed. StorageClient.newPipeline() static method is moved to the top level exported function newPipeline().
  • [Breaking] TokenCredential has been renamed to RawTokenCredential to make way for the new @azure/identity library's TokenCredential interface.
  • [Breaking] The type of the include field of both ServiceListQueuesOptions and ServiceListQueuesSegmentOptions has changed from ListQueuesIncludeType to ListQueuesIncludeType[] due to changes in the underlying OpenAPI specification.
  • [Breaking] Blob/Container member methods that manage leases are removed. A new type LeaseClient is added to manage leases.
  • Updated dependency @azure/ms-rest-js to @azure/core-http.
  • Constructor overloads added into client types so they can be constructed from a url and a pipeline/credential and connection string.
    • Constructors with overloads - MessageIdClient, MessagesClient, QueueClient and QueueServiceClient.
    • Connection string method is supported only in Node.js (not browsers).
  • Creation/Deletion of child resources are duplicated to parent client type.
  • HTTP proxy support is added (Node.js only).
    • Please refer to the proxyAuth.ts sample in the samples/typescript folder.
  • Request and response headers are now logged at INFO level, with sensitive data redacted.

For release notes and more information please visit

2019.09 10.3.0

  • Updated Azure Storage Service API version to 2019-02-02.
  • Responses for all APIs now return x-ms-client-request-id through clientRequestId that was passed in on the request from client-side.

2019.07 10.2.0

  • Fixed a bug that Aborter cannot work during retry interval.
  • Fixed a bug that "err.code.toUpperCase is not a function" when retries in browser.
  • Export RetryPolicyType.
  • Aborter doesn't require dom as tsconfig lib requirement anymore for Event type.
  • Updated API version to 2018-11-09.
  • Updated HTTP client from axios to node-fetch in Node.js runtime.
  • A new option keepAliveOptions added to parameter of StorageURL.newPipeline() which controls keep-alive configurations. Keep-alive is enabled by default.
  • Updated Azure Storage Service API version to 2018-11-09.

2019.01 10.1.0

  • [Breaking] Updated convenience layer methods enum type parameters into typescript union types, this will help to reduce bundle footprint.
  • [Breaking] SASQueryParameters is not going to be exported in browser bundle, and will be exported in Node.js runtime.
  • [Breaking] IE11 needs Array.prototype.includes and Object.keys polyfills loaded.
  • Updated dependency ms-rest-js to @azure/ms-rest-js.
  • Updated server timeout value for retry options tryTimeoutInMs to 30 seconds.
  • Fixed Aborter.timeout() misleading scale description.
  • Fixed an issue that enqueue/dequeue/peek fail to work with some utf8 characters.
  • Exported HttpRequestBody type for who wants to implement a customized HTTP client.

2018.12 10.0.0-preview

  • Initial Release. API version 2018-03-28 supported. Please see the README for information on the new design.