Releases: PyHDI/veriloggen
Releases · PyHDI/veriloggen
- Improvement of Fixed-Point (veriloggen.types.fixed,, veriloggen.thread)
- Added intermediate buffer operators: RingBuffer and Scratchpad (
- Improvement of graph visualizer using pygraphviz (
- Added reinterpret cast operator (
- Added Split operator for SIMD-like processing (
- Changed the default bit-width of AWUSER and ARUSER in AXI interfaces (veriloggen.types.axi, veriloggen.thread)
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14.4
- Python 3.7.3
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.4
Ubuntu 18.04.2
- Python 3.6.7
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.4
- Bug fix of Repeat operator (veriloggen.core)
- Bug fix of Shift-Right-Arithmetically operator (veriloggen.thread)
- Windows support (veriloggen.simulation)
- All of AXI interface signals are implemented in the AXI-based controllers. To create a complete AXI interface and IP-XACT, IPgen is no longer required. So IPgen is removed from the installation requirements.
- Updated the license description
- Added the contribution guideline
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14.4
- Python 3.7.3
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.4
Ubuntu 18.04.2
- Python 3.6.7
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.4
- Complement2, Abs, and Sign are implemented in veriloggen.core and stream.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14.2
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
- RAM style attribute is supported.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
- A bug fix of fixed point.
- __div__ and __truediv__ in Thread compiler are swapped.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
- A bug fix for unused variable cares in Stream dump mode.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
- No-check mode for Initial values of RAM is implemented.
- Fixed Point support is improved.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.3
- IPgen 1.0.1
- Step number rule of Stream Dump mode is updated.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0
- Stream dump mode supports enable_dump() and disable_dump() methods from Thread.
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0
- Bug fix of the dump format for RAM
Test environment
Mac OSX 10.14
- Python 3.7.1
- Icarus Verilog 10.2
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0
Ubuntu 18.04.1
- Python 3.6.6
- Icarus Verilog 10.1
- Pyverilog 1.1.2
- IPgen 1.0.0