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ATF Command Groups

Gary edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 1 revision

A command group is a set of logically related commands. For example, the Edit commands Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete fall in a group. In a menu, groups are separated with divider lines; a tool strip contains a command group.

When you register a command, you specify its command group.

ATF defines a standard set of groups, and you can define your own groups. Each group also has a standard order for its commands.

Standard Command Groups

The StandardCommandGroup enumeration specifies ATF's standard command groups, used for both WinForms and WPF. ATF's standard command components, such as StandardFileCommands, use these groups, and you can use these groups for commands you define.

The group is named after the group's first command. For instance, the "FileSave" command group contains the FileSave, FileSaveAs, FileSaveAll, and FileClose standard commands.

You can add any command to a group, standard or custom. In general, the added command goes to the end of the group, with the exceptions noted in the following table. This table indicates where these command groups place new commands in their group.

Command Group Notes
FileExit New commands are added before Exit.
EditCut New commands are added in between Paste and Delete.
EditPreferences New commands are added at the top of the list.
ViewControls Placeholder for top-level controls that can be hidden or shown.
New commands are added at the top of the list.
FormatAlign New commands are added at the top of the list.
WindowDocuments List of open documents. New commands are added at the top of the list.
HelpAbout New commands are added before this command.

This table does not show all command groups; consult the StandardCommandGroup.cs file for the current list.

The command groups include groups for miscellaneous commands in the group, such as the FileOther and EditOther groups.

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