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Blanc Faye edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 20 revisions


  • Implement Bacterian Frigate, a ranged weapon that deploys allied Garun units to destroy enemies by shooting at them.
  • Add Bacterion Frigate to Big Core Custom's loot table.
  • Have Zelos Influence only use universal modifiers as a Yoyo.
  • Improve the homing behavior capabilities of projectiles from Chen's Gradius Mod.
  • Adjust all the hitboxes of projectiles, NPCs and items so that they are visually better and more accurate to what the graphics display on screen.
  • Decrease the number of sprites Big Core Custom has as there were issues presented by this
  • Big Core Custom will now only have the core opening animation.
  • Add Ban Option Rule to the laser of DES Advanced Cannon as it does not benefit from multiple lasers.
  • Improve implementation of DES Advanced Cannon missiles so that Options are able to duplicate them properly.
  • Improve Options implementation so that the AI array is also carried over to the duplicates.


  • Implement DES Advanced Cannon, a magic weapon inspired by Death MKII.
  • Add the new weapon to Big Core Custom Loot Table.


  • Integrate properly with Boss Checklist so that Big Core Custom data is properly displayed.
  • Actually add Zelos Influence into the loot table of Big Core Custom.


  • Implement a cooldown system for Zelos Influence to control its power as well as lag management.


  • Implement Zelos Influence, a yoyo that spawns friendly Zalks.
  • Decreased Big Core Custom money rewards.


  • Improve Enemy AI in multiplayer. It does cost more data though, in exchange.
  • Implement Uncanny Core Remote Rod which summons a Mini Covered Core sentry.
  • Refactor some of the heavy-implementation in computing directions and distances.


  • Fix a bug in Mod.Call that renders one API useless.
  • Add Sniper and High Velocity Bullet as a default allow check.


  • Fix Big Core's Laser sounds not being heard by clients on a dedicated server setup.


  • Fix Big Core Custom spawning on dedicated servers as it does not work when clients use the spawner.


  • Implement a variety of config options which includes adjustments of Bacterion stats, Option damage and more.
  • Implement Aircraft Carrier Music Box, and add it as a collection loot from Big Core Custom.
  • Decreased Moai Bubble count of the Moai enemy by 1.


  • Implement Turret Options. Sprites are not yet updated.
  • Add Starfield and Sensation music boxes.
  • Integrate Hero's Mod for proper configuration management roles.
  • Integrate Boss Checklist for proper entry in the checklist.


  • Implement the delayed fixes that was paused because of the lacking feature: Turret Options.
  • Move Turret Options feature away for now.


  • Implement Spread Options.
  • Implement Mod Configs in the mod. Refer to the wiki for complete details.
  • Heavily modify the API and add more functionalities. Refer to the wiki for complete details.
  • Add default vanilla rules in the mod while following the new API structure.
  • Fix a bug where a banned projectile can be duplicated when switching to a new weapon.


  • Modified the API and added functions.
  • "AddOptionRule" is now "BanOptionRule", which bans the projectile paired with the weapon that shot it from being duplicated once added to the rule list.
  • Added "AllowOptionRule", which allows a projectile paired with the weapon that shot it to be duplicated regardless of the usual filters.
  • Fix a bug where the enemies from this mods doesn't spawn properly.


  • Modified enemy spawn chances
  • Rush no longer spawns randomly like regular enemies
  • Rush will now only spawn through Dagoom hatches
  • All Gradius enemies will no longer spawn if the player is in an NPC town or inside a home


  • Fix Options bugs in multiplayer where the equip limitations are shared to all players


  • Update the mod for use with tModLoader
  • Fix a bug where in the Options in Multiplayer are not properly behaving
  • Improve Aim Option's aiming calculation to take into account the offset position


  • Fix Aim Options not spawning when the appropriate accessory is equipped


  • Update all placeholder sprites into the official ones


  • Rework Option Rules
  • Option Rules are now optional
  • Option Rules are not anymore a required fix
  • Rework Option Filtering mechanics which lessens performance deterioration
  • Rework Cross Mod Content API that is related to Option Rules
  • API now includes weapons instead of being just projectiles
  • See Documentation about API in the main post or wiki
  • Duplication of projectiles spawned by another projectile will most likely be fixed now


  • Fix bugs where in Recurve Option can be mixed and matched rarely
  • Optimize Search Options seek to pursue mode to majke it easier to lock on
  • Reworked recipes of Aim Options and Freeze Options
  • Remove Tinkerer's Workshop as crafting station when upgrading Options to a type
  • Allow all enemies to scale when Plantera is defeated
  • Allow all enemies to scale when Moon Lord is defeated
  • Enemy projectiles will scale accordingly as well
  • Add more Option rules for Calamity weapons


  • Implement Recurve Options
  • Add new Cross Mod Content API for adding a custom damage type that is found on ModProjectile
  • Change Option Seed crafting station to Work benches instead of Heavy work bench
  • Add more Option rules for Calamity weapons


  • Fix Rush desync issues and other enemies that might have a similar problem
  • Add an item which spawns Big Core
  • Remove spawn chance of Big Core in space
  • Adjust hitboxes of all items to the correct dimensions
  • Remove all AchievementLib related content
  • Add all banners for all enemies in this mod
  • Code optimizations regarding tile class structures


  • Fix an issue where the enemies won't spawn as their vertically inversed versions
  • Improve spawn checks for Big Core where in he will never spawn when the player is inside a house or near a town
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium
  • Add Intermezzo, a Gradius V song, as music box


  • Implement Dagoom and Rush
  • Optimize and generalized some codes while implementing new enemies
  • Optimize sending of packets and minimized their sizes
  • Improve the Ducker AI: Lower jump height and simplify behavior
  • Increase Sagna's number of bullets when attacking
  • Increase Ducker range and narrow down spread attack
  • Increase Grazia's attack rate and range
  • Lower spawn rate of Big Core Custom
  • Add reforge cost and sell values to all Options
  • Decrease Seek range of Search Options

  • Reduce damage reduction of large enemies, currently Moai and Big Core and future enemies
  • Reduce defense to 0 of large enemies
  • Increase Health of large enemies
  • Fix a bug where a silent exception is being made which causes the Options to disappear and respawn
  • Fix a bug where the Search Option cannot retarget due to a bad condition
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium
  • Decrease the buffer size of Options to settle FPS drops

  • Adjust Search option variables for a faster and crisper movement
  • Allow Search Options to find a new target after their old target is dead
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium


  • Implement Aim Options
  • Implement Search Options
  • Further optimize Option codes and recipe layout to get rid of bad recipes
  • Fix 1st Charge Multiple crafting station to the correct one
  • Increase Freeze Options required snow blocks and ice blocks
  • Increase Option Seed damage output
  • Some sprites related to the new option types are still placeholders


  • Optimize general code
  • Optimize Option Rule list code execution
  • Create Cross Mod Content API for adding Option rules
  • Also create API for supporting custom damage types
  • By default, support rogue weapons from Calamity Mod
  • Fix Ducker desync issue
  • Improve Sagna sync code for it to be smoother in multiplayer
  • Increase spawn chance of Zalk, Sagna and Ducker
  • Buff the Forces and give them more damage
  • Change Needle Force to have all benefits of Standard Force
  • Allow Needle Force to have more damage than Standard Force


  • Implement Ducker
  • Nerf Zalk enemies by reducing their fire rate and reducing their retaliation bullets
  • Fix a bug where the 3rd Charge Multiple uses Option 4 as ingredient
  • Remove damage cap of 1 to Moai and Big Core
  • Moai and Big Core instead has a high % of damage reduction
  • Add documentation for other modders so that they can enable their projectiles to be supported by the Options


  • Implement Sagna
  • Optimize Grazia spawn mechanic to avoid it being buried into the tiles
  • Fix Garun and Zalk sprites from snapping when spawned
  • Optimize code and added sync rates for enemies
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium

  • Fix multiplayer bug where there is a silent exception that occurs in Charge Multiples
  • Add light for Option items in the world
  • Exclude some note files that was bundled with the mod
  • Add a lot of Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium


  • Fix multiplayer bug issue where Charge Multiples are getting replaced when another player picks an item
  • Add field sprites for the Charge Multiples
  • Charge multiple special attack missile and trails are still placeholders
  • Charge multiple inventory sprite is also still a placeholder
  • Add Tabidachi music and music box from Gradius II
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium

  • Redesign Big Core Custom's sprite sheet to support most GPUs
  • Add more health to Big Core Custom


  • Remove Moai custom hitboxes to avoid crashes
  • Fix Charge Multiple's desync issue where the special attack missile head and trails separate
  • Fix issue where the Charge Multiples may become lost forever in multiplayer
  • Improve sync code of all enemies this mod introduces
  • Fix issue where Big Core and Moai were not retaliating when damaged


  • Implement Charge Multiple
  • Sprites and Sound effects are still placeholders
  • Multiplayer sync codes improved
  • Another stable release of the mod
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium

  • Add recipes for Option Seed
  • Add upgrade recipes of Options including the Option Seed
  • Change recipe of 4th Option to Ectoplasm instead of all Souls


  • Buff the Needle Force so it is more effective
  • Implement Option Seed
  • Add achievements thanks to AchievementLib
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium


  • Add retaliation mechanics to Gradius enemies and boss
  • Fix bug of Big Core's target not syncing
  • Fix bug where options are needed to be ordered again
  • Fix a bug where Moai projectile interactions are crashing the game
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium


  • Implement Big Core Custom (incomplete)
  • Big Core Custom is multiplayer compatible
  • Optimize option code and fix bug where options are duplicated resulting to 7 options max
  • Update the Needle Force sprite to reflect correct shadows
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium


  • Improve player syncing to other clients when entering worlds
  • Fix a bug where option colors are updated to all players
  • Optimize code in checking for mixing and matching options to render them efficiently unavailable
  • Fix a bug where equipping the 1st rotate option causes a frequent crash
  • Further add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are still specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium
  • Decrease Grazia fire rate of Bacterion Bullets
  • Decrease Grazia detection range
  • Increase spawn chance of Garun
  • Fix bug where the 1st equipped Rotate Option spazzes out


  • Implement Grazia enemy
  • Add more Option rules to support weapons from other mods (still incomplete)
  • These mods are specific to Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Bluemagic and Crystilium for now
  • Improve sync code of enemies to avoid wonky behavior in multiplayer
  • Fix bug about rounding errors of floats to integers
  • Fix all sprites so that the hitboxes and sprite models are correctly set up
  • Improve the code in freeing projectile data used by the Options
  • Add Gradius III music Departure For Space and music box


  • Add Phantasm Arrows in the Option rule list to avoid it being copied due to buggy results
  • Add Zalk attack distance to not let it attack infinitely even from a long range
  • Adjust Garun stats to be more deadly
  • Integrate Two Option inventory sprites to reflect changes done for the options
  • Reduce life span of Bacterion Bullets to avoid lag


  • Implement Zalk enemy
  • Make Bacterion bullets smaller in size
  • Optimize individual Option inventory sprites for better view
  • Fix a bug where Option types can be mixed and matched
  • Implement new coloring scheme for Options in field based on their inventory appearance


  • Implement the Garun enemy
  • Update individual Option inventory sprites


  • Fix a bug where melee interactions with Moais are misbehaving and not functioning properly
  • Optimize Moai code to improve multiplayer behavior
  • Add Option balance support of arrows from Calamity and Bluemagic


  • Vastly improve Moai behavior
  • Moai now displays HP Bar and damage number indicators
  • Moai Bubbles can now interact properly with piercing projectiles
  • Add The Position Light Music Box


  • Add a state where the Moai pauses for a brief amount of time before closing its mouth again
  • Change mod homepage to the forum page since it holds more information


  • Implement Moai enemy with a placeholder sprite and effects


  • Allow option accessories to be combined
  • Fix Needle Bydo recipe to include Bydo Embryo
  • Buff Force shots to be more effective


  • Integrate new sprite of the Needle Force
  • Integrate new accessory sprite for the Needle Bydo
  • Fix bug where two forces can spawn upon world enter and cause weird behavior


  • Fix a bug where there can only be one force in the field regardless of owner
  • Improve conditions to allow first equipped force to be retained


  • Implement the Needle Force from R-Type Delta
  • Improve a lot of code to enable easier implementation of future Forces


  • Fix all desync issues in Options and Force
  • Mod is now multiplayer compatible
  • Fix a bug where options do not appear even when accessories are equipped
  • Optimize code related to projectile spawning
  • Fix bug where Options have their own invisible options


  • Properly sync Force in multiplayer
  • Optimize code


  • Implement Rotate options
  • Fix bugs related with Freeze options that causes crashes
  • Fix incomplete and wrong recipes of the Freeze options


  • Implement the Freeze options from Gradius V
  • Fix a bug of catching an exception when the Force does not exist
  • Add Option equip sound effect
  • Adjust the rarities of the accessories to match Terraria's progression


  • Add recipes for Options and the Force
  • Fixed a fatal bug: a crash when hovering over the Bydo Embryo in the crafting menu


  • Implement the Force from R-Type series
  • Implement the exact behavior of it shown from the original games


  • Unequipping options now properly unloads them
  • Add Mod icon


  • Bug fixes
  • Options no longer generate friendly NPC projectiles
  • Option projectiles no longer generate ammo drops
  • Options are now limited to not work on some weapons
  • Allow options to work on some melee projectiles


  • Initial release