Releases: jenkinsci/github-checks-plugin
Releases · jenkinsci/github-checks-plugin
GitHub Checks Plugin v1.0.5 🎉
✨ Improvements
- Add GitHub scm source implementation for status checks properties (#66) @XiongKezhi
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 (#71) @dependabot
GitHub Checks Plugin 1.0.4 🎉
✨ Improvements
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix check reporting when using shared library (#70) @timja
- Remove SKIPPED conclusion, use CANCELLED instead (#64) @XiongKezhi
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump jetty.version from 9.4.32.v20200930 to 9.4.33.v20201020 (#69) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 and checks-api (#65) @dependabot
- Bump plugin-util-api from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 (#67) @dependabot
- Bump checks-api from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 (#62) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from v2.1.1 to v2.1.2 (#61) @dependabot
v1.0.2 🎁
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump github-branch-source from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (#59) @dependabot
GitHub Checks Plugin 1.0.1 🎉
🐛 Bug Fixes
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump httpclient from 4.5.12 to 4.5.13 (#57) @dependabot
- Bump jackson.version from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3 (#54) @dependabot
- Bump jetty.version from 9.4.31.v20200723 to 9.4.32.v20200930 (#55) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 (#53) @dependabot
- Bump asm from 8.0.1 to 9.0 (#52) @dependabot
- Bump wiremock-jre8 from 2.27.1 to 2.27.2 (#51) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 (#48) @dependabot
- Bump json-unit-core from 2.18.1 to 2.19.0 (#47) @dependabot
GitHub Checks Plugin 1.0.0 🎉
✨ Improvements
- Add subscriber for check run event in order to handle rerun request (#25) @XiongKezhi
- Check empty details url (#33) @XiongKezhi
- Add support for GitSCM sources (#26) @uhafner
- Add a new AssertJ template that does not produce deprecated warnings (#41) @uhafner
- Validate GitHub scm source (#34) @XiongKezhi
📝 Documentation updates
- Update readme (#38) @XiongKezhi
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump branch-api from 2.5.8 to 2.6.0 (#46) @dependabot
- Bump github-branch-source from 2.8.3 to 2.9.0 (#45) @dependabot
- Bump github-api from 1.115 to 1.116 (#44) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (#43) @dependabot
- Bump plugin-util-api from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5 (#42) @dependabot
- Bump plugin-util-api from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4 (#39) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (#40) @dependabot
- Bump version of analysis-pom to 4.1.0 (and codingstyle to 1.4.0) (#35) @uhafner
- Bump pipeline-stage-step from 2.3 to 2.5 (#32) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from v2.1.0 to v2.1.1 (#28) @dependabot
GitHub Checks API 0.2.3
- Improve log: log checks parameters when exceptions happen (#22) @XiongKezhi
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump checks-api from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 (#23) @dependabot
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Simple null checks for listeners (#19) @XiongKezhi
GitHub Checks Plugin 0.2.0 🎁
🚀 New features and improvements
- Print console log (#17) @XiongKezhi
- Publish checks for job (#13) @XiongKezhi
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump checks-api from 0.1.1-rc24.26e46eb1548a to 0.2.0 (#18) @dependabot
- Bump jackson.version from 2.11.1 to 2.11.2 (#16) @dependabot
- Bump jackson.version from 2.11.1 to 2.11.2 (#14) @dependabot
- Bump wiremock-jre8 from 2.26.3 to 2.27.1 (#15) @dependabot
- Bump json-unit-core from 2.17.0 to 2.18.1 (#11) @dependabot
- Bump asm from 7.0 to 8.0.1 (#9) @dependabot
- Bump jetty.version from 9.4.26.v20200117 to 9.4.31.v20200723 (#12) @dependabot
- Bump wiremock-jre8 from 2.26.3 to 2.27.1 (#10) @dependabot
- Bump jackson.version from 2.10.2 to 2.11.1 (#8) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from v1 to v2.1.0 (#7) @dependabot