This file documents all notable changes to devonfw-ide.
This release is currently in progress
#526: update node.js to 14.15.4 (LTS) and VS code to 1.52.1
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.12.003.
#522: update devon4j to 2020.12.002 and create migration to this version
#524: workaround for bug in git for windows
#520: update default version of java to
#514: Remove or adjust AnyEditTools plugin update site
#480: Eclipse import to wrong workspace
#505: devon java create - ERROR: Missing arguments for doMavenArchetype
#507: allow to switch eclipse edition via variable
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.12.002.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#495: Documentation corrections
#491: Consider lombok support
#489: Update node to v12.19.0 and VS Code to 1.50.1
#470: reverse merge of workspace settings not sorting properties anymore
#483: Error during installation when npm is already installed
#493: custom evironment variables from not available in IDE
#499: Enable configuration of version for yarn and angular cli (ng)
#415: documentation to customize settings
#479: Error for vscode plugin installation
#502: Filecomment for new Java types is still @author ${user}
#471: Preconfigure Project Explorer with Hierarchical Project Presentation
#498: migration support for devon4j 2020.12.001
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.12.001.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#452: Consider support for IntelliJ Ultimate
#474: make intellij work on linux ( vs. idea)
#475: IntelliJ edition support not working properly
#477: update IntelliJ to 2020.2.1
#478: add IDEA_HOME to PATH after installation
#465: Security update for node.js and VS code
#467: Expansion of ~ stopped working on windows CMD (M2_HOME not properly set)
#461: settings still not updated: JsonMerger not writing even if target file not exists
#455: Fix args quoting for node commandlet
#464: Update advanced-tooling-windows.asciidoc
#458: Outdated readme.txt
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.08.002.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#454: update to eclipse 2020.06
#442: update nodejs and vscode
#432: vsCode settings are not updated
#446: intellij: doConfigureEclipse: command not found
#440: Software update may lead to inconsistent state due to windows file locks
#427: release: keep leading zeros
#450: update settings
#431: devon build command not working correct for yarn or npm
#449: update to devon4j 2020.08.001
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.08.001.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.004.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.003.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.002.
Starting with this release we have changed the versioning schema in devonfw
is the date of the planned milestone release and NNN
is a running number increased with every bug- or security-fix update.
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.001.
New release with bugfixes and new ide plugin feature:
#343: Setup can’t find Bash nor Git
#369: Fix flattening of POMs
#386: Feature/clone recursive
#379: Use own extensions folder in devonfw-ide
#381: Add ability to configure VS Code plugins via settings
#376: Improve Eclipse plugin configuration
#373: Fix project import on windows
#374: Rework build on import
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 3.3.1.
New release with bugfixes and new project import feature:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 3.3.0.
Bugfix release with new features such as CobiGen CLI:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 3.2.4.
This version marks the first fully official release. Changes for this release can be found in milestone 3.2.3. Prior versions can be found in according milestones and release tags on github. However, the history before this release is considered legacy and is therefore not reflected here.