Releases: videojs/video.js
Releases · videojs/video.js
5.12.3 (2016-10-06)
- lang: add missing translations in fr.json (280ecd4)
- lang: add missing translations to el.json (eb0efd4)
Bug Fixes
- controls: fix load progress bar never highlighting first buffered time range (ca02298)
- css: remove commented out css (5fdcd46), closes #3587
- disable HLS hack on Firefox for Android (#3586) (dd2aff0)
- proxy ios webkit events into fullscreenchange (#3644) (e479f8c)
- html5: disable manual timeupdate events on html5 tech (#3656) (920c54a)
- move metadata to hidden folder and update references (86f0830)
- deps: add the bundle-collapser browserify plugin (816291e)
- package: remove es2015-loose since it's an option for es2015 (#3629) (c545acd)
- package: update grunt-contrib-cssmin to version 1.0.2 (#3595) (54e3db5)
- package: update grunt-shell to version 2.0.0 (#3642) (2032b17)
- refactor redundant code in html5 tech (#3593) (6878c21)
- refactor redundant or verbose code in player.js (#3597) (ae3e277)
- update CHANGELOG automation to use conventional-changelog (#3669) (d4e89d2)
- update object.assign to ^4.0.4 (08c7f4e)
- fix broken links in docs (4063f96)
- a11y: add basic accessibility testing using grunt-accessibility (7d85f27)
- @misteroneill, @brandonocasey, and @pagarwal123 updates all the code to pass the linter (view)
- @misteroneill added ghooks to run linter on git push (view)
- @brandonocasey removed unused base-styles.js file (view)
- @erikyuzwa, @gkatsev updated CSS build to inlcude the IE8-specific CSS from a separate file instead of it being inside of sass (view) (view2)
- @gkatsev added null checks around navigator.userAgent (view)
- greenkeeper updated karma dependencies (view)
- @brandonocasey updated language docs to link to IANA language registry (view)
- @gkatsev removed unused dependencies (view)
- @misteroneill enabled and updated videojs-standard and fixed an issue with linting (view)
- @misteroneill updated tests to qunit 2.0 (view)
- @gkatsev added slack badge to README (view)
- @gkatsev reverted back to qunitjs 1.x to unbreak IE8. Added es5-shim to tests (view)
- @gkatsev updated build system to open es5 folder for bundles and dist folder other users (view)
- greenkeeper updated uglify (view)
- greenkeeper updated grunt-concurrent (view)
- greenkeeper updated karma-chrome-launcher (view)
- @gkatsev added tests for webpack and browserify bundling and node.js requiring (view)
- @rlchung fixed tests that weren't disposing players when they finished (view)
- @misteroneill fixed wrapping native and emulated MediaErrors (view)
- @snyderizer fixed switching between audio tracks. Fixes #3510 (view)
- @jbarabander added title attribute to audio button. Fixes #3528 (view)
- @misteroneill fixed IE8 media error test failure (view)
- @jbarabander updated Audio to Audio Track and added to en.json (view)