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TT AvData Teleconference 2021 Nov 3

BL Choy edited this page Dec 8, 2021 · 18 revisions


2021-November-3, 12:00-13:15 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Review the outcome of FT 2021-2 and preparation for the publication of IWXXM 2021-2
  2. Discuss post IWXXM 2021-2 actions
    • XSD locations for IWXXM packages (#271)
  3. Discuss feedback on the revised workflow and follow up actions
  4. Review the progress of IWXXM development for Amendment 81
  5. (Time permits) Review the progress of other activities:
    • Creation of a team's webpage on WMO Community Website (Choy and Anna) (#268)
    • (When mature) Extensions to codelists and enumerations (#245 and #256)


Publication of IWXXM 2021-2

  1. IWXXM 2021-2 had been approved. Anna will announce the decision through newsletter soon.
  2. Remaining works include:
    • Choy will remove "RC2" in both the model and schemas and submit to the FT2021-2 branch for final checking. If everything goes fine Anna will merge this into the master branch and create a tag for the version.
    • Choy will work on a CI script to convert the CSV files of the code lists into either TTL or RDF files for posting onto the test registry before moving to the operational one. Noticing that an RDF file contain extra information in relation to the structure of the codes registry and should be best obtained by exporting from the registry, the team had general consensus to have the CI script convert CSV files to TTL files only for updating the codes registry. This will also align with the workflow on updating the registry of other teams. A separate script will be created to generate a slim version of RDF file from CSV for use with schematron rules in release candidates for testing.
    • The above has to be completed well before 15 Nov 2021.
    • Volunteer(s) are sought to update the examples under wmo-im/iwxxm-translation.
      • Note, that this is not necessary for publication by 15 Nov.
      • Mark, Jan and Dmitry can work on some examples. AirMet, SIGMET and some of the other recent changes are needed, including nil examples.
      • Jan noted that they are really useful from a developer's perspective. Choy recapped that one of the original intentions for having the repository was to create a test suite for developers to demonstrate conformance of their systems to the standard.
      • Choy further indicated that it may suffice to just copy interesting real-life TAC and IWXXM reports without touching up to save time. Thinking along this line it may be sensible to reach out to Greg and Stephanie to invite contributors for such examples.

Post IWXXM 2021-2 publication actions

  1. Volunteer(s) are sought to make possible separate management of IWXXM and packages. It is targeted to make the solution available before implementation for changes associated with Amendment 81 by Mar 2022.
    • To recap an issue (#271) had been raised. Also see comments in this closed PR (#273)
    • Jan Korosi will have a try on this.

Modified workflow for the development of IWXXM

  1. The advanced development of IWXXM based on consensus of proposed changes to Annex 3 in METP was welcomed by both ICAO (METP and WG-MIE) and WMO (SC-AVI). The following is a general picture of IWXXM development. (The possibility to delay applicability of Annex 3 so that there is ample time for operators to implement changes has yet to be discussed within ICAO. This is, however, beyond the scope of TT-AvData): image
  2. Secretariat and the team will document the workflow, together with sub-workflows like preparation for submission for approval, in due course to improve transparency of the development process.

Latest development of IWXXM for Amendment 81

  1. ICAO WG-MOG/WG-MISD is having a joint meeting (1-4 Nov 2021) and would be looking further into the QVA service after the discussion in METP/5. An initial view of the service can be found here.
  2. Mark showed his initial work based on WxObject on QVA.
    • Following the previously agreed workflow , Mark will create a new issue based on the template in #269 and post his design for further discussion.
    • Apart from the design the code list 49-2/MeteorologicalFeature will also need to be revised to include new vocabularies for QVA and other features to be created for Amendment 81. Choy indicated that while the change could be as simple as adding a new entry like "Ash cloud", as this code table will be used for the rest of the life of the WxObject concept we may want to see if there are any principles in making changes to this table. We will continue this discussion under the issue.


  1. Mark enquired if there will be a place to show links to State extensions.
    • Anna indicated that at this point, there were no plans to publish the extensions through WMO.
    • Choy mentioned that there were discussions in METP/5 on the possibility to set up a centralized repository for State extensions. However, it is unlikely for it to happen in near terms. image

Next Meeting

2021-December-8, 12:00-13:30 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  • BL Choy
  • Mark Oberfield
  • Dirk Zinkhan
  • Ján Körösi
  • Yann Génin
  • Dmitry Moryakov
  • Anna Milan
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