Enhancement #1189 Generating a Footer image for every movie with Video/Audio/Studio/Subtitles logos
Fixed defect #1425 TV NFO Episode Details not working
Fixed defect #2019 Caratulasdecine Poster Plugin does not work
Enhancement #2025 Capture more codec information
Fixed defect #2027 TV show DVD sorting doesn't work
Fixed defect #2059 Can not set a movie to watched with brackets in the file names
Enhancement #2076 MediaInfo Codec priority changes & Aspect Ratio rounding
Fixed defect #2016 New category is not deleted when all movies are watched
Fixed defect #2018 Watched not updated when a TV Season is completed
Enhancement #2118 Add sorting possibilities
Enhancement #2119 Overlay XML watched for episodes
Fixed defect #2123 Season # is appended to all TV show sets, rather than just series name.
Enhancement #2137 Rating for TV Episodes
Fixed defect #2160 TV NFO ratings are not normalised to x/100 correctly
Fixed defect #2065 Skins need to include '.HTML' ext when inserting $mjb.homePage variable
Fixed defect #2165 AspectRatio-Icons not displayed anymore (localization problem)
Enhancement #2167 Clean aspect ratios
Fixed defect #2168 Problem with mjb.aspectRatioPrecision
Fixed defect #2169 Director, Writer & Person counts are wrong in categories.xml
Fixed defect #2171 Categories generation is skipped even when forceIndexOverwrite is set
Fixed defect #2172 Writer item is empty in categories.xml when mjb.people=false
Fixed defect #2172 Writer category is empty in categories.xml
Fixed defect #2176 Setting causes YAMJ not to scrape writers
Fixed defect #2177 Original certification used for poster overlay instead of renamed one
Fixed defect #2179 Certification ordering now respected using certification.ordering property
Fixed defect #2185 Genres list in Movie object should not be sorted
Enhancement #2189 Add movie counts to indexes
Fixed defect #2190 Some genres are incorrectly split
Fixed defect #2191 HD is incorrectly removed from TV Show name
Fixed defect #2195 episodeRating is always rechecked
Fixed defect #2196 AC3 in title sorted as TV show
Enhancement #2197 Mediaflag overlayXML
Fixed defect #2198 FilmAffinity plugin stopped working
Fixed defect #2199 Library indexing does not work correctly when library path also a part of another library path
Fixed defect #2200 People XML files are incorrectly generated
Fixed defect #2210 No poster from Caratulasdecine when FilmAffinity plugin is used
Fixed defect #2215 Not used filename.scanner.source.default on scraping
Enhancement #2205 Additional footer images
Enhancement #2217 Academy Award Best Picture (Winner and Nominees) Categories
Fixed defect #2226 Footer extension format cannot be set
Fixed defect #2227 Rescan looses people data
Fixed defect #2231 genres are now correctly scraped
Enhancement #2232 Support for MediaInfo-rar with BD ISOs
Fixed defect #2235 When using thumbnails.addText.setSize set thumnails are not updated when adding a new movie to set
Fixed defect #2236 When use kinopoisk plugin and title in NFO, title in xml = UNKNOWN
Fixed defect #2237 Rescan breaks episode data of multi-episode videos/DVDs
Enhancement #2239 Add "fileinfo/streamdetails" section to the NFO files written by YAMJ
Enhancement #2240 Add Audio Channels to codec information
Enhancement #2241 Replace old RAR Archive Scanner code with improved mediainfo-rar code (requires mediainfo-rar)
Fixed defect #2242 imdb.plot=short; but still only long plots are shown
Fixed defect #2325 Running with no arguments doesn't read from property file
Fixed defect #2347 Watched creates XML files every run
Enhancement #2248 Make subtitle a text value corresponding to in Overlay XML
Enhancement #2251 Add Director and Writer information to the NFO file
Fixed defect #2252 VideoCodec is always UNKNOWN
Fixed defect #2253 People XML is missing all Cast members Person nodes for some movies (not all)
Fixed defect #2263 Clean function deletes the footer overlay images
Fixed defect #2264 Genres missing from XML file
Fixed defect #2265 Actors missing from XML file
Fixed defect #2271 AudioCodec uses codec and not CodecIdHint for information
Enhancement #2273 Award scanner: User to select if scans only scans for won
Enhancement #2275 Enhance set detection in filenames, by allowing "-" after SET and make case insensitive
Enhancement #2282 Switch to TheMovieDVB API v3
Fixed defect #2283 Country not scraped from IMDb
Fixed defect #2288 TV Episodes Not Scraping Studio/Company
Fixed defect #2289 Failed to create poster images for TV shows with special characters in title
Fixed defect #2290 RAR: Archive name added repeatedly to fileurl
Fixed defect #2294 Update WriteNFO to save the person's job
Enhancement #2300 Separate YAMJpeople runs from the YAMJ normal run
Enhancement #2301 Add Link to cast,director and writer indexes in person.xml
Enhancement #2305 get people link and photo inside detail xml page
Fixed defect #2310 People Scanner Not Working Correctly
Fixed defect #2311 People photo not retrieved
Enhancement #2313 Add maxcount to categories parameter
Fixed defect #2319 IMDB Genre scraping misses some genres
Enhancement #2326 Overlay xml and awards
Fixed defect #2328 Watched and NFO error - recreates file data every run
Fixed defect #2329 filmupit and plugins not working
Enhancement #2332 Option to scrape to movie persons only with photo
Fixed defect #2337 Issue with Filmweb plugin
Fixed defect #2338 Library indexing exception
Enhancement #2348 Optional sorting person index
Enhancement #2349 Encoded filename of the index basename like categories has but only if the index exists
Enhancement #2350 Personal information to person index
Enhancement #2353 Make compatible XML values instead slash divided
Enhancement #2359 Add option to stop YAMJ sorting library list in categories.xml
Fixed defect #2364 Java calendar error when indexing
Enhancement #2370 Add person/people info in Cast_XX, Director_XX, Writer_XX as in Person_XX
Enhancement #2371 Add "birth name" to Person_XX
Fixed defect #2379 Watched Scanner doesn't use withJukebox folder.
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