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➤ Type of activator (Option)

Ssomar edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 17 revisions

Activator LEFT_CLICK:

  • description: Active when the player do a left click with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
  • specific Options:
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only left click on air is accepted, and left click on block is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only left click on block is accepted, and left click on air is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)

Activator RIGHT_CLICK:

  • description: Active when the player do a right click with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options:
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only right click on air is accepted, and right click on block is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only right click on block is accepted, and right click on air is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)

Activator ALL_CLICK:

  • description: Active when the player do a left click or right click with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options:
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only right/left click on air is accepted, and right/left click on block is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)
    • onlyAirClick: If yes only right/left click on block is accepted, and right/left click on air is disabled.
      • exemple: onlyAirClick: true (default false)

Activator CONSUME:

  • description: Active when the player consume the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options: NONE

Activator KILL: 🎇 PREMIUM 🎇

  • description: Active when the player kill an entity.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand

Activator DEATH:

  • description: Active when the player die.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
 - Helmet, Chesplate, Leggings, Boots
  • specific Options: NONE


  • description: Active when the player hit another player with projectile.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options:
    • targetCommands: To run commands for the target player (player who are clicked).


  • description: Active when the player hit another entity with projectile.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand


  • description: Active when the player click on anoth player with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options:
    • targetCommands: To run commands for the target player (player who are clicked).
    • detailedClick: Choose wich click is needed. (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGTHORLEFT)
      • exemple: detailedClick: RIGHT


  • description: Active when the player click on an entity with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
  • specific Options:
    • detailedEntities: Choose wich entities are affected (type of entity).
    • entityCommands: Run command specify by the plugin to modify the monster.
    • detailedClick: Choose wich click is needed. (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGTHORLEFT)
      • exemple: detailedClick: RIGHT

Activator MINE: 🎇 PREMIUM 🎇

  • description: Active when the player mine block with the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand

Activator EQUIP: 🎇 PREMIUM 🎇

  • description: Active when the player wear/hold the item.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
 - Helmet, Chesplate, Leggings, Boots
  • specific Options:
    • delay: Run the commands every delay. (seconds)
      • exemple: delay: 30


  • description: Active when the player click on the item when he have the inventory open.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - all slots
  • specific Options:
    • detailedClick: Choose wich click is needed. (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGTHORLEFT)
      • exemple: detailedClick: RIGHT


  • description: Active when the player being hit by player.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
 - Helmet, Chesplate, Leggings, Boots
  • specific Options:
    • targetCommands: To run commands for the target player (player who are clicked).


  • description: Active when the player being hit by entity.
  • This activator can be trigger when the player have the item in his:
 - Main hand
 - Off hand
 - Helmet, Chesplate, Leggings, Boots