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Releases: PennyLaneAI/pennylane

Release 0.38.0

03 Sep 22:39
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New features since last release

Registers of wires 🧸

  • A new function called qml.registers has been added that lets you seamlessly create registers of wires. (#5957) (#6102)

    Using registers, it is easier to build large algorithms and circuits by applying gates and operations to predefined collections of wires. With qml.registers, you can create registers of wires by providing a dictionary whose keys are register names and whose values are the number of wires in each register.

    >>> wire_reg = qml.registers({"alice": 4, "bob": 3})
    >>> wire_reg
    {'alice': Wires([0, 1, 2, 3]), 'bob': Wires([4, 5, 6])}

    The resulting data structure of qml.registers is a dictionary with the same register names as keys, but the values are qml.wires.Wires instances.

    Nesting registers within other registers can be done by providing a nested dictionary, where the ordering of wire labels is based on the order of appearance and nestedness.

    >>> wire_reg = qml.registers({"alice": {"alice1": 1, "alice2": 2}, "bob": {"bob1": 2, "bob2": 1}})
    >>> wire_reg
    {'alice1': Wires([0]), 'alice2': Wires([1, 2]), 'alice': Wires([0, 1, 2]), 'bob1': Wires([3, 4]), 'bob2': Wires([5]), 'bob': Wires([3, 4, 5])}

    Since the values of the dictionary are Wires instances, their use within quantum circuits is very similar to that of a list of integers.

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circuit():
        for w in wire_reg["alice"]:
        for w in wire_reg["bob1"]:
            qml.RX(0.1967, wires=w)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wire_reg["alice1"][0], wire_reg["bob2"][0]])
        return [qml.expval(qml.Y(w)) for w in wire_reg["bob1"]]
    0: ──H────────╭●─┤     
    1: ──H────────│──┤     
    2: ──H────────│──┤     
    3: ──RX(0.20)─│──┤  <Y>
    4: ──RX(0.20)─│──┤  <Y>
    5: ───────────╰X─┤  

    In tandem with qml.registers, we've also made the following improvements to qml.wires.Wires:

    • Wires instances now have a more copy-paste friendly representation when printed. (#5958)

      >>> from pennylane.wires import Wires
      >>> w = Wires([1, 2, 3])
      >>> w
      Wires([1, 2, 3])
    • Python set-based combinations are now supported by Wires. (#5983)

      This new feature unlocks the ability to combine Wires instances in the following ways:

      • intersection with & or intersection():

        >>> wires1 = Wires([1, 2, 3])
        >>> wires2 = Wires([2, 3, 4])
        >>> wires1.intersection(wires2) # or wires1 & wires2
        Wires([2, 3])
      • symmetric difference with ^ or symmetric_difference():

        >>> wires1.symmetric_difference(wires2) # or wires1 ^ wires2
        Wires([1, 4])
      • union with | or union():

        >>> wires1.union(wires2) # or wires1 | wires2
        Wires([1, 2, 3, 4])
      • difference with - or difference():

        >>> wires1.difference(wires2) # or wires1 - wires2

Quantum arithmetic operations 🧮

  • Several new operator templates have been added to PennyLane that let you perform quantum arithmetic operations. (#6109) (#6112) (#6121)

    • qml.Adder performs in-place modular addition: $\text{Adder}(k, m)\vert x \rangle = \vert x + k ; \text{mod} ; m\rangle$.

    • qml.PhaseAdder is similar to qml.Adder, but it performs in-place modular addition in the Fourier basis.

    • qml.Multiplier performs in-place multiplication: $\text{Multiplier}(k, m)\vert x \rangle = \vert x \times k ; \text{mod} ; m \rangle$.

    • qml.OutAdder performs out-place modular addition: $\text{OutAdder}(m)\vert x \rangle \vert y \rangle \vert b \rangle = \vert x \rangle \vert y \rangle \vert b + x + y ; \text{mod} ; m \rangle$.

    • qml.OutMultiplier performs out-place modular multiplication: $\text{OutMultiplier}(m)\vert x \rangle \vert y \rangle \vert b \rangle = \vert x \rangle \vert y \rangle \vert b + x \times y ; \text{mod} ; m \rangle$.

    • qml.ModExp performs modular exponentiation: $\text{ModExp}(base, m) \vert x \rangle \vert k \rangle = \vert x \rangle \vert k \times base^x ; \text{mod} ; m \rangle$.

    Here is a comprehensive example that performs the following calculation: (2 + 1) * 3 mod 7 = 2 (or 010 in binary).

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", shots=1)
    wire_reg = qml.registers({
        "x_wires": 2, # |x>: stores the result of 2 + 1 = 3
        "y_wires": 2, # |y>: multiples x by 3
        "output_wires": 3, # stores the result of (2 + 1) * 3 m 7 = 2
        "work_wires": 2 # for qml.OutMultiplier
    def circuit():
        # In-place addition
        qml.BasisEmbedding(2, wires=wire_reg["x_wires"])
        qml.Adder(1, x_wires=wire_reg["x_wires"]) # add 1 to wires [0, 1] 
        # Out-place multiplication
        qml.BasisEmbedding(3, wires=wire_reg["y_wires"])
        return qml.sample(wires=wire_reg["output_wires"])
    >>> circuit()
    array([0, 1, 0])

Converting noise models from Qiskit ♻️

  • Convert Qiskit noise models into a PennyLane NoiseModel with qml.from_qiskit_noise. (#5996)

    In the last few releases, we've added substantial improvements and new features to the Pennylane-Qiskit plugin. With this release, a new qml.from_qiskit_noise function allows you to convert a Qiskit noise model into a PennyLane NoiseModel. Here is a simple example with two quantum errors that add two different depolarizing errors based on the presence of different gates in the circuit:

    import pennylane as qml
    import qiskit_aer.noise as noise
    error_1 = noise.depolarizing_error(0.001, 1) # 1-qubit noise
    error_2 = noise.depolarizing_error(0.01, 2) # 2-qubit noise
    noise_model = noise.NoiseModel()
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['rz', 'ry'])
    noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_2, ['cx'])
    >>> qml.from_qiskit_noise(noise_model)
      OpIn(['RZ', 'RY']): QubitChannel(num_kraus=4, num_wires=1)
      OpIn(['CNOT']): QubitChannel(num_kraus=16, num_wires=2)

    Under the hood, PennyLane converts each quantum error in the Qiskit noise model into an equivalent qml.QubitChannel operator with the same canonical Kraus representation. Currently, noise models in PennyLane do not support readout errors. As such, those will be skipped during conversion if they are present in the Qiskit noise model.

    Make sure to pip install pennylane-qiskit to access this new feature!

Substantial upgrades to mid-circuit measurements using tree-traversal 🌳

  • The "tree-traversal" algorithm for mid-circuit measurements (MCMs) on default.qubit has been internally redesigned for better performance. (#5868)

    In the last release (v0.37), we introduced the tree-traversal MCM method, which was implemented in a recursive way for simplicity. However, this had the unintended consequence of very deep stack calls for circuits with many MCMs, resulting in stack overflows in some cases. With this release, we've refactored the implementation of the tree-traversal method into an iterative approach, which solves those inefficiencies when many MCMs are present in a circuit.

  • The tree-traversal algorithm is now compatible with analytic-mode execution (shots=None). (#5868)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    n_qubits = 5
    @qml.qnode(dev, mcm_method="tree-traversal")
    def circuit():
        for w in range(n_qubits):
        for w in range(n_qubits - 1):
            qml.CNOT(wires=[w, w+1])
        for w in range(n_qubits):
            m = qml.measure(w)
            qml.cond(m == 1, qml.RX)(0.1967 * (w + 1), w)
        return [qml.expval(qml.Z(w)) for w in range(n_qubits)]
    >>> circuit()
    [tensor(0.00964158, requires_grad=True),
     tensor(0.03819446, requires_grad=True),
     tensor(0.08455748, requires_grad=True),
     tensor(0.14694258, requires_grad=True),
     tensor(0.2229438, requires_grad=True)]

Improvements 🛠

Creating spin Hamiltonians

  • Three new functions are now available for creating commonly-used spin Hamiltonians in PennyLane: (#6106) (#6128)

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Release 0.37.0

08 Jul 22:37
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Release 0.37.0

New features since last release

Execute wide circuits with Default Tensor 🔗

  • A new default.tensor device is now available for performing tensor network and matrix product state simulations of quantum circuits using the quimb backend. (#5699) (#5744) (#5786) (#5795)

    Either method can be selected when instantiating the default.tensor device by setting the method keyword argument to "tn" (tensor network) or "mps" (matrix product state).

    There are several templates in PennyLane that are tensor-network focused, which are excellent candidates for the "tn" method for default.tensor. The following example shows how a circuit comprising gates in a tree tensor network architecture can be efficiently simulated using method="tn".

    import pennylane as qml
    n_wires = 16
    dev = qml.device("default.tensor", method="tn")
    def block(weights, wires):
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[0], wires[1]])
        qml.RY(weights[0], wires=wires[0])
        qml.RY(weights[1], wires=wires[1])
    n_block_wires = 2
    n_params_block = 2
    n_blocks = qml.TTN.get_n_blocks(range(n_wires), n_block_wires)
    template_weights = [[0.1, -0.3]] * n_blocks
    def circuit(template_weights):
        for i in range(n_wires):
        qml.TTN(range(n_wires), n_block_wires, block, n_params_block, template_weights)
        return qml.expval(qml.Z(n_wires - 1))
    >>> circuit(template_weights)

    For matrix product state simulations (method="mps"), we can make the execution be approximate by setting max_bond_dim (see the device's documentation for more details). The maximum bond dimension has implications for the speed of the simulation and lets us control the degree of the approximation, as shown in the following example. First, set up the circuit:

    import numpy as np
    n_layers = 10 
    n_wires = 10
    initial_shape, weights_shape = qml.SimplifiedTwoDesign.shape(n_layers, n_wires) 
    initial_layer_weights = np.random.random(initial_shape) 
    weights = np.random.random(weights_shape)
    def f(): 
        qml.SimplifiedTwoDesign(initial_layer_weights, weights, range(n_wires)) 
        return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) 

    The default.tensor device is instantiated with a max_bond_dim value:

    dev_dq = qml.device("default.qubit") 
    value_dq = qml.QNode(f, dev_dq)()
    dev_mps = qml.device("default.tensor", max_bond_dim=5) 
    value_mps = qml.QNode(f, dev_mps)() 

    With this bond dimension, the expectation values calculated for default.qubit and default.tensor are different:

    >>> np.abs(value_dq - value_mps) 
    tensor(0.0253213, requires_grad=True) 

    Learn more about default.tensor and how to configure it by visiting the how-to guide.

Add noise models to your quantum circuits 📺

  • Support for building noise models and applying them to a quantum circuit has been added via the NoiseModel class and an add_noise transform. (#5674) (#5684) (#5718)

    Under the hood, PennyLane's approach to noise models is insertion-based, meaning that noise is included by inserting additional operators (gates or channels) that describe the noise into the quantum circuit. Creating a NoiseModel boils down to defining Boolean conditions under which specific noisy operations are inserted. There are several ways to specify conditions for adding noisy operations:

    • qml.noise.op_eq(op): if the operator op is encountered in the circuit, add noise.

    • qml.noise.op_in(ops): if any operators in ops are encountered in the circuit, add noise.

    • qml.noise.wires_eq(wires): if an operator is applied to wires, add noise.

    • qml.noise.wires_in(wires): if an operator is applied to any wire in wires, add noise.

    • custom noise conditions: custom conditions can be defined as functions decorated with qml.BooleanFn that return a Boolean value. For example, the following function will insert noise if a qml.RY operator is encountered with an angle of rotation that is less than 0.5:

      def c0(op): 
          return isinstance(op, qml.RY) and op.parameters[0] < 0.5 

    Conditions can also be combined together with &, and, |, etc. Once the conditions under which noise is to be inserted have been stated, we can specify exactly what noise is inserted with the following:

    • qml.noise.partial_wires(op): insert op on the wires that are specified by the condition that triggers adding this noise
    • custom noise operations: custom noise can be specified by defining a standard quantum function like below.
      def n0(op, **kwargs): 
          qml.RY(op.parameters[0] * 0.05, wires=op.wires) 

    With that, we can create a qml.NoiseModel object whose argument must be a dictionary mapping conditions to noise:

    c1 = qml.noise.op_eq(qml.X) & qml.noise.wires_in([0, 1]) 
    n1 = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.AmplitudeDamping, 0.4)
    noise_model = qml.NoiseModel({c0: n0, c1: n1}) 
    >>> noise_model 
    NoiseModel({ BooleanFn(c0): n0 OpEq(PauliX) | WiresIn([0, 1]): AmplitudeDamping(gamma=0.4) }) 

    The noise model created can then be added to a QNode with qml.add_noise:

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=3)
    def circuit(): 
        qml.CNOT([0, 1]) 
        qml.RY(0.3, wires=2) # triggers c0 
        qml.X(1) # triggers c1 
        return qml.state() 
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 
    0: ──Y────────╭●────┤ State 
    1: ───────────╰X──X─┤ State 
    2: ──RY(0.30)───────┤ State 
    >>> circuit = qml.add_noise(circuit, noise_model) 
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 
    0: ──Y────────╭●───────────────────────────────────┤ State 
    1: ───────────╰X─────────X──AmplitudeDamping(0.40)─┤ State 
    2: ──RY(0.30)──RY(0.01)────────────────────────────┤ State 

    If more than one transform is applied to a QNode, control over when/where the add_noise transform is applied in relation to the other transforms can be specified with the level keyword argument. By default, add_noise is applied after all the transforms that have been manually applied to the QNode until that point. To learn more about this new functionality, check out our noise module documentation and keep your eyes peeled for an in-depth demo!

Catch bugs with the PennyLane debugger 🚫🐞

  • The new PennyLane quantum debugger allows pausing simulation via the qml.breakpoint() command and provides tools for analyzing quantum circuits during execution. (#5680) (#5749) (#5789)

    This includes monitoring the circuit via measurements using qml.debug_state(), qml.debug_probs(), qml.debug_expval(), and qml.debug_tape(), stepping through the operations in a quantum circuit, and interactively adding operations during execution.

    Including qml.breakpoint() in a circuit will cause the simulation to pause during execution and bring up the interactive console. For example, consider the following code in a Python file called

    @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=(0,1,2))) 
    def circuit(x): 
        qml.RX(x, wires=1) 
        qml.RY(x, wires=2) 
        return qml.sample()

    Upon executing, the simulation pauses at the first breakpoint:

    > /Users/your/path/to/
    -> qml.RX(x, wires=1) 

    While debugging, we can access circuit information. For example, qml.debug_tape() returns the tape of the circuit, giving access to its operations and drawing:

    [pldb] tape = qml.debug_tape() 
    [pldb] print(tape.draw(wire_order=[0,1,2])) 
    0: ──H─╭●─┤ 
    2: ────╰X─┤ 
    [pldb] tape.operations 
    [Hadamard(wires=[0]), CNOT(wires=[0, 2])] 

    While qml.debug_state() is equivalent to qml.state() and gives the current state:

    [pldb] print(qml.debug_state()) 
    [0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 1. +0.j 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j] 

    Other debugger functions like qml.debug_probs() and qml.debug_expval() also function like their simulation counterparts (qml.probs and qml.expval, respectively) and are described in more detail in the debugger documentation Additionally, standard debugging commands are available to navigate through code, including list, longlist, next, continue, and quit, as described in [the debugging documentation](https://docs.pennylane....

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Release 0.36.0

06 May 22:02
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Release 0.36.0

New features since last release

Estimate errors in a quantum circuit 🧮

  • This version of PennyLane lays the foundation for estimating the total error in a quantum circuit from the combination of individual gate errors. (#5154) (#5464) (#5465) (#5278) (#5384)

Two new user-facing classes enable calculating and propagating gate errors in PennyLane:

  • qml.resource.SpectralNormError: the spectral norm error is defined as the distance, in spectral norm, between the true unitary we intend to apply and the approximate unitary that is actually applied.

  • qml.resource.ErrorOperation: a base class that inherits from qml.operation.Operation and represents quantum operations which carry some form of algorithmic error.

    SpectralNormError can be used for back-of-the-envelope type calculations like obtaining the spectral norm error between two unitaries via get_error:

    import pennylane as qml 
    from pennylane.resource import ErrorOperation, SpectralNormError
    intended_op = qml.RY(0.40, 0) 
    actual_op = qml.RY(0.41, 0) # angle of rotation is slightly off
    >>> SpectralNormError.get_error(intended_op, actual_op) 

    SpectralNormError is also a key tool to specify errors in larger quantum circuits:

  • For operations representing a major building block of an algorithm, we can create a custom operation that inherits from ErrorOperation. This child class must override the error method and should return a SpectralNormError instance:

    class MyErrorOperation(ErrorOperation):
       def __init__(self, error_val, wires): 
           self.error_val = error_val 
       def error(self): 
           return SpectralNormError(self.error_val)

    In this toy example, MyErrorOperation introduces an arbitrary SpectralNormError when called in a QNode. It does not require a decomposition or matrix representation when used with null.qubit (suggested for use with resource and error estimation since circuit executions are not required to calculate resources or errors).

    dev = qml.device("null.qubit")
    def circuit(): 
       MyErrorOperation(0.1, wires=0) 
       MyErrorOperation(0.2, wires=1) 
       return qml.state() 

    The total spectral norm error of the circuit can be calculated using qml.specs:

    >>> qml.specs(circuit)()['errors'] 
    {'SpectralNormError': SpectralNormError(0.30000000000000004)} 
  • PennyLane already includes a number of built-in building blocks for algorithms like QuantumPhaseEstimation and TrotterProduct. TrotterProduct now propagates errors based on the number of steps performed in the Trotter product. QuantumPhaseEstimation now propagates errors based on the error of its input unitary.

    dev = qml.device('null.qubit') 
    hamiltonian =[1.0, 0.5, -0.25], [qml.X(0), qml.Y(0), qml.Z(0)])
    def circuit(): 
       qml.TrotterProduct(hamiltonian, time=0.1, order=2) 
       qml.QuantumPhaseEstimation(MyErrorOperation(0.01, wires=0), estimation_wires=[1, 2, 3]) 
       return qml.state()

    Again, the total spectral norm error of the circuit can be calculated using qml.specs:

    >>> qml.specs(circuit)()["errors"] 
    {'SpectralNormError': SpectralNormError(0.07616666666666666)} 

    Check out our error propagation demo to see how to use these new features in a real-world example!

Access an extended arsenal of quantum algorithms 🏹

  • The Fast Approximate BLock-Encodings (FABLE) algorithm for embedding a matrix into a quantum circuit as outlined in arXiv:2205.00081 is now accessible via the qml.FABLE template. (#5107)

    The usage of qml.FABLE is similar to qml.BlockEncode but provides a more efficient circuit construction at the cost of a user-defined approximation level, tol. The number of wires that qml.FABLE operates on is 2*n + 1, where n defines the dimension of the $2^n \times 2^n$ matrix that we want to block-encode.

    import numpy as np
    A = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]]) 
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=3)
    def circuit(): 
       qml.FABLE(A, tol = 0.001, wires=range(3)) 
       return qml.state() 
    >>> mat = qml.matrix(circuit)() 
    >>> 2 * mat[0:2, 0:2] 
    array([[0.1+0.j, 0.2+0.j], [0.3+0.j, 0.4+0.j]]) 
  • A high-level interface for amplitude amplification and its variants is now available via the new qml.AmplitudeAmplification template. (#5160)

    Based on arXiv:quant-ph/0005055, given a state $\vert \Psi \rangle = \alpha \vert \phi \rangle + \beta \vert \phi^{\perp} \rangle$, qml.AmplitudeAmplification amplifies the amplitude of $\vert \phi \rangle$.

    Here's an example with a target state $\vert \phi \rangle = \vert 2 \rangle = \vert 010 \rangle$, an input state $\vert \Psi \rangle = H^{\otimes 3} \vert 000 \rangle$, as well as an oracle that flips the sign of $\vert \phi \rangle$ and does nothing to $\vert \phi^{\perp} \rangle$, which can be achieved in this case through qml.FlipSign. 
    def generator(wires): 
       for wire in wires: 
    U = generator(wires=range(3)) 
    O = qml.FlipSign(2, wires=range(3)) 

    Here, U is a quantum operation that is created by decorating a quantum function with This could alternatively be done by creating a user-defined custom operation with a decomposition. Amplitude amplification can then be set up within a circuit:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circuit(): 
       generator(wires=range(3)) # prepares |Psi> = U|0> 
       qml.AmplitudeAmplification(U, O, iters=10)
       return qml.probs(wires=range(3)) 
    >>> print(np.round(circuit(), 3)) 
    [0.01 0.01 0.931 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 ] 

    As expected, we amplify the $\vert 2 \rangle$ state.

  • Reflecting about a given quantum state is now available via qml.Reflection. This operation is very useful in the amplitude amplification algorithm and offers a generalization of qml.FlipSign, which operates on basis states. (#5159)

    qml.Reflection works by providing an operation, $U$, that prepares the desired state, $\vert \psi \rangle$, that we want to reflect about. In other words, $U$ is such that $U \vert 0 \rangle = \vert \psi \rangle$. In PennyLane, $U$ must be an Operator. For example, if we want to reflect about $\vert \psi \rangle = \vert + \rangle$, then $U = H$:

    U = qml.Hadamard(wires=0)
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit') 
    def circuit(): 
       return qml.state() 
    >>> circuit() 
    tensor([0.-6.123234e-17j, 1.+6.123234e-17j], requires_grad=True) 
  • Performing qubitization is now easily accessible with the new qml.Qubitization operator. (#5500)

    qml.Qubitization encodes a Hamiltonian into a suitable unitary operator. When applied in conjunction with quantum phase estimation (QPE), it allows for computing the eigenvalue of an eigenvector of the given Hamiltonian.

    H =[0.1, 0.3, -0.3], [qml.Z(0), qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(2)]) 
    def circuit(): 
       # initialize the eigenvector 
       # apply QPE 
       measurements = qml.iterative_qpe(
           qml.Qubitization(H, control = [3,4]), ancilla = 5, iters = 3
       return qml.probs(op = measurements) 

Make use of more methods to map from molecules 🗺️

  • A new function called qml.bravyi_kitaev has been added to perform the Bravyi-Kitaev mapping of fermionic Hamiltonians to qubit Hamiltonians. (#5390)

    This function presents an alternative mapping to qml.jordan_wigner or qml.parity_transform which can help us measure expectation values more efficiently on hardware. Simply provide a fermionic Hamiltonian (created from from_string, FermiA, FermiC, FermiSentence, or FermiWord) and the number of qubits / spin orbitals in the system, n:

    >>> fermi_ham = qml.fermi.from_string('0+ 1+ 1- 0-') 
    >>> qubit_ham = qml.bravyi_kitaev(fermi_ham, n=6, tol=0.0) 
    >>> print(qubit_ham) 
    0.25 * I(0) + -0.25 * Z(0) + -0.25 * (Z(0) @ Z(1)) + 0.25 * Z(1) 
  • The qml.qchem.hf_state function has been upgraded to be compatible with qml.parity_transform and the new Bravyi-Kitaev mapping (qml.bravyi_kitaev). (#5472) (#5472)

    >>> state_bk = qml.qchem.hf_state(2, 6, basis="bravyi_kitaev") 
    >>> print(state_bk) 
    [1 0 0 ...
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Release 0.35.1

11 Mar 21:09
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Bug fixes 🐛

  • Lightning simulators need special handling of diagonalizing gates when performing sampling measurements. (#5343)

  • Updated the lower bound on the required Catalyst version to v0.5.0. (#5320)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Vincent Michaud-Rioux, Erick Ochoa Lopez.

Release 0.35.0

04 Mar 20:25
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New features since last release

Qiskit 1.0 integration 🔌

  • This version of PennyLane makes it easier to import circuits from Qiskit. (#5218) (#5168)

    The qml.from_qiskit function converts a Qiskit QuantumCircuit into a PennyLane quantum function. Although qml.from_qiskit already exists in PennyLane, we have made a number of improvements to make importing from Qiskit easier. And yes — qml.from_qiskit functionality is compatible with both Qiskit 1.0 and earlier versions! Here's a comprehensive list of the improvements:

    • You can now append PennyLane measurements onto the quantum function returned by qml.from_qiskit. Consider this simple Qiskit circuit:

      import pennylane as qml 
      from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
      qc = QuantumCircuit(2) 
      qc.rx(0.785, 0) 
      qc.ry(1.57, 1) 

      We can convert it into a PennyLane QNode in just a few lines, with PennyLane measurements easily included:

      >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit") 
      >>> measurements = qml.expval(qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)) 
      >>> qfunc = qml.from_qiskit(qc, measurements=measurements) 
      >>> qnode = qml.QNode(qfunc, dev) 
      >>> qnode() 
      tensor(0.00056331, requires_grad=True) 
    • Quantum circuits that already contain Qiskit-side measurements can be faithfully converted with qml.from_qiskit. Consider this example Qiskit circuit:

      qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 2) # Teleportation
      qc.rx(0.9, 0) # Prepare input state on qubit 0
      qc.h(1) # Prepare Bell state on qubits 1 and 2, 2)
   , 1) # Perform teleportation 
      qc.measure(0, 0) 
      qc.measure(1, 1)
      with qc.if_test((1, 1)): # Perform first conditional 

      This circuit can be converted into PennyLane with the Qiskit measurements still accessible. For example, we can use those results as inputs to a mid-circuit measurement in PennyLane:

      def teleport(): 
          m0, m1 = qml.from_qiskit(qc)() 
          qml.cond(m0, qml.Z)(2) 
          return qml.density_matrix(2) 
      >>> teleport() 
      tensor([[0.81080498+0.j , 0. +0.39166345j], 
      [0. -0.39166345j, 0.18919502+0.j ]], requires_grad=True) 
    • It is now more intuitive to handle and differentiate parametrized Qiskit circuits. Consider the following circuit:

      from qiskit.circuit import Parameter 
      from pennylane import numpy as np
      angle0 = Parameter("x") angle1 = Parameter("y")
      qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) 
      qc.rx(angle0, 0) 
      qc.ry(angle1, 1), 0) 

      We can convert this circuit into a QNode with two arguments, corresponding to x and y:

      measurements = qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) 
      qfunc = qml.from_qiskit(qc, measurements) 
      qnode = qml.QNode(qfunc, dev) 

      The QNode can be evaluated and differentiated:

      >>> x, y = np.array([0.4, 0.5], requires_grad=True) 
      >>> qnode(x, y) 
      tensor(0.80830707, requires_grad=True) 
      >>> qml.grad(qnode)(x, y) 
      (tensor(-0.34174675, requires_grad=True), tensor(-0.44158016, requires_grad=True)) 

      This shows how easy it is to make a Qiskit circuit differentiable with PennyLane.

    • In addition to circuits, it is also possible to convert operators from Qiskit to PennyLane with a new function called qml.from_qiskit_op. (#5251)

      A Qiskit SparsePauliOp can be converted to a PennyLane operator using qml.from_qiskit_op:

      >>> from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp 
      >>> qiskit_op = SparsePauliOp(["II", "XY"]) 
      >>> qiskit_op SparsePauliOp(['II', 'XY'], coeffs=[1.+0.j, 1.+0.j]) 
      >>> pl_op = qml.from_qiskit_op(qiskit_op) 
      >>> pl_op I(0) + X(1) @ Y(0) 

      Combined with qml.from_qiskit, it becomes easy to quickly calculate quantities like expectation values by converting the whole workflow to PennyLane:

      qc = QuantumCircuit(2) # Create circuit 
      qc.rx(0.785, 0) 
      qc.ry(1.57, 1)
      measurements = qml.expval(pl_op) # Create QNode 
      qfunc = qml.from_qiskit(qc, measurements) 
      qnode = qml.QNode(qfunc, dev) 
      >>> qnode() # Evaluate! 
      tensor(0.29317504, requires_grad=True) 

Native mid-circuit measurements on Default Qubit 💡

  • Mid-circuit measurements can now be more scalable and efficient in finite-shots mode with default.qubit by simulating them in a similar way to what happens on quantum hardware. (#5088) (#5120)

    Previously, mid-circuit measurements (MCMs) would be automatically replaced with an additional qubit using the @qml.defer_measurements transform. The circuit below would have required thousands of qubits to simulate.

    Now, MCMs are performed in a similar way to quantum hardware with finite shots on default.qubit. For each shot and each time an MCM is encountered, the device evaluates the probability of projecting onto |0> or |1> and makes a random choice to collapse the circuit state. This approach works well when there are a lot of MCMs and the number of shots is not too high.

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", shots=10)
    def f(): 
        for i in range(1967): 
        return qml.sample(qml.PauliX(0)) 
    >>> f() 
    tensor([-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1], requires_grad=True) 

Work easily and efficiently with operators 🔧

  • Over the past few releases, PennyLane's approach to operator arithmetic has been in the process of being overhauled. We have a few objectives:

    1. To make it as easy to work with PennyLane operators as it would be with pen and paper.
    2. To improve the efficiency of operator arithmetic.

    The updated operator arithmetic functionality is still being finalized, but can be activated using qml.operation.enable_new_opmath(). In the next release, the new behaviour will become the default, so we recommend enabling now to become familiar with the new system!

    The following updates have been made in this version of PennyLane:

    • You can now easily access Pauli operators via I, X, Y, and Z: (#5116)

      >>> from pennylane import I, X, Y, Z 
      >>> X(0) X(0) ```
      The original long-form names `Identity`, `PauliX`, `PauliY`, and `PauliZ` remain available, but use of the short-form names is now recommended.
    • A new qml.commutator function is now available that allows you to compute commutators between PennyLane operators. (#5051) (#5052) (#5098)

      >>> qml.commutator(X(0), Y(0)) 
      2j * Z(0) 
    • Operators in PennyLane can have a backend Pauli representation, which can be used to perform faster operator arithmetic. Now, the Pauli representation will be automatically used for calculations when available. (#4989) (#5001) (#5003) (#5017) (#5027)

      The Pauli representation can be optionally accessed via op.pauli_rep:

      >>> qml.operation.enable_new_opmath() 
      >>> op = X(0) + Y(0) 
      >>> op.pauli_rep 
      1.0 * X(0) + 1.0 * Y(0) 
    • Extensive improvements have been made to the string representations of PennyLane operators, making them shorter and possible to copy-paste as valid PennyLane code. (#5116) (#5138)

      >>> 0.5 * X(0) 
      0.5 * X(0)
      >>> 0.5 * (X(0) + Y(1)) 
      0.5 * (X(0) + Y(1)) 

      Sums with many terms are broken up into multiple lines, but can still be copied back as valid code:

      >>> 0.5 * (X(0) @ X(1)) + 0.7 * (X(1) @ X(2)) + 0.8 * (X(2) @ X(3)) 
           0.5 * (X(0) @ X(1)) 
           + 0.7 * (X(1) @ X(2)) 
           + 0.8 * (X(2) @ X(3)) 
    • Linear combinations of operators and operator multiplication via Sum and Prod, respectively, have been updated to reach feature parity with Hamiltonian and Tensor, respectively. This should minimize the effort to port over any existing code. (#5070) (#5132) (#5133)

      Updates include support for grouping via the pauli module:

      >>> obs = [X(0) @ Y(1), Z(0), Y(0) @ Z(1), Y(1)] 
      >>> qml.pauli.group_observables(obs) 
      [[Y(0) @ Z(1)], [X(0) @ Y(1), Y(1)], [Z(0)]] 

New Clifford device 🦾

  • A new default.clifford device enables efficient simulati...
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Release 0.34.0.post1

22 Jan 17:04
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This postfix release pins additional requirements in doc/requirements.txt for building the website documentation. This allows the website to be rebuilt to show the "Getting involved" section.

Release 0.34.0

08 Jan 20:06
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New features since last release

Statistics and drawing for mid-circuit measurements 🎨

  • It is now possible to return statistics of composite mid-circuit measurements. (#4888)

    Mid-circuit measurement results can be composed using basic arithmetic operations and then statistics can be calculated by putting the result within a PennyLane measurement like qml.expval(). For example:

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circuit(phi, theta): 
        qml.RX(phi, wires=0) 
        m0 = qml.measure(wires=0) 
        qml.RY(theta, wires=1) 
        m1 = qml.measure(wires=1) 
        return qml.expval(~m0 + m1)
    print(circuit(1.23, 4.56)) 

    Another option, for ease-of-use when using qml.sample(), qml.probs(), or qml.counts(), is to provide a simple list of mid-circuit measurement results:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circuit(phi, theta): 
        qml.RX(phi, wires=0) 
        m0 = qml.measure(wires=0) 
        qml.RY(theta, wires=1) 
        m1 = qml.measure(wires=1) 
        return qml.sample(op=[m0, m1])
    print(circuit(1.23, 4.56, shots=5)) 
    [[0 1] 
     [0 1] 
     [0 0] 
     [1 0] 
     [0 1]] 

    Composite mid-circuit measurement statistics are supported on default.qubit and default.mixed. To learn more about which measurements and arithmetic operators are supported, refer to the measurements page and the documentation for qml.measure.

  • Mid-circuit measurements can now be visualized with the text-based qml.draw() and the graphical qml.draw_mpl() methods. (#4775) (#4803) (#4832) (#4901) (#4850) (#4917) (#4930) (#4957)

    Drawing of mid-circuit measurement capabilities including qubit reuse and reset, postselection, conditioning, and collecting statistics is now supported. Here is an all-encompassing example:

    def circuit(): 
        m0 = qml.measure(0, reset=True) 
        m1 = qml.measure(1, postselect=1) 
        qml.cond(m0 - m1 == 0, qml.S)(0) 
        m2 = qml.measure(1) 
        qml.cond(m0 + m1 == 2, qml.T)(0) 
        qml.cond(m2, qml.PauliX)(1) 

    The text-based drawer outputs:

    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 
    0: ──┤↗│  │0⟩────────S───────T────┤ 
    1: ───║────────┤↗₁├──║──┤↗├──║──X─┤ 
          ╚═════════║════╬═══║═══╣  ║ 
                    ╚════╩═══║═══╝  ║ 

    The graphical drawer outputs:

    >>> print(qml.draw_mpl(circuit)()) 

Catalyst is seamlessly integrated with PennyLane ⚗️

  • Catalyst, our next-generation compilation framework, is now accessible within PennyLane, allowing you to more easily benefit from hybrid just-in-time (JIT) compilation.

    To access these features, simply install pennylane-catalyst:

    pip install pennylane-catalyst 

    The qml.compiler module provides support for hybrid quantum-classical compilation. (#4692) (#4979)

    Through the use of the qml.qjit decorator, entire workflows can be JIT compiled — including both quantum and classical processing — down to a machine binary on first-function execution. Subsequent calls to the compiled function will execute the previously-compiled binary, resulting in significant performance improvements.

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit(theta): 
        qml.RX(theta, wires=1) 
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=1)) 
    >>> circuit(0.5) # the first call, compilation occurs here array(0.) 
    >>> circuit(0.5) # the precompiled quantum function is called 

    Currently, PennyLane supports the Catalyst hybrid compiler with the qml.qjit decorator. A significant benefit of Catalyst is the ability to preserve complex control flow around quantum operations — such as if statements and for loops, and including measurement feedback — during compilation, while continuing to support end-to-end autodifferentiation.

  • The following functions can now be used with the qml.qjit decorator: qml.grad, qml.jacobian, qml.vjp, qml.jvp, and qml.adjoint. (#4709) (#4724) (#4725) (#4726)

    When qml.grad or qml.jacobian are used with @qml.qjit, they are patched to catalyst.grad and catalyst.jacobian, respectively.

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def workflow(x):
        def circuit(x): 
            qml.RX(np.pi * x[0], wires=0) 
            qml.RY(x[1], wires=0) 
            return qml.probs()
        g = qml.jacobian(circuit)
        return g(x) 
    >>> workflow(np.array([2.0, 1.0])) 
    array([[ 3.48786850e-16, -4.20735492e-01], 
           [-8.71967125e-17, 4.20735492e-01]]) 
  • JIT-compatible functionality for control flow has been added via qml.for_loop, qml.while_loop, and qml.cond. (#4698)

    qml.for_loop and qml.while_loop can be deployed as decorators on functions that are the body of the loop. The arguments to both follow typical conventions:

    @qml.for_loop(lower_bound, upper_bound, step) 

    Here is a concrete example with qml.for_loop:

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def circuit(n: int, x: float):
        @qml.for_loop(0, n, 1) 
        def loop_rx(i, x): 
            # perform some work and update (some of) the arguments 
            qml.RX(x, wires=0)
            # update the value of x for the next iteration 
            return jnp.sin(x)
        # apply the for loop 
        final_x = loop_rx(x)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), final_x 
    >>> circuit(7, 1.6) 
    (array(0.97926626), array(0.55395718)) 

Decompose circuits into the Clifford+T gateset 🧩

  • The new qml.clifford_t_decomposition() transform provides an approximate breakdown of an input circuit into the Clifford+T gateset. Behind the scenes, this decomposition is enacted via the sk_decomposition() function using the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm. (#4801) (#4802)

    The Solovay-Kitaev algorithm approximately decomposes a quantum circuit into the Clifford+T gateset. To account for this, a desired total circuit decomposition error, epsilon, must be specified when using qml.clifford_t_decomposition:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circuit(): 
        qml.RX(1.1, 0) 
        return qml.state()
    circuit = qml.clifford_t_decomposition(circuit, epsilon=0.1) 
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 
    0:   ──T†──H──T†──H──T──H──T──H──T──H──T──H──T†──H──T†──T†──H──T†──H──T──H──T──H──T──H──T──H──T†──H

    The resource requirements of this circuit can also be evaluated:

    >>> with qml.Tracker(dev) as tracker: 
    ...     circuit() 
    >>> resources_lst = tracker.history["resources"] 
    >>> resources_lst[0] 
    wires: 1 
    gates: 34 
    depth: 34 
    shots: Shots(total=None) 
    gate_types: {'Adjoint(T)': 8, 'Hadamard': 16, 'T': 9, 'GlobalPhase': 1} 
    gate_sizes:   {1: 33, 0: 1} 

Use an iterative approach for quantum phase estimation 🔄

  • Iterative Quantum Phase Estimation is now available with qml.iterative_qpe. (#4804)

    The subroutine can be used similarly to mid-circuit measurements:

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", shots=5)
    def circuit():
          # Initial state 
          # Iterative QPE 
          measurements = qml.iterative_qpe(qml.RZ(2., wires=[0]), ancilla=[1], iters=3)
          return [qml.sample(op=meas) for meas in measurements] 
    >>> print(circuit()) 
    [array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 1, 1...
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Release 0.33.1

08 Nov 20:57
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Bug fixes 🐛

  • Fix gradient performance regression due to expansion of VJP products. (#4806)

  • qml.defer_measurements now correctly transforms circuits when terminal measurements include wires used in mid-circuit measurements. (#4787)

  • Any ScalarSymbolicOp, like Evolution, now states that it has a matrix if the target is a Hamiltonian. (#4768)

  • In default.qubit, initial states are now initialized with the simulator's wire order, not the circuit's wire order. (#4781)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Christina Lee, Lee James O'Riordan, Mudit Pandey

Release 0.33.0

30 Oct 20:13
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New features since last release

Postselection and statistics in mid-circuit measurements 📌

  • It is now possible to request postselection on a mid-circuit measurement. (#4604)

    This can be achieved by specifying the postselect keyword argument in qml.measure as either 0 or 1, corresponding to the basis states.

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    @qml.qnode(dev, interface=None)
    def circuit():
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.measure(0, postselect=1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)), qml.sample(wires=1)

    This circuit prepares the $| \Phi^{+} \rangle$ Bell state and postselects on measuring $|1\rangle$ in wire 0. The output of wire 1 is then also $|1\rangle$ at all times:

    >>> circuit(shots=10)
    (-1.0, array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]))

    Note that the number of shots is less than the requested amount because we have thrown away the samples where $|0\rangle$ was measured in wire 0.

  • Measurement statistics can now be collected for mid-circuit measurements. (#4544)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circ(x, y):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.RY(y, wires=1)
        m0 = qml.measure(1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(m0), qml.sample(m0)
    >>> circ(1.0, 2.0, shots=10000)
    (0.5606, 0.7089, array([0, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]))

    Support is provided for both finite-shot and analytic modes and devices default to using the deferred measurement principle to enact the mid-circuit measurements.

Exponentiate Hamiltonians with flexible Trotter products 🐖

  • Higher-order Trotter-Suzuki methods are now easily accessible through a new operation called TrotterProduct. (#4661)

    Trotterization techniques are an affective route towards accurate and efficient Hamiltonian simulation. The Suzuki-Trotter product formula allows for the ability to express higher-order approximations to the matrix exponential of a Hamiltonian, and it is now available to use in PennyLane via the TrotterProduct operation. Simply specify the order of the approximation and the evolution time.

    coeffs = [0.25, 0.75]
    ops = [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(0)]
    H =, ops)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit():
        qml.TrotterProduct(H, time=2.4, order=2)
        return qml.state()
    >>> circuit()
    [-0.13259524+0.59790098j 0. +0.j -0.13259524-0.77932754j 0. +0.j ]
  • Approximating matrix exponentiation with random product formulas, qDrift, is now available with the new QDrift operation. (#4671)

    As shown in 1811.08017, qDrift is a Markovian process that can provide a speedup in Hamiltonian simulation. At a high level, qDrift works by randomly sampling from the Hamiltonian terms with a probability that depends on the Hamiltonian coefficients. This method for Hamiltonian simulation is now ready to use in PennyLane with the QDrift operator. Simply specify the evolution time and the number of samples drawn from the Hamiltonian, n:

    coeffs = [0.25, 0.75]
    ops = [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(0)]
    H =, ops)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit():
        qml.QDrift(H, time=1.2, n = 10)
        return qml.probs()
    >>> circuit()
    array([0.61814334, 0. , 0.38185666, 0. ])

Building blocks for quantum phase estimation 🧱

  • A new operator called CosineWindow has been added to prepare an initial state based on a cosine wave function. (#4683)

    As outlined in 2110.09590, the cosine tapering window is part of a modification to quantum phase estimation that can provide a cubic improvement to the algorithm's error rate. Using CosineWindow will prepare a state whose amplitudes follow a cosinusoidal distribution over the computational basis.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
    def example_circuit():
        return qml.state()
    output = example_circuit()"pennylane.drawer.plot"), output)
  • Controlled gate sequences raised to decreasing powers, a sub-block in quantum phase estimation, can now be created with the new ControlledSequence operator. (#4707)

    To use ControlledSequence, specify the controlled unitary operator and the control wires, control:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires = 4)
    def circuit():
        for i in range(3):
            qml.Hadamard(wires = i)
        qml.ControlledSequence(qml.RX(0.25, wires = 3), control = [0, 1, 2])
        qml.adjoint(qml.QFT)(wires = range(3))
            return qml.probs(wires = range(3))
    >>> print(circuit())
    [0.92059345 0.02637178 0.00729619 0.00423258 0.00360545 0.00423258 0.00729619 0.02637178]

New device capabilities, integration with Catalyst, and more! ⚗️

  • default.qubit now uses the new qml.devices.Device API and functionality in qml.devices.qubit. If you experience any issues with the updated default.qubit, please let us know by posting an issue. The old version of the device is still accessible by the short name default.qubit.legacy, or directly via qml.devices.DefaultQubitLegacy. (#4594) (#4436) (#4620) (#4632)

    This changeover has a number of benefits for default.qubit, including:

    • The number of wires is now optional — simply having qml.device("default.qubit") is valid! If wires are not provided at instantiation, the device automatically infers the required number of wires for each circuit provided for execution.

      dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
      def circuit():
          qml.RZ(0.1, wires=1)
          return qml.state()
      >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)())
      0: ──Z────────┤ State
      1: ──RZ(0.10)─┤ State
      2: ──H────────┤ State
    • default.qubit is no longer silently swapped out with an interface-appropriate device when the backpropagation differentiation method is used. For example, consider:

      import jax
      dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1)
      @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="backprop")
      def f(x):
          qml.RX(x, wires=0)
          return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))

      In previous versions of PennyLane, the device will be swapped for the JAX equivalent:

      >>> f.device
      <DefaultQubitJax device (wires=1, shots=None) at 0x7f8c8bff50a0>
      >>> f.device == dev

      Now, default.qubit can itself dispatch to all the interfaces in a backprop-compatible way and hence does not need to be swapped:

      >>> f.device
      <default.qubit device (wires=1) at 0x7f20d043b040>
      >>> f.device == dev
  • A QNode that has been decorated with qjit from PennyLane's Catalyst library for just-in-time hybrid compilation is now compatible with qml.draw. (#4609)

    import catalyst
    @qml.qnode(qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=3))
    def circuit(x, y, z, c):
        """A quantum circuit on three wires."""
        @catalyst.for_loop(0, c, 1)
        def loop(i):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.RY(y, wires=1)
        qml.RZ(z, wires=2)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    draw = qml.draw(circuit, decimals=None)(1.234, 2.345, 3.456, 1)
    >>> print(draw)
    0: ──RX──H──┤ <Z>
    1: ──H───RY─┤
    2: ──RZ─────┤

Improvements 🛠

More PyTrees!

  • MeasurementProcess and QuantumScript objects are now registered as JAX PyTrees. (#4607) (#4608)

    It is now possible to JIT-compile functions with arguments that are a MeasurementProcess or a QuantumScript:

    tape0 = qml.tape.QuantumTape([qml.RX(1.0, 0), qml.RY(0.5, 0)], [qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))])
    dev = qml.device('lightning.qubit', wires=5)
    execute_kwargs = {"device": dev, "gradient_fn": qml.gradients.param_shift, "interface":"jax"}
    jitted_execute = jax.jit(qml.execute, static_argnames=execute_kwargs.keys())
    jitted_execute((tape0, ), **execute_kwargs)

Improving QChem and existing algorithms

  • Computationally expensive functions in, electron_repulsion and `_h...
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Release 0.32.0-post1

22 Sep 20:00
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This release changes doc/requirements.txt to upgrade jax, jaxlib, and pin ml-dtypes.