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Page Contents (v1.x)

Lukas Gerbenis edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 2 revisions

To start editing contents and contents options, reviewing content history and deleting contents, switch the pencil icon in the side menu to On:

Edit modes

Add new contents to region

There are two types of contents, which could be added to the page: HTML contents and Widgets. HTML content can be created in the Add new content modal window (see below). There are two types of widgets: created reusable HTML content or registered server control widget. Widgets can be inserted into the page region via the second tab of Add new content modal window.

To add new content or insert already created widget to the page's region, press "Add new content" button, which appears on the region overlay.

Add new content icon

Modal window with HTML content edit form will appear:

Add new Content

  1. Tab for inserting regular HTML content by using WYSIWYG editor.
  2. Tab where already created widgets can be inserted to page region.
  3. Content name. Used when sorting contents.
  4. Live From, Live To - select these dates to show this content from specified date to specified date. Live to date is optional.
  5. HTML content WYSIWYG editor. User guide for current HTML editor can be found here.
  6. If you wish, you can add custom CSS for content, by clicking a checkbox "Enable custom CSS" and entering CSS to the shown textarea. NOTE: remember, that CSS is global and can affect the whole page!
  7. If you wish, you can add custom JavaScript for content, by clicking a checkbox "Enable custom JavaScript" and entering JavaScript code to the shown textarea. NOTE: remember, that JavaScript can affext whole your page. If it contains error, page can be displayed distorted or exception windows can be shown.
  8. If you are not ready to publish the content yet, press Save Draft button. Draft copy will be created and you can return later and edit or publish it. If content was already published before, changed made in draft version will be invisible to public users.
  9. If you are ready to publish created content, press Save & Publish button. Page will go live immediately (if current date is in live dates interval).
  10. If you wish to view, how will content look in the page layout, press Preview button.

Editing master page content

When editing master page content, dynamic regions can be inserted directly to editing content. this is discussed in master pages documentation section.

Insert widget to region

To add the widget to the page, please follow the instructions bellow. Add Widget as Content

  • In the Add New Content dialog click on the Widgets tab (1).
  • Use search form (4) to find wanted widget, create new HTML content widget by pressing ADD NEW+ (2) button, or register new server control widget by pressing REGISTER+ (3) button. Also, widgets can be edited before inserting, by pressing pencil icon (6), or deleted, by pressing Delete (7) button next to widget and confirming deletion.
  • To insert widget to the page, click on the desirable widget Insert (5) button.

NOTE: All the widgets are categorized (8). If category is not assigned, unassigned widgets are shown in Uncategorized group.

Edit content

For content editing, press Edit content icon when mouse cursor is over content you want to edit. When pressing edit icon, specific content editing modal window will open. It depends on type of content: HTML content, blog post content, or specific type of widget.

Edit content icon

If content was saved as draft, asterix symbol will apear next to edit icon: Edit draft content.

Edit Widget Options

Server control widgets can contain widget options. To edit content options, press configure button:

Configure widget

How to manage page content options, read here.

Delete content

For deleting a content, press Delete content icon when mouse cursor is over content you want to delete and confirm deletion.

Delete content

View content history

For viewing content history, press Content History icon when mouse cursor is over content, which versions you want to review.

View content history

Modal window with ability to preview and restore older versions will open:

Content versions window

On the top of window there is a preview box for previewing a version, selected in the grid below (2). For restoring old (archived) version, press Restore link and accept confirmation. There are 3 types of content statuses:

  • Draft. Draft version, invisible to public users. It's optional - page can be published and not contain draft version.
  • Published. Currently active version, visible to public users. It's optional - page can contain only draft and not contain published version yet.
  • Archived. Older version of content. If content was published, and re-published again, archived version of content is created.

Add widget to HTML content or to another HTML widget

From the version 1.8.0, widget can be added to another widget or to HTML content. Read more here.

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