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Site settings (v1.x)

Lukas Gerbenis edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 2 revisions

Use site settings for searching, sorting, creating, editing and deleting Better CMS lists:

  • Pages. Manage already created CMS pages, creation dates, published statuses, click on the path of the page and go into selected details of the page.
  • Blog -> Blog Posts. Manage already created Blog Posts, creation dates, published statuses, click on the path of the article and go into selected details of the article.
  • Blog -> Authors. Manage blog posts authors.
  • Blog -> Blog posts templates. Select default template for creating blog posts.
  • Categories. Manage pages / blog posts / contents categories.
  • Tags. Manage pages / blog posts / contents / media tags.
  • Languages -> Manage available languages for multilingual pages. Only if cms.config attribute enableMultilanguages is set to true. Read more about managing multilingual pages.
  • Media Manager. Manage folders and upload and manage images, videos and other files.
  • Widgets: Manage HTML Content Widgets (reusable HTML contents) and Server Control Widgets (already created contents).
  • Templates -> Templates. Manage page layouts and layout regions. Layouts should be stored in server with .cshtml extension.
  • Templates -> Master Pages. Manage master pages, which can be edited directly in the browser. Read more here.
  • Redirects. Manage redirects for deleted pages.
  • Sitemap. Manage site map, by adding or removing already created pages and articles.

Side Menu

Site settings from additional Beter CMS modules

  • Users. BetterCms.Model.Users module should be installed. Manage users and assign roles to users.
  • Users -> Roles. BetterCms.Model.Users module should be installed. Manage userroles.
  • Nesletter subscribers. BetterCms.Module.Newsletter module should be installed. Manage newsletters subscriptions.
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