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Release Notes (v1.x)

Lukas Gerbenis edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 2 revisions

Release notes



  • Bugfix. API: fixed categories duplication, when re-uploading the file (#1338).
  • Bugfix. API: fixed blog post saving with categories when page URL is null (#1352).


  • Page rendering performance updated if Smart Tags feature is not used (#1134).


  • Bugfix: Open graph module made pages throw exception under load if caching service was on.
  • Fixed order for same widget added multiple times to one region (#1244).


  • Bugfix: encode uploaded file URLs before saving to Database (#1182).
  • Show recently used widgets in add content dialog (#1263).
  • Bugfix: entity ModifiedOn date doesn't change if only tag or category is changed (#1266).
  • Bugfix: old image is not showed after cancelling re-upload in properties (#1197).
  • Bugfix: image disappears from media manager while re-uploading (#1198).
  • Bugfix: azure storage deletes all the images from folder on cancel (#1195).
  • Bugfix: increment page region numbers globally (#1274).
  • Check if page already exists in cache right before caching it.
  • Bugfix: prevent custom option button in page/widget options from spontaneously not clicking.


  • API fix: blog post searching by category name fixed (#1252).
  • API fix: page url generation helper updated according multiple categories (#1251).
  • Source code line wrapping mode added (#1256).


  • Categories updated to be hierarchical and multiple categories can be assigned to pages, blog posts, media items (#1189, #1191, #1192, #1193, #1205, #1206, #1220, #1222, #1225, #1227, #1228, #1230, #1231, #1233, #1234, #1236, #1239).
  • Media items can be categorized (#1190).
  • Categories can be dedicated for different website parts (#1203, #1208).
  • API: support for file re-upload added (#1196).
  • Lucene Search Module improved to solve index file lock issue (#1214).
  • Lucene Search Module updated skip comments and custom html parts while indexing (#1215, #1238, #1175).
  • Bug fix: hieroglyphs support in source code editor (#1242).
  • Bug fix: content ordering in page layout editing (#1244).
  • Bug fix: widget option values (#1243).
  • Bug fix: fixed blog deleted event not firing on delete via API (#1240).
  • Other small modifications and bug fixes (#1217, #1219, #1229).

NOTE: updating from 1.9.2 to 1.10.0 will require update code parts that uses categories.


  • Bugfix: Open graph module made pages throw exception under load if caching service was on.
  • Fixed order for same widget added multiple times to one region (#1244).


  • Bugfix: fixed content sorting via UI (#1244).


  • Bugfix: fixed site pages service returning invalid total count (API).


  • Widgets updated to support dynamic regions (#1090).
  • Additional view to manage all page contents added (#1076, #1088, #1135).
  • Dynamic regions updated to be human-readable (#1075).
  • GoogleAnalytics module created (#1109, #844, #1119).
  • OpenGraphIntegration module created for OG support (#1108, #466).
  • Image can be selected for option value (#1143).
  • Discard changes option added for page structural updates (#1153).
  • Page structure getting performance updated (#1158, #1152).
  • API: file saving added (#1125).
  • API: Events for customizing Lucene search index added (#1142).
  • API: Pages.Pages.Get updated to include secondary and featured images (#1148).
  • API: JsIncludeDescriptor updated to support external JS files (#1156, #1187).
  • API: ServiceStack forced to be in version 3.9.71 (#1132).
  • API: Common.Logging.NLog forced to be in version 2.0.0 (#1178).
  • Bug fix: blog post image saving fixed (#1124).
  • Bug fix: blog post with mm.dd.yyyy format date saving fixed (#1126).
  • Bug fix: image created on iSO saving fixed (#1138).
  • Bug fix: FileUri trimming to 50 symbols fixed (#1139).
  • Bug fix: Lucene search engine write.lock file locking fixed (#1146).
  • Other small modifications and bug fixes (#1022, #1051, #1064, #1078, #1079, #1116, #1117, #1118, #1121, #1122, #1123, #1128, #1137, #1144, #1150, #1160, #1161, #1163, #1168, #1169, #1172, #1174, #1176, #1180, #1183, #1185).


  • TBD.


  • Bugfix: fixed saving of date in blog post content / HTML content in culture, different from US (#1126)


  • Bugfix: fixed saving of blog posts with image (#1124)


  • Version of MVC updated to 4
  • All CMS views are precompiled. Better performance in the content edit mode. (#511, #1083, #1081, #1107)
  • Widget can be added to another widget or HTML content as a child (#1074, #1091, #1094, #1095, #1096, #1097, #1100, #1110, #1111, #1114)
  • The page can be viewed by impersonating anonymous user (#1080)
  • Implemented ability to find widget usages within pages / another widgets (#1042, #1089)
  • Page has a flag, which forces HTTP / HTTPS (#1021)
  • Sitemaps / sitemap translations fixes (#1067, #1082, #1085)
  • Increased performance of SQL scripts migration (on application start) (#1105)
  • Dynamic region's identifier accepts human-readable names (not only Guids as before) (#1112)
  • Other small modifications and bugfixes (#1054, #1056, #1061, #1068, #1070, #1071, #1086, #1092, #1098, #1099, #1101, #1102, #1107, #1113, #1115)


  • Bugfix: page URL hash is calculated only for non-nulls URLs


  • Added page properties changing event, when editing page SEO information
  • Fixed security of editing SEO modal window
  • Delete page: default value for "Remove this page from sitemap." changed to be true


  • Fixed image access checking when re-uploading an image (#1071)
  • Fixed blog post URL generation


  • API: implemented save methods (PUT / POST / DELETE) for creating/updating/deleting the entities. (#1031)
  • API: implemented ability to create an entity with specified Id. (#1031)
  • Fixed security issues, when default access level is set to Read (#1049, #1050, #1059)
  • Implemented ability to customize page/blog post URL generation (#1057)
  • Other small modifications and bug fixes (#1036, #1048, #1058, #1060, #1062, #861)


  • Before redirecting the page, page is pre-rendered and collects all information for storing to the cache (#1043)


  • HTML widgets: added widget options (#932)
  • Implemented blogs import / export (#1008, #1020, #1039)
  • API: returning page/blog post master page id, and merged master page options (#974)
  • API: implemented ability to retrieve access rules (#984)
  • API: implemented ability to filter out secured objects (pages / files) by user (#984)
  • Page / blogs: added ability to filter by SEO status, page status, template / master page (#812)
  • After session expiration user is being redirected to login page (#967, #997)
  • HTML / code editor compatibility fixes (#961, #968, #994)
  • Events: added missing contents/layouts/media events (#989)
  • When creating a page, access rights are taken from master page (#991)
  • Created new role for managing CMS users (#992)
  • Azure file storage: implemented ability to configure secured container (#995, #996)
  • Other small modifications and bug fixes (#833, #922, #927, #950, #965, #976, #990, #998, #1001, #1004, #1007, #1009, #1010, #1011, #1017)


  • Lucene search module: fixed critical bug, when timeout occurs (#999)
  • Added ability to redirect to external URl (#1000)


  • Windows Azure Storage: fixed bug (#995), which changed Azure storage public availability when uploading image / file.


  • API updated: sitemap nodes contains pageIsPublish field (#958).
  • Fixed user access right issue (#969).
  • Fixed API user validation to return user id on success (#983).
  • Other small changes and fixes: #978, #975, #973, #970, #964, #956, #952, #843, #813.


  • Implemented ability to add languages in site settings. (#842, #878, #879, #889, #891, #897, #939, #940, #941)
  • Implemented ability to clone page as translation and manage page translations. (#870, #871, #872, #882, #883, #886, #887, #890, #892, #945)
  • Created abstract search module with search form and search results widgets. (#27, #506, #794, #933)
  • Created Lucene search module implementation with ability to search within private pages. (#888, #916, #923, #925, #926)
  • Created Google Site search module implementation.
  • Site map: implemented multiple sitemaps. (#853, #899, #900, #908, #910, #920, #930, #931, #935)
  • Site map: implemented sitemap tagging. (#853)
  • Site map: implemented sitemap history. (#851)
  • Site map: implemented sitemap security. (#853, #936, #937)
  • Site map: multilanguage support added. (#917, #918)
  • Media manager: added supporting of .bmp files. (#307)
  • Media manager: implemented ability to re-upload file/image from the properties window. (#520, #894)
  • Master pages: fixed bug, when master page gets unpublished status. (#895)
  • Site settings, other searches: fixed auto-focusing of search fields everywhere. (#911)
  • Date pickers: fixed validation bug, when server culture is changed (#913)
  • Other small design modifications and bug fixes (#443, #827, #835, #839, #874, #877, #881, #896, #904, #905, #915, #929, #951, #949, #919, #912, #909, #907, #906, #901)


  • Fixed users API module service registrations bug (#873)


  • Auto-suggestions improved for tag selections (#558).
  • Media search improved to search by URL (#705).
  • Ability to use master pages for blogs added (#793).
  • Content editor during the switch from source mode will not wrap text with paragraph (#846).
  • Issues preventing to use CMS with SQL Server 2005 fixed (#847).
  • Security issue with blogs fixed (#848).
  • Other small changes and fixes: #142, #408, #714, #715, #761, #815, #831, #836, #838, #845, #855, #856, #866, #867.


  • Master page saving fixed (#840).


  • Implemented master page functionality (#737, #744, #753, #755, #759, #767, #769, #775, #776, #778, #779, #780, #781, #782, #785, #786, #795, #797, #800, #802, #804, #809, #817, #819).
  • Added ability to drag'n'drop page content between the regions (#735).
  • Integrated code editor for HTML, JavaScript and CSS editing (#595, #822).
  • Updated page creation and page properties dialogs (#697).
  • Implemented media preview on images list in media manager (#746, #783, #787).
  • API update to include meta data in pages list (#752).
  • Added ability to insert special tokens to content - Smart Tags (#765, #803).
  • Content WYSIWYG editor CKEditor updated to 4.3 (#796).
  • Added PagePropertiesChanging event with ability to cancel saving (#810).
  • Added file image preview on files list in media manager (#820).
  • Core: updated NHibernate version to (#828).
  • Other small changes and fixes: #525, #589, #677, #679, #684, #738, #748, #756, #757, #760, #762, #770, #771, #772, #773, #777, #789, #792, , #798, #799, #801, #805, #806, #814, #816, #821, #823, #824, #826, #829, #832, #834.


  • Implemented process timeout in Azure / Amazon S3 storage services.


  • Fixed full access role configuration (#756).


  • Client side logger with severity levels added (#536).
  • Configuration: ability to load credentials from server environment variables for cloud storages added (#605).
  • Access control: autocomplete for roles / users added (#608).
  • Performance of widgets slider updated (#625).
  • Content management: all contents without published versions will became published during page publishing (#643).
  • Media Manager: media re-upload updated (#670).
  • Access control: to page cloning user access configuration added (#676).
  • API: events on sitemap editing added (#683).
  • Media Manager: bug related with media folder deleting when access control is enabled fixed (#692, #733).
  • Date fields updated to support different formats according user locales (#702).
  • API: ability to get tags with pages / blogs added (#703).
  • Ability to setup custom class on content end added (#707).
  • Access control: first user registration form made visible only when no users exist (#719).
  • International URL support added (#721).
  • Layouts: ability to render custom body tag added (#724).
  • Options: ability to add custom options added (#726).
  • Other small changes and fixes: #420, #562, #583, #617, #640, #669, #680, #682, #685, #686, #688, #691, #696, #701, #708, #709, #710, #711, #718, #723, #725, #727, #728, #729, #730, #731, #732, #736, #739, #740, #741, #742.


  • Fixed NuGet package installation: added missing user module configuration and fixed security configuration


  • Users module: implemented users management.
  • Users module: implemented roles management.
  • Users module: implemented CMS membership and CMS role providers.
  • Users API module: created API methods for getting users / roles / validating user name and password.
  • Access control: implemented pages and media files security. Can be enabled or disabled.
  • Access control: users or roles access level can be managed in the pages / media files properties forms.
  • Access control: depending on user/role access level, content can be denied, allowed to edit, or opened as read only.
  • Access control: content security implemented in the nHibernate layer: when trying to save secured entity with no access roles, getting an exception.
  • Media manager: implemented token based security for media files (for Windows Azure and Amazon S3 storage only).
  • Options: options can be assigned to widgets and layouts.
  • Option values: values can be entered to page and page contents.
  • Options: added new option types: integer, float, date, boolean.
  • Options: refactored options and option values grids: type can be specified. Control for entering value is changed depending on option data type.
  • Options: widget / page options can be reached through rendering widget / page view model.
  • Implemented content encryption. HTML for HTML contents / HTML widgets can be stored encrypted in the database.
  • Created view models and extensions for reaching all page / blog posts properties / children within layout view.
  • The rendering of content's end div (having CSS class "clearfix") can be disabled, CSS class name can be changed.


  • A http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" meta tag fix (#628).


  • A deleted entities bug fix released (#596).


  • A dependency to a Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc library changed to 3.0.20105.1 version.


  • Created web API module. Refactored code API. All API moved to API module.
  • Created separated NuGet projects for each module and Core.
  • Created JavaScript tests for each API method.
  • Media manager: created properties window for files. Image properties dialog UI modifications.
  • Media manager: added description.
  • Media manager: added thumbnail for files.
  • Media manager: added archivation functionality.
  • Media manager: implemented sub-folders.
  • Media manager: added ability to copy public media URL.
  • Media manager: implemented media changing history.
  • Media manager: implemented media re-uploading functionality.
  • Media manager: implemented flat search in folder and sub-folders.
  • Media manager: updated medias deleting.
  • Pages: created canonical URL for optimized searching.
  • Pages / blogs: added archivation functionality.
  • Pages / blogs: added secondary and featured images.
  • Site settings: implemented paging.
  • Site settings: implemented filtering.
  • Implemented auto-complete function in the tag selection drop-downs.


  • An issue with custom 404 error page fixed.


  • A blog post preview issue fixed.


  • A blog posts activation date updating issue fixed.


  • API: created requests / responses for getting / saving data.
  • Blog Posts API: added ability to filter / order by dates.
  • API: created methods for saving pages, layouts, contents, etc.
  • Created image properties window.
  • Storage service tests implementation.
  • Created nHibernate fetch wrapper.
  • API, storage services tests implementation.
  • RequireJs is hidden from site's RequireJs.
  • Data migration separated from content migration.


  • nHibernate version upgraded to
  • Fixed loading of requirejs, if it's added to project page (by checking, if window.bcmsWaitForWebSiteRequireJs is set).
  • Better CMS validation classes are independet of standard jQuery validation classes.
  • Created newsletter module with site settings subscribers list and subscriber widget.


  • Version 1.0.0 released.
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