What's Changed
- README updates for portaudio and the --debug flag by @noahgibbs in #278
- Initial 'build YARD on push' workflow by @noahgibbs in #266
- CatsCradle: testing language prototype using Fibers to avoid raw promises by @noahgibbs in #259
- local images (base64) by @gintama91 in #286
- Use a single Scarpe::App instance as self nearly everywhere by @noahgibbs in #277
- Spike for events, including mouse motion by @noahgibbs in #292
- Longer default test timeout because of occasional long CI delays by @noahgibbs in #289
- LIB_DIR and Scarpe constants by @noahgibbs in #290
- video by @gintama91 in #293
- Local fonts and background local image by @gintama91 in #295
- download get_google and save by @gintama91 in #304
- Shoes::DisplayService, not Scarpe::DisplayService by @noahgibbs in #303
- Switch edit_box to correctly use the passed block as the change hook by @noahgibbs in #296
- Fix non-working yardoc flow by @noahgibbs in #279
- Start customising YARD output with a new "Doc Pages" category. by @noahgibbs in #305
- radio by @gintama91 in #206
- More Scarpe docs by @noahgibbs in #317
- Lots more docs for WebWrangler by @noahgibbs in #316
- Shoes widget not scarpe by @noahgibbs in #307
- Add lacci gem by @noahgibbs in #309
- Fix some problems with the docs GHAction by @noahgibbs in #321
- Shape rework by @noahgibbs in #315
- Use the SCARPE_DEBUG env var to set debug behaviour by @noahgibbs in #322
- Update Highlander app, delete a lot of duplicate examples by @noahgibbs in #323
- no bundle exec by @gintama91 in #325
- Fix transient Linter failure by @eightbitraptor in #328
- Flow should run to the end of its current container by @Schwad in #329
- Morning serenity bloops song to wake people up and get their hackdays started right by @Schwad in #327
- Update README to run Scarpe without the exe by @eightbitraptor in #331
- Change my audio source by @Schwad in #330
- Fix typo in example filename by @eightbitraptor in #333
- Clear append destroy by @noahgibbs in #339
- Regularise how Webview handles styling, and add show/hide to Lacci by @noahgibbs in #343
- Change warning to warn for all log stuff by @noahgibbs in #344
- Add comment about necessary command for change_my_audio_source by @noahgibbs in #345
- Implement Slot#app, move append/clear and child methods to slots only by @noahgibbs in #347
- Remove old built gemfile and ignore built gems in the future by @noahgibbs in #350
- Stub out LIB_DIR in a fairly Wasm-specific way, maybe to revisit later. by @noahgibbs in #353
- Don't require things until needed for image or download by @noahgibbs in #354
- Bloops gem should be required by the display service, not core Scarpe by @noahgibbs in #351
- WIP demo of a guitar fretboard using bloops by @eightbitraptor in #340
- Hack days bloops prep by @noahgibbs in #326
- Scarpe components by @noahgibbs in #355
- Move unit test helpers, but not assertions, into Scarpe-Components by @noahgibbs in #356
- Clean up duplicated unit test code by @noahgibbs in #357
- Fix typo in event loop handling by @noahgibbs in #358
- Move glibui and libui into spikes by @Schwad in #360
- Update status report, and references to old display libs by @Schwad in #361
- Docs-build workflow that doesn't use new GitHub Actions deployment by @noahgibbs in #362
- Move most Scarpe-components stuff into a Components namespace by @noahgibbs in #366
- Docs updates by @noahgibbs in #364
- Extract Webview-specific log config from the test-helper log config by @noahgibbs in #367
- Should have a Gemfile.lock committed. Trim out glimmer-libui dependency by @noahgibbs in #368
- Actually run Lacci and Scarpe-Components tests by @noahgibbs in #371
- Add segmented Scarpe app files, reuse more of exe/scarpe by @noahgibbs in #369
- Fix merge problems - wasn't setting logger dir in some tests by @noahgibbs in #373
- Add x86_64-linux to Gemfile.lock so it works for our docs build by @noahgibbs in #372
- Move lib/scarpe/glibui.rb out of the way by @noahgibbs in #377
- Small Scarpe CLI fixes by @noahgibbs in #374
- Make sure file_helpers can be required without requiring other Scarpe components by @noahgibbs in #375
- Scarpe Webview code should be under a Webview module by @noahgibbs in #378
- Collect Rubocop violations for 60 days by @Schwad in #381
- Add Custom Error Classes by @chahmedejaz in #385
- Make it easier to load segmented .scas files without immediately running the app and/or tests by @noahgibbs in #379
- Use error classes for Lacci and Scarpe-Components by @noahgibbs in #388
- Decommission ControlInterfaceTest system by @noahgibbs in #387
- Move HTML widget rendering to Calzini by @noahgibbs in #380
- Add instructions for installation on M1 by @Esseme in #392
- generating files is broken due to repo changes by @gintama91 in #397
- para text by @gintama91 in #395
- Add default per-widget styles to Lacci widgets, and a style() method by @noahgibbs in #390
- Use a specific test object for CatsCradle, not Shoes::App by @noahgibbs in #396
- Add "animate" and "every" Shoes calls by @noahgibbs in #394
- Fix Shoes current app dir; add DIR for Shoes gem dir by @noahgibbs in #402
- listbox choose by @gintama91 in #403
- fetch release name and build type from changelog by @gintama91 in #400
- Several large renames and a version bump by @noahgibbs in #401
New Contributors
- @eightbitraptor made their first contribution in #328
- @chahmedejaz made their first contribution in #385
- @Esseme made their first contribution in #392
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0