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Mark Janssen edited this page Jun 7, 2019 · 13 revisions

One doesn't pass into the culture to "feel the vibe" or be part of it. One is always outside of the circle that presses on everyone, thereby one can guide it. To do this the Jedi rely on passive listening whereby the entirety of oneself perceives, without focus. In this way the force of the event penetrates and informs the body at the cellular and sub-cellular levels so that the Jedi stay in tune at the micro and macro levels to the Cosmos.

There are only two ways to confront an enemy: head on or covertly. Head-on is when lives or resources are at stake or when the enemy engages you. Covertly offers time to understand the enemy and his/her weak points. The dilemma for ronin (independent, non-Jedi, "warriors") is knowing who the enemy is, but the Jedi are already engaged with the powers of the world and have mastered it. They know who the enemy is -- it is the Jedi's job to be aware of other powers emerging, to sense such activities before they even show up on the radar of leaders.

Don't go head to head with an enemy, if you can help it. The Jedi must be keenly aware of what's happening and the dynamics at play at every moment. The Jedi inserts herself in-between events so as to make time.

For the Jedi, there is no luck. There is only the Force. The Jedi keeps aware of the polarities and holds them in balance, so s/he knows how "luck" will turn out, unless, of course, the Force itself is concealed. In which case, the Jedi is turning the whole world by his/her own action(s).

A Jedi would never shove or affront another human being. For the Jedi, every person and interaction is a possible interaction with the Spirit or the Force. And because of that s/he treats the world with the utmost respect -- not deference, nor absentmindedness.

The Jedi have to cultivate an active mind and perpetual dialog with the human soul.

With apologies for don Juan Matus (and the Toltecs) for using the power world of Carlos Casteneda to make a path for others. It is not clear the right path that the Spirit wants on this planet at the moment. Feel free to contact me to try to work that question into answers.
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