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Mark Janssen edited this page Dec 17, 2018 · 10 revisions

Drugs. Seems like you're taking control over your own life, right? Because, what... you invented them? Doubt it.

Are drugs your way of saying "Fuck the man!"? Because the Man ain't scared.

Listen, here at Gotham City, we know how you need to "decompress", to "get away" from it all. We're not depriving you of that. Nor are we enlisting you into some program to control or exploit you for some lo-fi interest like the nation-state or the "american economy".

Every state that you seek from drugs is reproducible by cleaning out your own life, learning some discipline so that you can accomplish very basic fucking tasks, and taking on some challenges so that you can see the view from some epic vistas, naturally. Capisce? Once you do that, you can start making your own.

Until then, climb a mountain, set up camp at the edge of a waterfall, pick some fruit from the wildlands, get up and watch the sunset from there and feel the tranquility of the morning mist. That's just the beginning.

Seriously, you might as well be masterbating....

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